Discussing Potential Future

Martial Beast Great Emperor looked confused and a bit embarrassed by my request. But then he thought about it more deeply. And a light smirk came across his face. He made sure to get a good look at my face, making sure I was serious. And then he sighed. 

"Are you sure that's what you want?" Martial Beast Great Emperor asked, with a serious look on his face as if to test me. 

"Indeed, this is all I want. Even if all you do is try, I will be satisfied." I explained, unwavering. 

"Ahahaha, I see. You really are committed to that goal. Very well, I'll do it, but… You need to make sure I have what is needed." Martial Beast Great Emperor laughed. 

"Excellent, the things needed aren't difficult for me to give. Once we are done I'll hand them to you." I replied with a pleasant smile. "Hmm, now then, what we are about to do is probably too dangerous for a pregnant woman to be too close. If the other Great Emperors were here It wouldn't be a problem. Even just one more… Hmm, oh, Aunty Feng. I'm sure my mothers would love to hear all about it. Actually, I'd like it if you could go and talk with them. The more they want a child of their own, the better." I added. 

"Oh? Your father is going to be in a difficult spot once he gets out of seclusion." Jiu Feng smirked. "Are you sure the son should be speaking this way? It's a bit different from the usual way of things." She continued, now clinging to Li Wu Yi. 

"I don't think it's too bad. I see it as ensuring I have siblings. Besides, I know exactly what my father is feeling. I wouldn't put this much pressure if it wasn't a good thing. That aside, having my father, one of the strongest cultivators in the 3000 Worlds, having a slew of offspring… Tell me, what could be better than that?" I asked. 

"Well, why do you have some of your own then?" Jiu Feng asked. "You're married right now, to 10 beautiful women. And you have a pill that guarantees a successful, what was it called in that book? Ah, fertilization." She continued. 

"There are many reasons for this, but… the chief among them is I must wait until I have at least 1 adult sibling." I said. 

"Why is that the reason?" Jiu Feng asked, confused.

"Because it is what I should do. Ideally I'd rather not wait. However, this rule is something that as much as I desire to break it into smithereens my mothers all agree. So until my blood siblings are Origin Kings or higher… I will finally be able to make my wives' dreams come true. For now though… I have more important things to deal with." I said, making a fist as lightning cracked with a ferocity Jiu Feng could scarcely comprehend. 

"I see, so you're buying time. Is the enemy truly that terrifying?" Li Wu Yi said butting in, likely to help me out of this questioning. 

"The enemy is someone that even if I reach the absolute pinnacle of the 9th rank open heaven realm… I doubt I'd be it's match. Though… if I was at the 9th rank, I have no doubt I will at bare minimum cause this enemy massive, permanent damage. That I can promise. Though, the three of you aren't so foolish as to think such a feat comes without cost… And that is where I will leave it." I answered. "Now, forgive me… But I will send the two of you to High Heaven palace now." I added with a wave of my hand. 

"I am still stunned every time I see the power you possess. Let's get off this gloomy subject and begin improving starboundary!" Martial Beast Great Emperor smiled, wrapping his arm in a friendly way, around my shoulders. 

"Yes, We will start with a small village this time. This way, you can get a feel for the process. Surely we will be able to do this on our own… I hope." I said, snapping my fingers, teleporting us to a small farming village. 

~ High Heaven palace ~

"Aunty Feng! Welcome… Wait, Aunty Feng are you?" Mo Xiao Qi asked, seeing that Jiu Feng appeared out of nowhere clearly under the influence of my power. This is because only two people would ever dare teleport into the High Heaven Palace. 

"Yes, I am. I confirmed it just a short while ago. I am finally going to have a child of my own!" Jiu Feng smiled warmly, placing a hand on her belly. 

"That's fantastic, why don't you have a seat and have some tea. Let us discuss this goodness." Xia Ning Chang said with a similar excitement. 

"I… Thank you." Jiu Feng said, slightly somberly. 

"Is something wrong?" Su Yan asked, being the first to notice. 

"I was talking with your son just a little bit ago. I asked him why he hasn't… And then I heard his reasoning… He really has it rough." Jiu Feng replied, taking a seat. 

"So you must have figured out why he is so driven to push his father." Su Yan said, sipping tea. 

"You already know, don't you?" Jiu Feng asked. 

"Of course I know. There is nothing that boy can hide from me. Try as he might, a child is no match for their mother." Su Yan replied, with an unchanging mood. 

"And you're okay with it?" Jiu Feng asked…

"Okay with it? No, I am not. Do I have any choice but to accept it? Also no. So I will support him in doing everything we can to raise our strength from now until time ends. And I will remain forever hopeful that things go smoothly so the prophesied future does not come to pass. If anyone can do it, it is him. And this is why I have forbidden him from having his own children for now. He should grow much more than his current strength in the next hundred years. Perhaps he might pull through with something unforeseen." Su Yan said, as the tea in her cup remained unsteady and wavy. "Call it a mothers foolish hope or not. I only want what's best for my little boy. It's not right that so much rides on him. Even more than his father…" She added.