Huo Lei & Company (2)

Huo Lei blushed a little as I spoke. And she nuzzled her way closer. Hu Fei, Chi Lian and Du Mi'er were all a little shocked. Though they sort of understood my points. But they also seemed to smile warmly realizing the deeper meaning behind my answer. 

"You're a lucky woman to be on his arm." Du Mi'er said, with her own small blushed expression. 

"I know, this Husband of mine is simply… Amazing. Especially in that area." Huo Lei smirked lustfully. 

"Oh? Do tell us more." Chi Lian said, leaning forward, interested in the stories. 

"Well, for starters he knows his way around…" Huo Lei said, going off on a highly detailed descriptive story telling spree of our love making. 

I sat there calmly sipping tea as I watched the looks on the four older women turn to high key embarrassment. But their faces wore an intrigued and interested expression. Hu Fei on the other hand… She was clearly taking notes, likely for her to experience the story again. 

"... Oh, Husband, I'd like to get a painting of us. A perfect one that captures our love." Huo Lei said, sensationally caressing my body. "Ideally I want the painter to be a woman of course, We can give her a fun time too as a bonus if she likes. What do you think?" She added kissing me in between words. 

"Pfft, Huo Lei, I'm sure you already know this, but… Don't go advertising that particular thought too… openly. You might get men trying to dress up as women just to get a good view of you and your sisters." Du Mi'er mentioned, with a little embarrassment escaping in her voice.

"Heh, I'm not worried about it. My Husband would dare let another man see my beautiful body. No man could get past his perception." Huo Lei said, waging her tails back and forth sitting on my lap, facing me of course. 

"That isn't the only problem either… It's not a traditional thing to do. But that aside, I can see many of the single young women mistaking this as a chance for them to wed such a powerful man." Chi Lian mentioned. "Some would likely kill for such a chance. Even just to be a concubine or even just to lay with him once." She added. 

"Indeed, this is likely the case. So it's for the best if someone close does the job, that is, if you bother doing it. I think I already know of someone who would be more than willing to do this. And there won't be any need for that bonus." Hu Fei said, putting her other thoughts aside for the moment. 

"I see, so you mean her then… I don't see why not, if Mother Gu Pan does this… Oh, no, there definitely is a problem… Lei'er my love, would you care to wait until after my father leaves seclusion?" I asked. 

"Hmm, Oh I see what you mean. Wow Husband, you're really kind to your step mothers. Sure we can wait for the painting." Huo Lei said, nodding. "But that means you agreed. Don't try to find a way of this one, dear Husband." Huo Lei smirked, gleefully. 

"Wait? What is the problem here then?" Du Mi'er spoke up, confused. 

"It's because of how the four of you reacted to my beautiful wife's story telling. She only mentioned a few of things we've done. And even keep many details from you. And yet, you're all in a fit of heat as it is. Imagine, watching the real deal up close, and then have to paint it… Those feelings need to be sated. It's arguably more important than eating once a cultivator has reached a certain level of strength. How else do you think my wives' and I could go on for days on end without any issues?" I answered. 

"I see, Leiji, Son, do you mind answering me… Rather forward and lustful question? I know it might be a little embarrassing coming from a mother figure…" Hu Fei started, turning to her notes one more time. 

"What's embarrassing about it? You're all as close as family now, or at the very least guaranteed to be. My mother is even going to force me into a child size again then pass me around in the bath again. Last time with 12 mothers was… A bit difficult, but… I think I'm used to it now. So in this way, even if there is no need for it. You will have all fed me as a mother should do for their child. My mother desires the family to be cohesive and one unit. So once my father comes out, you'll have a lot to experience. So in my eyes there is no question it is more embarrassing than the action of being fed by the breast. Which for the record, is not embarrassing in the slightest." I explained. 

"I see, I seem to remember Sister Su Yan mentioning that she wanted us to do that. It was the third requirement on the list too. So that is the true purpose behind it. I see." Hu Fei said, excitedly beating her tails. "Alright, do you know if your father is as good as this story about you is?" She asked, clearly desiring the best feeling she could. 

"Ahahaha! As good, I doubt that very much. For starters my father and I, while quite similar, are very different in at least a few ways. One of these ways is undoubtedly our stamina. More specifically our capacity for enjoying our lovers' company. Mine is basically infinite as a side effect of the Dao I practice being that of absolute supremacy. Only someone who is actually stronger than me would stand a chance at out lasting me." I explained. "My father is in this category but now that I have improved this much, the minimum bar to enter this category has shrunk extensively. Case in point, I am not afraid of an average 8th rank open heaven in the slightest." I added. 

"I see, that is a shame…" Hu Fei said, with a damn near unnoticeable droop in her tails. 

"Don't worry too much though, with that pill… There isn't going to anything stopping even the most stamina depleted man. I did, after all, want to make the pill not just ensure the birth rate but also enjoyment. Because if it isn't enjoyable, it will be difficult to get someone to do it again. Defeating the purpose." I said, with a smirk.