Myriad Demons Cave Heaven's Message

"Seriously? That's just…" Hua Qing Si stuttered, unable to speak momentarily. 

"Of course! My Husband is quite… gifted." Xiu Che said, flashing her eyes seductively. "Husband knows how to make my sisters and I never forget his touch." She added, twirling a finger on my chest. 

"That's just… I, uh… Do you know if Yang Kai is… Similar?" Hua Qing Si asked, now completely flushed, standing up. 

"Hmm, I'm not sure exactly, mothers are the only ones who have that feeling down. But I don't imagine there being too big of a difference." Xiu Che answered. 

The door opened again and in walked Yu Ru Meng and Shan Qing Luo. Yu Ru Meng was holding a letter of sorts. It radiated the energy from a Divine Monarch that practiced demon arts. Shan Qing Luo followed in just after Yu Ru Meng. But she had… A different reason for being here. 

"Oh my, you're asking about Yang Kai's equipment? You must be quite anxious… Is this why I saw poor Li Shi Qing running away from here?" Shan Qing Luo asked, with a smirk. 

"Uhm, this uh… Well I was just hearing some of the details, about the manner of relationship little Che and Yang Leiji have. After hearing them, I got curious about what my experience will be like. That is all. No need to worry Sister Shan." Hua Qing Si explained. 

"Oh? You seem all worked up there sister Hua, why don't you come by room later and see if we can't, help you relax." Shan Qing Luo smiled. 

"Mother Shan, is this the only business you have here? Or is there something else? I'll take care of it before dealing with what that letter in Mother Yu's hands has in store." I asked, interrupting so we could get the ball rolling. 

"Oh, nothing serious I was just curious what was going on here in the hall that would make Sister Li so unmistakably embarrassed." Shan Qing Luo said, rubbing my cheek as she passed by me to the table. "But now I can see that, with a request like this. Any reserved woman would get that way. But, since you've said all of that. Shall I give you a kiss for being such a good boy?" She teased. 

"Mother Shan, I've already been at your mercy once before. If you wish for a similar event to occur please wait until my father exits his seclusion. I already know I'm going to be subjected to that situation again." I said, rubbing my temple. 

"Awe, boo." Shan Qing Luo said, sitting on top of the table and crossing her legs. "You're no fun. Fine, you should prepare yourself then. This mother won't spare you any embarrassment." She smirked with a giggle. "It's nice to have a son. Even if I won't ever have one from my own womb. They are just so cute when teasing them like this." She giggled. 

"Alright, Son, This was delivered to me just a moment ago. It is a message for you from my honorary master Mo Sha Divine Monarch, the Supreme Elder of Myriad Demons Cave Heaven. He also sent me a separate message, telling me to ensure that I see you read this one." Yu Ru Meng said, clearly not saying the rest of the instructions. 

"You have to report back to him on it don't you?" I asked, holding my hand out to take the message.

"You really do see through more than most." Yu Ru Meng said, sighing as she handed me the message. 

"No, not really, I just know how to put two and two together, that's all." I said with a small smile. 

"Jeez, why did that foolish bastard try to attack that sweet little girl? Now he has caused problems for so many people. This is something that can't be simply swept away either." Yu Ru Meng grumbled. 

"That place is lucky I acted when I did. Had I not been so decisive then… I would have gone and destroyed their training grounds, and half of all their territories without batting an eye. Even if only a single hair had been plucked. Unlike my father, my rage is quite a bit more terrifying. And you heard the story of what he did to that Territory Lord who attacked me." I said, then paused. My eyes glowed with a ferocity that made the room shake. "No imagine what a born dragon would do if offended in such a manner? Would there even be an enemy left to hate?" I said, then calmed down. 

I began reading the message from Mo Sha Divine Monarch. My face stern and calculating throughout the whole message. Until, a comment came up…

"Alright, Mother Yu, How close are you to this Mo Sha person? Forgive me for not using his title, but… this message shows he does not deserve it." I said, with a glance towards Yu Ru Meng.

"He has helped guide my cultivation for quite some time now. Never fully hands on or anything. But even still he has helped." Yu Ru Meng said. 

"I see, tell him that a message is not enough for me to roll over for him. If it was, I wouldn't have bothered beating the Elder to death's door." I said. "Oh and if he has a problem with this… You should also tell him, That I am using my authority to use their Cave Heaven Disciples as practice dummies for our people. Head Manager, this is the Royal Order. I trust you understand what this means, yes?" I said, creating a scroll out of seemingly thin air, then handed it to Hua Qing Si. 

"Is this really necessary?" Yu Ru Meng asked. 

"Take a look for yourself. This particular message… I doubt my father would take this lying down either. Your honorary master is now going to be forced to understand what it feels like to have their family attacked. Unfortunately, this is the only way for them to learn." I explained. 

Shan Qing Luo took the message first and read it. She then looked up at me and then back down at the sentence again. 

"Sister, you probably shouldn't call that man a master. Seriously… What does he know about Leiji?" Shan Qing Luo said, handing the message over to Yu Ru Meng.