Date Finished

After everyone put their dresses away, we continued cultivating. Taking breaks in between to make sure we enjoyed each other's company to the fullest. All the while I was comprehending the potential Divine Ability Manifestations I could gain from the resources I refined. 

"I think the ability I used before... I'll call it the Evil Banishing Divine Light..." I thought.

"That's an excellent name for it, Young Master. I can already feel there is a response with that ability." Feng Qing answered while cultivating in my Knowledge Sea..

"Yeah, it's a bit... Different now, as if giving it the perfect name has increased its true potential. I'll inform Mother Smiles about this later. But now... I want to develop a new ability using the Fire Elements." I replied, continuing the discussion. 

"Understood, Young Master, I will make sure to work on my lotus ability as well. I already have a few Ideas." Feng Qing giggled in my Knowledge Sea.. 

"Good, with the way things are going I should have an ability finished by the time we head to the next place in the Star Boundary. Good luck Feng Qing." I smirked, ending the conversation. 

Now then, we have some time, let's get some calculations finished up here. A Volcanic Lava Source... Well that's just Magma, or rather molten rock. And since it is the source... Heh heh... Oh boy the Ink Clan is going to wish they could fight someone other than me.

~ The Week Outside The Oasis Finished ~

My wives and I made ourselves look proper. Clothed in perfect fashion. I gave each of them a kiss before taking the Oasis down. 

"Now then, let's continue our trip. There are still several places I'd like to experience together with all of you." I said with a loving smile. 

"""Let's go!""" My wives cheered in unison. 

~ 2 Months Later ~

~ High Heaven Palace ~

"The Young Palace Master has been gone nearly 3 months now. Has he forgotten about the classes he had decided to set up?" Hua Qing Si sighed, at a table with Su Yan and several others. 

"Don't worry, my darling boy won't forget about that. It's just that he realizes the importance of being with his women. So don't worry too much." Su Yan smiled. 

"That's right, Master and I have been able to take care of teaching the chosen children in the meantime. So there isn't any problem... Well, it is a bit difficult to talk about those kinds of things to children. But the little girls seem to learn very fast. One of them has already made quite the advancement, despite being so young." Xia Ning Chang said, in her soft, kind and timid voice. 

"I see, but that's exactly why he needs to return. And it's not just that. There are other matters having his approval on... Well, it's not really needed but, it would be a good thing for him to make the decision on." Hua Qing Si said, with a slight exasperation. Seriously, I'm so tired. I want to take a break but after Yang Leiji came into the picture there has been so much extra work as of late. He better make good on that other promise of his. Hua Qing Si thought as she pouted slightly. 

"Ah, that's great news mother Xia, I'll have to meet this child and see just how well they are doing. I do hope that Martial Uncle Wonderous Pill has some good things to say about the boys. Otherwise I might have to make more work for our already strapped Alchemists." I said, appearing in the room with a teleport, my wives were behind me as well. 

I had completed the rest of the outfit I had started for them. And now they each have a pair of shoes that fit them perfectly. But it isn't just any pair of shoes. No, I made them out of materials from all of the places we visited in the Star Boundary. They serve as reminders of the path we walked through the very Star Boundary. 

"Oh my, don't you all look absolutely stunning. And, Congratulations Huo Lei and Xiu Che, on your advancement to the Emperor Realm. You now give off a much more steady aura." Su Yan said, complimenting her daughter-in-laws. 

"You honor us mother. But it is thanks to my husband that we have achieved this realm and acquired such amazing outfits." Huo Lei said, in her dignified voice, bowing to Su Yan. 

"There is no need to be so humble. My son helped you, but you still had to put forward the effort yourself. And that in itself is an admirable feat. After all, keeping up with him is probably impossible." Su Yan commented, looking at the wine in her cup and then up at me. 

"Mother, I simply have an overwhelming advantage. If one were to have a similar advantage they wouldn't find it too difficult to match pace... Though, I suppose an advantage like that is impossible." I said, getting closer and kneeling down in front of Su Yan. 

"Well, considering what I learned from this wine you made... I don't think anyone will ever catch up to you. You're simply that powerful, and it looks like you've grown stronger. Which is good. I'm excited to see the day when you break through to open heaven. But, I am much more excited for the day you give me grandbabies." Su Yan smiled. 

"""Add to the count!""" All my wives said in unison. With a big smile on their faces and a nod to Su Yan expressing their thanks. 

"In that regard I will not fail you. And I will also abide by our family rules in this regard. Once I have a living, adult, sibling. There will be nothing that will stop me from making good on that promise. However, Father can not raise them in Void World this time, They should grow up with the experience I had lacked. To know a mothers love from birth and throughout their life." I said, showing no annoyance at the number increasing. "Furthermore, I have about 25 sets of materials from the Gourd Vine. Would you like me to hand them to you, Mother Hua, or deal with them myself?" I added, turning my head to address Hua Qing Si.