High Heaven Future Potential (3)

"Excellent! Now go and Cultivate diligently. For you too, shall be sponsored by my High Heaven Palace." I said, extending my arms out to the sides in a generous motion. "Now then, the three of you should leave now." I add. 

"With so much motivation, it would be foolish of us to refuse. Expect great things, Young Palace Master!" The woman exclaimed with a passionate excitement.

"I will work with the utmost diligence to not fail the Young Master's expectations." The man said. 

The previous future hopeful 7th rank direct promoter nodded in agreement, having already announced and overwhelmingly declared his intent to not let his Young Palace Master down. And then a Manager under Hua Qing Si was ordered to escort them to their destinations, Low Heaven Cultivation Rooms. 

A Low Heaven Cultivation Room, a highly sought after chamber for all emperors and Dao Seal Realms. It is in these chambers the elite of the elite cultivate with the hopes of achieving the potential of breaking through to the 7th rank directly. If one can not be deemed worthy enough for this room they will be given High Earth Rooms instead. 

A High Earth Room isn't too different in each of its individual aspects but, when combined together the difference is enough that if someone cultivates in one, the road to 7th rank direct promotion is highly unlikely. But, it is still very much possible, merely a bit more difficult and time consuming. Of course that is assuming the average cultivator uses these rooms. 

Heh, to think I hadn't known about these rooms when I read this series in my previous life... Either I forgot about them labeling them as insignificant details or they were simply left unmentioned. Either way, I'm glad I learned of them before this little meeting occurred. With proper arrangement of these rooms our forces will be all the higher. I thought as the three had finished exiting the room. 

"The rest of you will be given the 5th rank resources and a jug of the very same wine. I expect you all to succeed. But don't worry too much, with the nature of my power I can definitely give you the edge you'll need. Though, I will add, you should not use the ability to fall back on me to be neglectful of your own ability. And to make sure of this..." I paused with a smirk, standing just in front of the throne, facing the hopeful disciples. "Martial Uncle Shen, Martial Uncle Ning!" My voice both bellowed and didn't at the same time. It was loud and quiet, Serene and demanding. It was a clear articulation of an immediate summons. 

Shen Ao and Ning Qi Zhi both appeared in the Throne hall within a breath of time. They had a confused, worried and yet hopeful look on their faces. It was like they were excited to finally get something to do. 

"What is it you wish for us to do, Martial Nephew?" Ning Qi Zhi said with a cheerful and upbeat tone, holding a low salute. 

"I will be giving each of you 11 of these 22 disciples. They won't be official disciples but I expect you to guide them as well as their low and mid rank open heaven masters in some of the profundities of the realm." I explained, looking at their faces sink with a little annoyance. This was against the norm I guess. But, this will change their minds. "Once all the Disciples given to you have broken through to the Half-open heaven realm I will give you a Jar of the Wine I made specifically for high end 6th ranks. And once they all reach the open heaven realm, I will give you a 7th rank brew of the wine as well. On top of that, the Martial Uncle that has the higher quality results will be given an additional 2 Jars." I explained knowing exactly what their faces would turn into, or so I thought. "Hmm, you still aren't excited? Explain, usually you would jump all over just for regular wine, let alone the one I make." I asked. 

"Well, the thing is Martial Nephew... Doesn't this step on their toes? It's also not the customary thing to do. I want that wine but I'm not positive that this is a good idea." Shen Ao explained. 

"I see, it is possible that I may have overlooked something. Even I have a few things I can not predict accurately. But if you'd like, shall I explain why this won't be a problem?" I said with a half sigh. That sigh shocked everyone else in the room aside from Hua Qing Si. After all, the others didn't know what it takes to have the capital to talk to me like that. The list of who can, is rather short. 

"With the experiences we have had in the past, using your unconventional use of things... I would be willing to do this if we hear the reason." Ning Qi Zhi replied standing tall, waiting for my response. 

"Attempting the same thing over and over again expecting dramatically different results is not only the height of arrogance but, also, stupidity. I desire a smart and strong army. You should know everything else that can't be said at the moment. Even if I would much rather stop keeping that secret in particular." I explained, hiding my annoyance. I sat down on the throne lifting a leg to rest upon the opposite knee. I leaned and supported my head with a fist. "Furthermore, my existence is already unconventional. After all, my own Mother didn't actually give birth to me directly. It was through a series of small coincidences that came together in just the right way. So... Are you denying my existence? And all of my proven effective methods?" I added, my face stern and serious. 

The two martial uncles took a moment and looked at each other. Then they started laughing. 

"I'm gonna be the one to win that wine brother Ning! Ahahaha!" Shen Ao laughed out, hands on his hips and leaning back. 

"Oh, Brother Shen, I think you're mistaken. Because it is I who will win the grand prize!" Ning Qi Zhi laughed in a similar manner to Shen Ao.