Flower Shadow 7th Rank!

"So, Martial Nephew…" Martial Beast Great Emperor started, then looked at the foreign cultivators behind us, sighing and then looked back to me. "I heard about what happened the other day. There is something I'd like to discuss once Flower Shadow is done." He continued. 

"Hmm, It seems like you're not the only one who wants to ask something of me." I chuckled, seeing that Jiu Feng was adamantly staring at me. "We can talk after Martial Aunt finishes. It just so happens I could use a favor or two from Martial Uncle anyways." I added with a smile. 

"Excellent! You hear that Flower Shadow? You best succeed!" Martial Beast Great Emperor laughed loudly. 

Flower Shadow's energy stirred. The chaotic mass of enchanting energy began condensing and then further strengthening itself from some source. And her Small Universe began to solidify. A visual representation of her small universe was projected out as a result. Her breakthrough created a phenomenon. 

Creating a phenomenon at the Open Heaven Realm is difficult. This is because the Breakthrough is fundamentally different from all other Realms before it. The Breakthrough is internal. As a result, it is fairly difficult to ever see someone reach this point. Much less at the single most difficult barrier to breakthrough… The mid rank to high rank barrier, solidifying the Small Universe. 

After this phenomenon I made myself ready to take action. Things like these can end up having truly massive consequences if failed. I believed Flower Shadow wouldn't fail but… I wanted to be ready in case I was wrong.

Sure enough, after several long hours, Flower Shadow condensed the energy of her breakthrough with a nearly 100% efficiency, much better than Bustling World's breakthrough. And as a sign to show this result, Flower Shadow let out a breath, it was seemingly imbued with a different energy than her usual breath. She succeeded. 

"Martial Nephew, is this the power I saw in your memories? It feels oddly compatible with my methods. I'll have to practice with it regardless." Flower Shadow Great Emperor asked, flying close to me. 

"It sure is at the very least close. I'd like to see it after you get yourself a well deserved rest, Martial Aunt. But for the moment I dare neither confirm nor deny." I said, pulling out an empty scroll. "However, I will gift you this so you may study it in seclusion." I added, pouring a huge amount of information into the scroll. 

"Thank you… Martial Nephew, just how much is in this scroll? It's actually heavy." Flower Shadow Great Emperor asked. 

"Plenty to last Martial Aunt a good long while. But there is no need for thanks. Consider it a gift for breaking through to the 7th rank." I answered.

"Hehe, if you say it like that then what are you going to give to Bustling World? He just broke through too." Flower Shadow Great Emperor asked with a giggle. 

"Hmm, in that case… Consider it a gift from the older brother of your disciple." I chuckled a little as well. 

"Martial Nephew, don't be so cold hearted." Bustling World Great Emperor complained. 

"Fine, fine, if you're going to twist my arm… Then here, this should be perfect for you. Just, don't drink it yet, consolidate your cultivation a little first. You'll thank me later." I said, floating over a jar towards him and another towards Flower Shadow. 

"Ahahaha, now this is fantastic, Martial Nephew knows what suits me best!" Bustling World Great Emperor laughed, accepting the jar.

"Martial Nephew is that… Special wine?" Martial Beast Great Emperor asked. 

"Indeed, it is the very same stuff." I answered. "Now then, time to disperse the area." I added. 

The moment I said those words, the crowd of open heaven realms dispersed rapidly. No one wanted to remain close until after the problem a few days ago gets resolved. Something that won't be resolved for quite a while. 

"Martial Nephew, I'd like to enter Seclusion now. Can I trouble you to take care of little Ding Ai?" Flower Shadow Great Emperor asked. "Li Shi Qing has been staying over at High Heaven Palace these days, I'm sure she can help guide her junior's cultivation. Give this to Li Shi Qing and she will understand." She added, handing a token to me. 

"I see, I'm sure that everything will work out. But you don't have to ask me to take care of my little sister. That is something I will do regardless. Let your worries be none when in seclusion. Just don't take too long, or your precious disciple will be all grown up before you come back out." I said, accepting the token with care. 

"Good, then I'll go into seclusion now. Oh, one more thing, Jiu Feng, congratulations on your pregnancy. May this time be fruitful and enjoyable. Let us chat later over some tea." Flower Shadow Great Emperor smiled. 

"I'm going into seclusion now as well. This 7th rank power is truly something amazing. Brother Martial Beast, I'm sure you'll love this ability above all others. I think it might be more helpful to you than you may think." Bustling World Great Emperor said before flying off. 

"Ugh, why must he do that? Now I'm even more excited to break through. Got any ideas on this matter Martial Nephew?" Martial Beast Great Emperor, asked me. 

"Well, I'm not sure why they suddenly broke through, but… They were helping with World Veins. So that might have something to do with it." I said, unsure as to the reason why myself. 

"Then I'll do that! Come on, let's go!" Martial Beast Great Emperor said cheerfully. 

"Hmm, I'm not sure if we can do this with just the two of us. But, if you promise me something… I'd be willing to make an attempt on this, how about it?" I asked. 

"Oh? So it must be dangerous for the two of us to do this task. Very well, what do you want?" Martial Beast the Great Emperor asked. "Oh, was there a young woman in Spirit Beast Island that caught your eye? I'll introduce you! Not a problem, I'm sure whoever this young woman is, they would be overjoyed to catch the eye of a Great Emperor." He continued, laughing boisterously. 

"That's not it, but… This is what I want…" I said, finishing the request in a whisper.