High Heaven Future Potential (2)

With a motion I made a wine jar appear in each of the three's hands. The looks on their faces were utterly priceless. Even if this costs me quite a bit now, This should give them all a powerful resistance to the corruptive force of Ink. 

"Young Master, I will not fail High Heaven Palace!" One of the three said... His eyes were fixated on me, like a humbly loyal warrior. 

"Hmm, you have a bit more promise it seems. If you were able to see the significance of that jar of wine already... Interesting... You should wait to refine your elements a bit longer. There might be a way for you to see higher heights in the future." I said with a confident smirk. "Head Manager, tell me, are there any Low Heaven Cultivation rooms currently available?" I added, addressing Hua Qing Si.

"Young Master... Those rooms are prestigious and usually reserved for the highest potential Disciples. Though there should be one available." Hua Qing Si replied, getting my meaning, after all I already knew since I could literally feel everything in Star Boundary. "Take the Disciple to an open Low Heaven Cultivation Room. He has the potential to achieve the 7th rank directly if only given a little more time." She instructed, after seeing my nod. "The Young Master will sponsor the rental." She said with a smile. 

"Congratulations, cultivate well." I remarked standing up and patting the man's shoulder. 

"But, Young Master! I can't accept such a gift. I have already been blessed with this Jar of wine containing an immense power, for you to sponsor my cultivation as well is... " The man said, emotionally. 

"Ahahaha, don't feel bad about it. And just accept it, after all is said and done, a potential 9th rank is a massive boon to our strength. It doesn't matter if one is bound by blood. Our Palace is not so closed minded to not allow for such a situation. With a little help now, the seed will grow into a mighty tree! A bastion against the enemy and a protector for their allies." I explained walking away to look up at the tapestry that hung behind the throne. "Look at that symbol! A glorious one, throughout many difficulties. Yet it still endures! High Heaven Palace! Do we seek simply our limits? Do we strive for just our lot? Or do we claim our power and change our fates!" I continued in a deep tone, one that has been through war, just to carry the true significance of my words. "So I ask you now, will you refuse my gift and accept your limits at the 8th rank? Or will you grab hold of what has been predestined and reshape it for yourself!" I continued further, turning around and emitting a regal thunderous aura. My hand making a fist in the process. 

This time it wasn't just the man who looked dumbfounded. They, while still only Dao Seal Realms, could sense that my power was far greater than what should have been possible. That and the simply regal air, befitting one that stands above many, One that calls orders from the front, not the rear. 

"I will... No! I GRATEFULLY ACCEPT! I WILL BREAK THROUGH TO 7TH RANK DIRECTLY!" The man said with heartfelt admiration. This man before me, I will not fail his expectations!

"Excellent! Now go and make your words reality." I smirked again, retracting my aura again. Returning the lighter hearted side of myself. "Now then, as for the two of you. Since you were incapable of perceiving the weight behind that wine in your hands, I will not be expecting you to break through to the 7th rank. I have personally experienced that level of power, and if you can't sense that wine, you don't have a high chance of managing the breakthrough. That said, I would be just tickled if you managed to pull it off. I might even give you an extra reward. So I will give you a choice. Break through to 6th rank first, or, take up to twice as long as your peer to see if you have the ability to exceed my expectations? If you choose the latter, I would like to hear what you wish for a reward. That way I may prepare for it." I said. 

The last two were a man and a woman. They seemed to be rather close to each other. And upon hearing the potential for a sponsorship to the 7th rank and an additional reward on top of that, they looked at each. They nodded and then looked back at me. 

"We would ask that our marriage be officiated by Lord Palace Master himself!" The man said with excitement. 

"And we would also wish for children. Many of them." The woman blushed as she stated it out loud. 

"I see, I might not be able to fulfill that first wish of yours... My father is quite busy as it is though, I will see what I can do about that. If I am unable, would you be opposed to myself and the other Great Emperors?" I asked, putting a hand to my chin in thought. 

The two looked at each other. "No, if a Great Emperor of Star Boundary officiates our union then it is the same as the world performing it. We would still accept this outcome so long as it is the Young Master. It would mean more to be recognized by the head family of High Heaven Palace." The man answered with a mixed tone. 

"Hmm, that is indeed something that I, can promise. That said, I will do my best to convince my father. However, you should understand that all of this hinges on your advancement." I said, explaining the situation once again to make sure they knew. 

"With this we surely won't fail." The man said, yet the woman remained quiet, just staring at me as if expecting something. 

"Now then, while the first request must be malleable, the second one does not. Grant a couple the ability to conceive is a simple matter for some such as myself. I will even refine the pills for you myself. However many desire up to 10. Anymore and..." I said with a soft and sincere smile. 

"I'll work harder than anyone else!" The woman said beaming with determination. And the man grimaced hearing the number 10.