Maplewood City

"Wait, so Big brother is still super strong even without the opposite power? How strong would you be with it?" Xiu Ding Ai asked with big bright, curious eyes.

"That's right. But this is the limit. I won't be able to go any further beyond the end of the heavens with this power. So I will have a point where there is nothing further. But, if I could get my hands on the understanding of Hell… I know I'll get stronger, as to how much I couldn't say. I'm not the type who relies on near impossibilities." I answered with a difficult smile. 

"Awe, I know big brother would be super powerful!" Xiu Ding Ai said with a half pout. 

"Alright, alright. I'd be super powerful. Now, I have work to do. You should stay here with your sister. I'll be borrowing your master for a few days anyways. So just enjoy this time." I said. Picking Xiu Ding Ai up, and handing her over to Xiu Che. 

"Don't worry about me big brother! I'll be sure to enjoy enough snacks for the both of us!" Xiu Ding Ai smiled as she grabbed hold of Xiu Che. 

"Ahahaha, that's good. Be sure to be respectful though. If you are good I'll give you a gift when I get back." I laughed, rubbing her head gently once again. 

I turned around and started walking out of the hall. Flower Shadow Great Emperor and Bustling World Great Emperor stood up and saluted Su Yan, respectfully, before following me out. When they were close enough, I, along with the two of them, vanished as if we were never there. 

"WOAH! Big brother is so cool!" Xiu Ding Ai exclaimed, unable to make complete sense of what she saw. 

"Leiji is a blessing, I want more time with him myself. But it's been difficult lately. I'm his mother for crying out loud. Can't he just forget about problems for one day?" Su Yan mused, making sure I felt it as well.

"Big sister, does that mean, this woman is Mother too?" Xiu Ding Ai asked her big sister. 

"That's right, She is really kind and accepting. She is my husband's mother. And thus also mine." Xiu Che smiled. 

"OH! WOW! No wonder when she held me earlier it felt all warm and fuzzy." Xiu Ding Ai said with a rosy smile of her own. 

"Mother hugs tend to have this inexplicable calming effect, don't they?" Huo Lei said, as her tails began moving rhythmically. 

"Alright, let's talk. I'd like to know how you feel about an important matter." Su Yan said, clapping her hands together. "But first, I want to hold little Ding Ai again." She added.

~ Somewhere In Starboundary ~

"Martial Nephew… Is that a bead of sweat I see? You didn't over exert yourself earlier did you?" Flower Shadow Great Emperor asked. 

"Ahahaha, nothing to be ashamed of Martial Nephew, you have many beautiful wives. It's only natural you'd feel a little drained." Bustling World Great Emperor chuckled. 

"No, it's not that I'm drained. My mother just sent me a signal. And now I'm a bit worried that I won't have a lot of time after I return. So let us make the most of our time now." I said with a nervous chuckle back. 

"Men really do have that type of thing on their minds all the time, don't they?" Flower Shadow Great Emperor murmured. 

"Hey, I heard that!" Bustling World Great Emperor shouted. 

"I know you did! You were meant to!" Flower Shadow Great Emperor shouted back. 

""Oh? Then answer me this: what's so wrong about thinking those sorts of things?" Bustling World Great Emperor shouted back. 

"Because it's vulgar! And there is so much more to it than just getting your own fleshy satisfaction!" Flower Shadow Great Emperor answered, almost in a low growl, still sounding feminine of course. 

"That's not…" Bustling World Great Emperor started. 

"Hey, that's enough. We are here now. Besides, you're both right. A man is justified to have those types of thoughts. But, there is also a far deeper meaning. I can say this for certain. As there have been numerous women that tried to have me take them. And I felt nothing. Not even the slightest tingle. Yet, if any of my wives were to smile in a slightly suggestive manner. That is a very different feeling." I explained. "Perhaps you should just marry each other at this point and have the first kid born of two Great Emperors of Star Boundary. Oddly enough your personalities match well enough." I added softly. 

"HELL NO!" Bustling World Great Emperor answered instantly. 

"Oh? And is there something wrong with me then? Stupid man." Flower Shadow Great Emperor asked, annoyed. Her face was now covered by her fan. A useless measure to hide her rosy cheeks. 

An Emperor Realm flies up to us from the city below. His face, full of nervousness. It was clear he didn't know what we were doing, flying over the city. But he also could tell at a glance he was less than no match for any of us, let alone the youngest of us he saw. Once he was close enough, he stopped moving and retained an amicable demeanor. 

"May I ask what Lords and Lady have come to my city to do today?" The Man said, indicating he was either the city's City Lord, or, a high ranking guest official of some sort. 

"Relax, I am here on my mission to repair Star Boundary. I am Temporal Thunder Great Emperor. And these two are Bustling World and Flower Shadow." I introduced ourselves. 

"I see, I am this Maplewood City's City Lord. If there is anything I can do to aid you Great Emperors say it and I'll make it happen." Maplewood City's City Lord said, with a relieved breath. 

"If you could seal the gates to the city and delay transport to and from for just a few hours, that would make this all go by quite quickly. In exchange I'll let you witness the events from above. It's sure to help your cultivation no matter what your Dao path may be." I said. 

"Right away Lord Temporal Thunder! Lord Void aided us in the past. I do not intend on getting in his son's way." Maplewood City's City Lord replied and set off to do just what I had asked of him.