Finishing Up Maplewood City

~ An Hour Later ~

"My Lord Temporal Thunder, the task is done." Maplewood City's City Lord said, breathing heavily. It was evident he had worked quite hard to get things done as fast as possible. 

"Hmm, so this is how fast a small city can be expected to get ready…" I murmured. 

"Uhm, my apologies, Lord Temporal Thunder for the slow speed." Maplewood City's City Lord said, sweating profusely. 

"Ah, no matter, tell me though, how much of the time came from finding these other Emperor Realms? It seems you've brought several friends with you this time." I asked. 

"This, I apologize, Lord Temporal Thunder but, when I explained the situation to them they followed me here of their own accord." Maplewood City's City Lord replied in a panic, he was now shaking in fear. 

"No, there's no need to worry about that. So long as they don't get in the way, everything will be fine. Just tell me how long it took you to add them? Was it significant or not?" I said, snapping my fingers, fixing his nerves instantly. 

"Uh, no Lord Temporal Thunder, the addition of these 15 Emperors was not of significant time loss." Maplewood City's City Lord answered, calmly. Surprising even himself. 

"Hmm, good. Then I now have a decent measure to go by. Fantastic. An hour or 2 for a small City to prepare itself. Not too bad. Excellent work. Now then. I shall begin. Let's put in a Mid grade vein this time. It won't take too long." I said, stretching my arms, cracking my fingers. 

"Are you saving the high and supreme ones for other places?" Bustling World Great Emperor asked, curiously. 

"No, I only have two supports. So starting off at a full sprint is not the best idea. This way the both of you don't tire out on me too quickly." I answered. 

"How thoughtful of Martial Nephew. You really know how to limit things, even if it doesn't seem like it at first." Flower Shadow Great Emperor giggled slightly, which very nearly enchanted the Emperors, men and women alike. 

"Alright, let's begin for real." I said, releasing a veritable surge of power causing quite the chaos where the surge went through. 

"""Woah, is this Martial Nephew's true power?""" Both Bustling World and Flower Shadow, asked, in unison and rather perplexed at the situation. 

"Oh this? It's nothing compared to what I can truly pull out. If the need arose I could very well deal with an 8th rank open heaven as I am now. That I am confident of however, I too won't be in great shape afterwards. But I'd definitely win." I said to them through a whisper. 

In response to hearing this Bustling World Great Emperor and Flower Shadow Great Emperor both took their positions across from each other, on either side of me. 

"I am Bustling World the Great Emperor!" 

"I am Flower Shadow the Great Emperor!" 

They called out their names, conveying their intent to link with me and Star Boundary all at once. And then clearly visible energy links were formed. Directly tying into the very essence of what it means to be a Great Emperor. 

"I am Temporal Thunder! I now take total command of Star Boundary and her power!" I announced aloud. 

Instantly the links between Bustling World, Flower Shadow and myself became… Heavy and thick. This was the strain we were dealing with. However, even though it was indeed an indescribable amount of pain… It was temporary. 

All the Emperors watched in complete amazement, though it steamed from different emotions though. It was understandable though since the world looked like it was splitting in two right underneath Maplewood City. Yet Maplewood City simply floated up and out of the way of what was to come next. 

I pulled a mid grade world vein from a special storage in my small realm. Floated it out to above the… Now an absolutely massive canyon. It looked as though it went down to the depths of an infinite unending abyss. This… Experience, caused several of the Emperors watching to gain an insight of gargantuan proportions. Several of them were already struggling to hold back their breakthrough. Likely due to wrongfully thinking that the event before them would be affected in any way. 

They continued to watch as structures made of nearly perfect world energy came stretching towards the vein I had just pulled out. The lightning and thunder continued ceaselessly. Shadows were ever present and never at the same time under the influence of the light from the lightning. And the World Bustled with extensive amounts of energy. Rapidly increasing in density and purity in this location while also doing the same across the whole of the Star Boundary, only to a lesser degree. 

After several incense sticks worth of time had passed. The connection was deemed successful and in response, the new vein rapidly expanded to cover the distance. Falling back into the chasm below. 

I moved my hands together making a clapping sound. The chasm closed up within just a few breaths. And Maplewood City was returned to its rightful place once more. All of its arrays remained intact as well. A huge problem that the City Lord no longer needed to deal with anymore. 

"Hmm, how are the two of you holding up?" I asked, Bustling World and Flower Shadow. 

"I can handle about 6 or so, though the number is more likely to be 5." Bustling World Great Emperor answered. 

"I am in a similar situation. But I should have a more accurate answer after one or two more." Flower Shadow Great Emperor answered. 

"I see, then since this is the case, I will give a short break to relax before we start the next one. I think the 1 to 2 hour wait should be enough, right? I'd like to get as much practice as I can. One day in the near future I intend on performing this feat alone." I explained stretching a little bit. "Oh, all of you may return to your own matters. Just make sure it is for the good of Star Boundary. Otherwise… Who can say what happens?" I instructed the City Lord of Maplewood City and the other Emperors. 

The Emperors and City Lord of Maplewood City saluted in reverence to three of the Great Emperors, as the three of us made way for the next city on the list.