Xiu Ding Ai's Favorite Place

"As you wish, Young Palace Master." Hua Qing Si bowed slightly, this was the first time she saw just how fast I'll flip my switch for those close to me. "Seniors, today has met with misfortune. You should not delay and take your leave now. We will send invitations for another time. However, it won't be until after this offense is remedied. All of your forces are now forbidden to use the World Tree. Though the disciples who have started cultivating under it, will not be forced to leave." Hua Qing Si announced, with a bit more conviction than she usually has. 

"This… Then we will take our leave." Yu Xiang Die said, attempting to contest and then realized it was better not to. 

Another Elder helped Zhuo Bu Qun out of the room. There was no way he was going to be moving on his own in the state he was in. This was part of the reason Yu Xiang Die didn't continue her attempt. It didn't take long for most of them to leave. The stragglers were simply confused and or in awe at how I acted. Chief among them was Hong Xiang Ling. 

"Yang Boy, while today has brought about unfortunate circumstances. I am pleased to see that reaction. Fearlessly acting in less than an instant for the sake of family… I don't think there is a better suitor I could entrust my precious disciple to." Hong Xiang Ling said, with a respectful simple bow, one that was meant to show his sincerity. 

"My actions today are nothing to be praised. It is what all should do. Protecting family is paramount. Today I have shown that a wild dog lashing out is nothing more than a whipped pup. Perhaps he would learn how to act if he was forced to that battlefield." I replied, still not showing him my face. 

The meaning of refusing to grant him this courtesy is self-evident. Each of the Cave Heaven Paradises have been closely knitted. However, one still dared to create problems. 

"Furthermore, even if it wasn't family. If it was even a mortal of my Star Boundary, I would have done the same." I added after a short pause. 

"I see, I look forward to the invitation. Next time I will bring my disciple to visit." Hong Xiang Ling said, before turning and leaving. He was the last one to leave. 

I took Xiu Ding Ai from Su Yan and held her close, as I took my seat again. Flower Shadow Great Emperor walked up and greeted me. 

"Nephew Temporal Thunder, I apologize for the trouble our sudden appearance caused. I was unaware you were entertaining such… guests." Flower Shadow Great Emperor said, sitting down in a chair, with several maids bringing tea and other luxuries. "I must say, the service you give us is much better than for those that were just here." She added with a giggle as a masseuse came and massaged her shoulders. 

"This is the treatment I give to those who come announced, with an appointment and are undoubtedly friendly. As opposed to the interlopers that appeared out of nowhere, with uncalled for, indirect questions that waste my time." I replied. 

"Indeed, indeed you're a good nephew to have. I came to ask if you were ready to do more of those veins? You know, before you go into seclusion again." Flower Shadow Great Emperor asked. "I brought little Ding Ai with me because she wanted to see her big brother in-law. Her progress has been quite good. She really is an excellent seedling. She is just too precious. So I have to thank you, thank you for intervening just now. I doubt I would have been able to do it without her getting hurt in some way." She added. 

"It's fine, I was trying to get those fools out of here before you arrived anyway. And so long as Ding Ai isn't hurt anywhere the man doesn't deserve death. But he definitely must be sent to the front lines at once. He has no business being an Elder with an attitude like that. And especially not in front of me. I'm sure that if it had been my father here, instead of me, that Zhuo Bu Qun, dog, would definitely be dead." I explained, checking Ding Ai for any hidden dangers. 

"Big Brother! Master is really nice! She teaches me a whole lot of things! And soon I'll break through to the separation and reunion realm! And my senior sisters there are all super nice and they're all pretty!" Xiu Ding Ai said cheerfully, nuzzling into me.

"That's fantastic. While I may not have much say in it, it is good to progress slowly and make sure not to miss anything. Only then will you truly maximize the power of your Cultivation. There are some exceptions but they don't number very high." I said, patting Ding Ai on the head warmly, just as my wives entered the room. 

"""INCREASES THE COUNTER!""" My Wives said in unison and then began giggling to each other. 

"Ah, it's big sister! Big brother saved me from a big meanie earlier. So now I get to snuggle up to him." Xiu Ding Ai smiled happily. 

"Oh? I see, he's comfy isn't he…" Xiu Che smirked, as my other wives went pfft. 

"Big brother is warm and cuddly." Xiu Ding Ai giggled. 

"What's better? This or what your favorite thing is over at Myriad Flower Valley?" Xiu Che asked, coming over close. 

"Hmm, my favorite thing at Myriad Flower Valley." Xiu Ding Ai answered. 

"Oh? And why's that?" I asked. 

"Because, it's a giant herbal bath and senior sisters play games and talk about cool topics together there. And sometimes they even snuggle up close like this but… It's much softer." Xiu Ding Ai explained, innocently. 

"I see, such a thing would definitely be a bit more enjoyable." I sighed, acting like it bothered me. 

"Oh, but big brother! I feel like being this close to you is helping me stabilize my foundation more. It's a completely different feeling. And it's just so warm and cozy!" Xiu Ding Ai said quickly. 

"""Pfft""" The room went. 

"Hmm, I have been known to have that ability. Though, if you can actually feel it well enough to describe it like that…" I began explaining, then stopped noticing that she had fallen asleep.