Waiting For The 3rd

"She really does look comfortable." Flower Shadow Great Emperor smiled softly. 

"This reminds me of when Husband would cultivate with his dragon body wrapped around the World Tree. The children in the village, regardless of race, would fall asleep quite often." Huo Lei explained walking over to stand next to me.

"So this isn't just a familial phenomenon then. Interesting… Since that's the case, it does answer a few questions about why Nephew Temporal Thunder is so strong." Flower Shadow Great Emperor said, sipping some tea.

"Well, I took the liberty of investigating my predecessors of my main Dao. It seems to me they all lacked something. A key understanding they couldn't grasp. It is likely because they had no words to describe it with. I, on the other hand, do not have this problem. And my successors will have an easier time understanding it as well. Though, it is still imperfect as the words simply don't translate well." I said, calmly. 

"I see, so there is a loss in translation then. How far have you got in fully translating the words?" Flower Shadow Great Emperor asked. 

"Hmm, I'd say about 1% at most. But, even that much would undoubtedly be a huge step up from where the achievements of this Dao have reached in the past. It's actually quite sad to see there aren't many who follow this path. A shame really…" I said in a musing tone. 

"Oh? Why might that be?" Bustling World Great Emperor asked, having appeared in the room now. 

"Well, first, don't take this the wrong way. But, the Dao I practice is only matched by one. And not even my father has mastered it. Only when the power of Space and time become Spacetime, can the Dao of Thunder and Lightning, truly be challenged. All others are born of this Dao, after all." I explained. 

"Hmm? Isn't that Chaos though? Given from the understanding we have, Chaos bred Yin Yang and then from there all the others were created. So… Wait, is the reason your Dao is so… Because you mean that kind of lightning?" Bustling World Great Emperor asked as a bead of sweat dripped in his realization. 

"Seems you've figured it out. Congratulations. You're correct, the Dao I practice is not simply Lightning. But the very source of this power… Chaos itself! If it wasn't for this, my title would have been very different." I said with a light chuckle. 

"I see, that makes a lot more sense. So… You're One with Dao Divine Body… It… It is that of Chaos!" Flower Shadow Great Emperor exclaimed in a bit of shock. 

"Indeed, How else do you think I'd be able to beat the ever living tar out of 7th rank open heaven? I'm still a great emperor. And this would usually be impossible. Yet, for me, it is almost as easy as breathing." I confirmed. 

"This explains even more. Wait… You're not planning on fighting Ink's main body, are you?" Bustling World Great Emperor asked. 

"Alright, let's discuss other topics for now. It's best not to discuss gloomy topics like these in the presence of children, even if they are sleeping." I said, clearly refusing to answer the question. 

"I see… So you are unsure of what will happen then. Very well, I won't press you on it. So then, how many more of us will there be this time?" Bustling World Great Emperor asked. 

"Just the three of us… It will be difficult, but I have grown far stronger since the last time. I think we can do it with just us. And I'd like to finish as many of them as possible before Wu Kuang returns." I answered. 

"Wu Kuang… He is returning? Why?" Flower Shadow Great Emperor asked, worriedly. 

"He is the reincarnation of Shi, one of the first 10 originators of the Open Heaven method. And if we really want to have a chance at defeating Ink… The reincarnation of Shi is essential… I'd argue even more important than I am." I explained. 

"That is quite hard to believe. But, not impossible either. Just how much knowledge about the situation do you have?" Bustling World Great Emperor asked. 

"I know far more than anyone else. And I intend to keep it this way for a little longer. It's best for the situation over there to not change too much. So until I achieve the open Heaven Realm, Wu Kuang is the only other person I can share any other information with. I'm also going to find a way to temper his mindset a little bit. Don't want him going rogue on us. Cause then I'd have no choice but to kill him." I explained. 

"I know you're powerful, but Wu Kuang is not your average cultivator either." Flower Shadow Great Emperor asked, curiously. 

"HAHAHA, Wu Kuang? Beat me? I assure you such a thing is not possible. Even if he used his devouring ability to the highest he could, he would explode from eating too much, well before my energy reserves dried up." I laughed at the thought. "Do not overestimate his abilities while underestimating my own." I added. 

Yawn "Big brother, can I sleep longer? You're really warm and cozy." Xiu Ding Ai asked, rubbing her eye, cutely. 

"Sadly, it is time for me to get to work. You can come over again sometime and nap then. How's that?" I smiled. 

"Awe, fine. I know big brother has a lot to do. But, what if I grow up to be too old before then?" Xiu Ding Ai asked with a pouty face.

"Don't worry, I always make time for family. So just keep up the good practices with your cultivation. Make sure to listen to your master, keep an open mind and remember all powers have another side to them. Light and dark, yin and yang, fire and ice, earth and wind. Understanding the principles of your opposite will have a strengthening effect on your own principles as well." I said giving Xiu Ding Ai some encouragement. 

"But? What is the opposite of yours, big brother?" Xiu Ding Ai asked curiously. 

"Hmm, all rules have an exception. But, if I had to guess… It would be the power of Hell. While I rule the strength of the Heavens, the strength of Hell is foreign and forever out of my reach." I answered, coming up with something on the spot.