High Heaven Future Potential (4)

"That's the spirit. This look suits Martial Uncles much better than the concerned look earlier. I'll begin dividing the disciples in a way so neither of you will have an overall advantage over the other." I smiled, then snapped my fingers.

In front of each of the remaining 22 Disciples, appeared their Wine and Open Heaven Resources inside of a rather high quality space ring. Along with the ring came a token with the name Shen or Ning. However the look in their eyes was firmly stuck upon the rings. Baffled at how large the space inside was.

"Hmm, perhaps it's too early for you to use those rings... That doesn't bode well... Very well then, I'll hold a few lessons on the Dao of Space once every 6 months. Head Manager, Make sure everyone at the Dao Source Realm and above know that this is a required lecture for all High Heaven Disciples." I said with a serious and worried look.

"How big are those rings exactly, Young Palace Master?" Hua Qing Si asked, nodding that she acknowledged my order.

"Hmm, I'd say they are about the same size as a peak 3rd rank Open Heaven's Small Universe, Of course, this is just the space inside. So it's not too large. What do you three think?" I explained, with a raised brow.

"Eh, Young Master Leiji sees from a higher height than others. While small compared to myself, brother Ning and even to the head manager's Small Universe... It is not something I would expect the average Dao Seal Realm to handle." Shen Ao replied, verifying the size for himself with his divine sense.

"I agree with brother Shen, Young master. This ring is a bit too powerful for them at the moment. But if you have bothered to give this out... Do you intend on recollecting these?" Ning Qi Zhi asked.

"Ahahaha!" I bellowed a hearty laugh. "Oh martial uncles, you're too much sometimes. All thoughts who have reached the Dao Seal Realm should have the ability to sense at least this much. If not they will undoubtedly fail to ever reach the 7th rank in lifetime. For their foundation would be far too weak to handle the pressure." I said with a light hearted smile wiping the tears that formed from laughing so hard.

"Wait, is that true?" Hua Qing Si asked nervously with a bead of sweat dripping instinctively.

"Ah, well I suppose it's different for everyone but, it would require a change in one's mindset. For example, it is much harder to improve the quality of one's foundation while in the open heaven realm. Which means if someone shies away from this little challenge I have presented in front of them, then they will definitely not succeed. However, if they muster up the courage in the future to truly expand their limits then things will be different." I explained, calmly reassuring the room. "I can say these things as a result of many factors. But, I'll share this with you... My small realm is just as large as a new 5th rank's Small Universe. And it is growing, yet I am not an Open Heaven Realm." I added, in a tone that indicated my words were not merely boastful.

"That honestly doesn't surprise me... So, the rings? They aren't the largest that exist but then again, no one really needs that much space anyway. So they are quite valuable. Would you have them return these rings to you?" Shen Ao sighed asking the question I purposefully ignored.

"Oh, those rings are valuable? How valuable exactly? I didn't think they would be worth much." I asked with an interested smile.

"You could sell one of these rings for the same price as a set of 4th rank materials on the low end to 1 5th rank material, perhaps a little more towards the higher end." Ning Qi Zhi answered.

"Hmm, I see, then ten of these rings is nearly equivalent to the price of a 6th rank material... Interesting. Well, I don't desire them to be returned. You should use it to practice with. Once you've become accustomed with a space ring of that size it will be a huge boon to your strength." I said. "Now then you may take your disciples and give them instruction. I look forward to the results." I added.

"Of course. Martial Nephew may rest easy in this matter, we will take on as much as we can to help alleviate your worries." Shen Ao said.

"And we look forward to the results of your breakthrough. It is certainly going to be earth shattering and heaven rendering." Ning Qi Zhi chuckled out.

"Don't get too excited, I have refined only 3 resources as of now. The fire element is not a fun experience but it was well worth it." I said.

Shen Ao and Ning Qi Zhi nodded with a smirk and then escorted the disciples they were responsible for out of the hall. The only two left in the room were myself and Hua Qing Si. Hua Qing Si was seemingly a little embarrassed.

"Hmm, you know I said that thing about the rings just to motivate them right?" I asked, looking at Hua Qing Si.

"I know, but what if they manage to actually pull it off?" Hua Qing Si asked, curiously.

"In that case they will get a reward. I'll be tracking their progress using my link to Star Boundary. Moreover, while I said a 9th rank is better than an 8th rank, the same is true for an 8th rank to 7th rank and continuously on down. Nothing to be ashamed of. But, the 9th ranks we nurture now... The easier it will be to deal with the hordes of the Ink Clan." I said with a warm smile. "Isn't that right, future mother Hua?" I added.

"Yes! With more 9th ranks at the ready the better. And if we can't get as many of them as we like, we should continue to have everyone strive for as high they can possibly muster. Even if it takes them a little more time to develop. A future 6th in ten years is better than a 5th rank now." Hua Qing Si said with a much brighter look on her face. "Now, as for the other matter regarding... Him." Hua Qing Si started.