Bustling World 7th Rank!

~ 3 Days Later ~

"Nephew Temporal Thunder, I think this is the last one I can do for now." Bustling World Great Emperor said, sweating something fierce. "And I know it may be a bother… But, could you help take me out of Star Boundary?" He continued, clearly struggling. 

"Martial Nephew, I am in much the same way. I gained some insights that were not present the first time when we all did this together." Flower Shadow Great Emperor echoed. 

"Hmm, very well, I'll take you both outside Star Boundary now. I am quite eager to see your success. All you need to do is not resist me." I said, with a smile. 

With a snap of my fingers I along with Bustling World and Flower Shadow, Teleported to just outside of Star Boundary. We were close, but not too close. So the effects of their breakthroughs would definitely not have any negative effects on Star Boundary. 

And then shortly later, numerous 6th rank Open Heavens came flying over to watch and learn. This was already a rare moment. No one would want to miss it. However, because there was still a woeful lack of apology from the Myriad Demons Cave Heaven, all of the 6th ranks from the Foreign Cave Heaven Paradises did not dare come too close. They understood it best to stay away from a guy that beat a 7th rank half to death in a matter of just over an instant. 

Some of them were more daring but they were from Yin-Yang Heaven. Since they had a marriage… Two marriages with High Heaven Palace & thus Void Land, it was only right they would have an easier way out when explaining themselves. It was like a barrier against harm. And in their case it was an invincible one, provided they don't go too far that is. 

"All of you pay attention. This chance doesn't come by often enough. I won't chase you away… But that doesn't mean you can pass this point." I said, setting up a barrier to show the limit. 

With the limit set, many seemed surprised by my declaration. Though, there wasn't a moment to spare for thinking about it. Bustling World Great Emperor's breakthrough to the 7th rank began. It was worthy of one breaking through the barrier of mid rank Open Heaven. 

"Young Master, this… This doesn't seem to be useful to you in any way that I can think of, is there?" Fang Qing asked curiously. 

"You're right. The plain truth is that I won't learn anything new from this. After all, nothing could possibly be better than the information that the dying World Spirit gave me back when I was an Origin King. However, I still must guard them while they do this." I explained, confirming Fang Qing's thoughts. 

"It is what you should do after all. Even still, pay close attention, this may not help with the breakthrough. It might have something beneath the surface." Fang Qing suggested. 

"Like where the power actually comes from? I already know the answer to that after seeing my father's breakthrough… That was intense. But, Senior Fang, there is no need to say these things. You and I already know the drill, Pay attention to anything and everything. No matter how small." I said, chuckling a little and Fang Qing just hmphed in my mind then went back to living in my small realm for a while. 

The breaths turned to moments and then to hours and then days. When Flower Shadow couldn't hold it back any longer either. She gave me a worried look.

"Martial Nephew, are you able to handle the both of us promoting? I can't hold it any longer without suffering backlash." Flower Shadow asked, straining heavily. 

"Martial Aunt should delay her breakthrough no longer. As for me, there is no need to worry. I'm strong, remember?" I said, with a slight smirk to show my confidence. 

And then it was at this moment the Flower Shadow Great Emperor's Breakthrough began. Suddenly a second torrent of enticing energy came bursting from the seams. However, it wasn't escaping anywhere. Instead the energy from both Bustling World and Flower Shadow were slowly condensing. Further amplifying the rate at which their cultivation soared during their breakthrough. 

Several days later, totaling 7 for Bustling World Great Emperor. The energy surrounding Bustling World Great Emperor surged once more… Only this time, it flowed towards himself, rapidly. And when it was done… A new 7th rank open heaven was born.

It was also at this time I felt a presence closing in and then a second one that seemed to be getting dragged along. Then there was another that I was more or less well acquainted with. The three of them passed right past my line. But not a soul dared complain. 

"These pills worked wonders! They were so effective I… Martial Nephew, it is thanks to the medicine you've gifted us that I have become like this." Jiu Feng exclaimed, ecstatic beyond measure. "It's been so long… I thought it was never going to happen! Thank you!" She continued. 

"Ah, so you're now with child then? Good! I'm glad to see you in such high spirits but, Martial Aunt… Can you stop shaking me for a moment. I have to make sure Martial Aunt Flower Shadow doesn't have any accidents." I said, with a twitching smile.

"Oh, hmm? I see… So Master was right." Jiu Feng said, realizing what she just did in front of so many people. 

"Sorry about that, Martial Nephew. Feng'er got a little more than a bit excited when she realized something was off about her condition." Martial Beast Great Emperor said nervously. "And you know how women get when they learn of this development. One of two ways." He added. 

"Ahahaha, congratulations. I'm sure you'll be an excellent father." Bustling World Great Emperor laughed, patting the dazed Li Wu Yi on the shoulder. 

"Ah, yes! Thank you!" Li Wu Yi replied in an unnaturally high pitched tone. 

"Hey, Martial Uncle, can you not use so much force casually like that? You've just broken through, you need to be careful. That could have seriously hurt Martial Uncle Li Wu Yi if I hadn't intervened in time." I said, annoyed that they were splitting my focus even more. 

"AH! Sorry about that… You heard the boy, we should wait to have drinks for a bit." Bustling World Great Emperor chuckled nervously.