Martial Beast Great Emperor & Fu Xuan (NSFW)

Martial Beast Great Emperor put away the rather ornate medicine box I had given to him. He accidentally let a smile appear on his lips. And then he left the area around a random village in Star Boundary, of which there were many. In fact, totaling up not even 1% of the villages throughout Star Boundary, one would find more people than all the major cities combined. Even less than 1% really. 

"This experience has opened my eyes more to the sheer magnitude of loss we suffered in the Great Demon War. All of the villages we couldn't protect, it's no wonder our beloved Star Boundary nearly collapsed. With so much damage done, there was nothing we could do… Even with all the people from the Star Fields combined it wouldn't have been nearly enough…" Martial Beast Great Emperor mused to himself as he flew home. However, there was unexpectedly someone waiting there for him… Someone he was happy to see. 

"What took you so long, darling?" Fu Xuan asked with a look of worry on her face. "You were gone for so long." She continued. As she cozied up into Martial Beast Great Emperor's embrace, looking up at him with a teary look of longing. 

"I've done something unforgivable and made you wait, my love. But… Will you still forgive me of this offense? I swear I'll make it up to you." Martial Beast Great Emperor said, not bothering with excuses. 

"Hmm, I'll think about… Maybe after you give me something… I could forgive you." Fu Xuan smiled. She was clearly hinting at what she wanted. "It's been a long time since then." She smirked, gently teasing her husband. 

Martial Beast Great Emperor leaned in and kissed Fu Xuan. As he did, he pulled out the ornate medicine box behind Fu Xuan's back. After a short moment of bliss, their lips separated and Fu Xuan gave Martial Beast Great Emperor the look. 

"Husband, let's continue in a more comfortable and private place. It's embarrassing here." Fu Xuan said blushing. 

Martial Beast Great Emperor smiled, pulling Fu Xuan close to him pressing their bodies together. "Let's do that. I have something for you as well." He said, picking Fu Xuan up, bridal style and placed the medicine box in her lap. 

Fu Xuan, curious about the contents, opened it up a little and… "Where did you manage to get this?! I've wanted to get one of these for so long now! I was worried I wouldn't be able to get one until after our daughter." Fu Xuan asked quite loudly. 

"Ahahaha, a certain powerful Martial Nephew of mine gave it to me for helping him out with some things. This one is a bit special though, it will work without fail on Divine Spirits." Martial Beast Great Emperor laughed happily, glad that the gift was what Fu Xuan wanted most of all. 

"Oh? There is a note? To me? From… Yang Leiji… Wait, you mean… YOU GOT IT FROM YANG LEIJI DIRECTLY!" Fu Xuan shouted in shock.

"That's right." Martial Beast Great Emperor confirmed. "He is quite a generous young man. I'm even going to search my Spirit Beast Island thoroughly to find a young woman worthy of him." He whispered. 

"Then we should hope there are some. Surely with a large force like this there will be at least one Young Woman around his generation, one that would be capable of standing at his side. And laying in his bed." Fu Xuan added, beginning to read the note. "Oh, the note is in ancient Dragon Language… He really didn't want anyone else to read this did he?" She giggled a little bit.

"Maybe it will be harder than I thought to find a Young Woman to introduce…" Martial Beast Great Emperor said, then noticed the tears and smile on Fu Xuan's face as she read the note. "Is everything alright?" He asked, kissing Fu Xuan's forehead. 

"Yes, it's just, he is quite thoughtful. To think he would have already sensed what I wanted. And to this extent… I'll have to thank my Grandson in person and in great depth. It's no wonder he asked you to do something so crazy to get this medicine…" Fu Xuan answered, putting the note away.

"Oh? And why is that, exactly? I think if we asked for it earlier he would have given us more. He did already give us some before as it is." Martial Beast Great Emperor asked. 

"Well, this pill will give us more than one child. He may not have known how many more, but… He did say no less than 2. Oh I hope I get two more little girls." Fu Xuan said with a youthful squee. 

~ In Spirit Beast Island's Island Master's Bedchambers. ~

Martial Beast Great Emperor closed the door behind him and Fu Xuan. Before… "In that case, I hope we have a boy as well." He said. 

"If we have 2 children and one is a boy, you better prepare to give me another baby, dear husband. I want more daughters. You…" Fu Xuan said, dropping her dress completely to the floor, standing there with her hands sliding across her perfect figure. "Don't have a problem with that, do you?" She finished asking. 

Martial Beast Great Emperor smiled and then slowly took his outfit off piece by piece as he walked ever closer to his wife. Once he reached Fu Xuan, he was like her, completely naked. A huge muscular man and picture perfect beauty. 

"I wouldn't even dream of it, my love." Martial Beast Great Emperor said, caressing Fu Xuan's cheek. "Let us have as many children as you want." He added. 

"Oh, then let's get started!" Fu Xuan excitedly stated, shoving the pill in her mouth as well as the pill for Martial Beast Great Emperor into his mouth. 

Martial Beast Great Emperor picked Fu Xuan up straight, she wrapped her legs around his muscular body. And the two of them went to their bed. The sounds Fu Xuan made, only continued to excite Martial Beast Great Emperor even more. Which in turn made Fu Xuan call out louder and longer. The two experienced a youthful, sensational bliss they had been missing all along. This went on for days.