Huo Lei & Company

~ Earlier High Heaven Palace ~ 

Huo Lei, her mother Huo Dai and Hu Fei were talking with each other about the Dao. Hu Fei had a completely different experience and thus a different viewpoint. In a brief moment of silence while they were comprehending something, I appeared, pouring tea for myself. I made myself knowable, but… I didn't interrupt their comprehension. 

Huo Lei was clearing in the zone, her cultivation was definitely improving. Not nearly as fast as mine did, but… Definitely faster than any other normal genius. I waited there for a few hours before Huo Lei's tails began to beat excitedly. Her beast instincts finally caught on to my presence. And then she opened her eyes. 

"Husband!" She joyfully exclaimed, leaning on my shoulder with a huge smile on her face. "Welcome home." She added. 

"I'm home, but… I didn't interrupt you, did I?" I asked, kissing her. 

"Mhm, no your presence is always welcome dear Husband." She answered, giving me a kiss back. 

"Now I see what you were talking about Sister Huo Dai… Yang Leiji is quite interesting indeed. Just him being here is enough to make Huo Lei get all hot and bothered." Hu Fei said, as her tails quivered slightly. 

"Oh, that's not even the half of it. Every time the two of them are together I can't help but think they will have a litter of children on the way soon." Huo Dai giggled, then gave me a glance. "So, when are you going to give me some grandbabies? I've been waiting so long already." She asked. 

"Mother Huo, if I told you the answer to this, It would indirectly inform everyone of the limit for my Father's seclusion. But I'll say… About the time my next eldest sibling grows into an Origin King Realm? Unless my mother demands otherwise." I explained with a light sigh. "It's not like I don't want any. So you don't need to worry about that. My family just wants the lineage not to get messy. Besides… I… I have struggled to hold myself back. On our trip through the Star Boundary, I very nearly gave in. My beautiful wives, all but begging me for such a thing. Were I a weaker willed man, I'd have been swayed. But, I can not go against my Mother's wishes. I owe at least this much to her." I added, gripping my cup a little tighter. 

"Mother, don't pressure my husband so much. We only need to wait, and once the time is ripe I'm going to make sure there is no mistake." Huo Lei said, pouting, holding on to my arm as her tails swayed. 

"Pfft, you really are diligent. But what will you do if the battle you'll surely face in the future comes sooner than expected? Or if something else happened. What if you aren't able to do this before battle?" Hu Fei asked, as the door opened. 

Two more monster race women came and sat down ready to listen as well. They were Chi Lian, a snake Monster Race King. And Du Mi'er, a flower Monster Race. Both of them had been listening intently from the other side of the door. But, they sensed I knew they were there and so they decided it was best not hide themselves from their future stepson. It was that or they were overly curious about the answer. 

"Such a question is difficult to answer. I don't know what kind of situation would result in such an outcome. That said, if such a situation occurs, I will ensure my bloodline continues." I said, clenching my cup until it disintegrated. "And give that enemy the fight of their lives… Daring to keep me from my children… Courting death." I added. 

Hu Fei, Chi Lian and Du Mi'er saw the look on my face, nearly recoiling with pity for the enemy that has to fight an enemy with that look. They even gulped audibly. 

"That's one intense look you have there, Son…" Hu Fei spoke up, with a slight stutter. 

"This is the look that such an enemy daring to commit an action like what I said, deserves. You all know that staying a Dragon's good side leads to a long and fruitful life. Get on their bad side, And there is no heaven nor hell that can save you from one's wrath. I'd be willing to bet that the bastards I killed while I still lived in Void World, are still screaming in abject agony in their own little special place in hell." I explained, as my face slowly began relaxing. "Ah, just thinking they might be tormented even now is…" I smirked, producing another cup from my Small Realm. "Therapeutic." I sipped some tea.

"Those Evil Shadow Sect Bastards are definitely not having it easy in hell. Not after what they did." Huo Lei confirmed, cheering me up. 

"That's right, surely they must be. Fools daring to attack with such shameful intentions…" I said, trailing off, with a glance towards Huo Dai. 

"If you're speaking of the day you rescued us against higher realm opponents and even sacrificed your cultivation to heal our people. I have already told Sister Hu Fei and the others about it." Huo Dai said, knowing what I was getting at. 

"Oh yeah, I heard all the juicy details. Even how your father forced you into marriage so early like that… It's kind of cute in a way." Du Mi'er giggled. 

"It makes me wonder, do you have any regrets about this arrangement?" Chi Lian asked, her pupils dilating fiercely. 

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't, but… It's not a bad regret. I only wish I had accepted my beloved without being manipulated into it. And since that was my only regret, Star Boundary was kind enough to aid me in getting rid of the heart demon it had created. As I am now, I wouldn't trade this for anything." I answered calmly, sipping the tea. "Though, being the Young Master here, being a Husband, and raising the number of potential warriors of the next generation… I've been a bit tired. But once my father is out… Everything will calm down a little bit. And I'll have time to cultivate again. In fact if I wasn't a Great Emperor, I think my current task load would not be possible by one person. Star Boundary is quite caring of me." I smiled.