Wu Kuang Arrives

Yu Ru Meng was confused, but… She knew the stories about the stepson in front of her right now. And knew that Leiji wouldn't do anything so foolish as attempt to rile up an entire force for no reason. So clearly the message had something in there that went too far. Something that was unacceptable. So, she decided to read the message…

"This… Did he call you a brat who knows nothing of the world? Seriously? Did word just never reach him? Or what?" Yu Ru Meng asked, completely bewildered. 

"Pfft… Someone dared to call Leiji nothing more than a little brat. No wonder this is the result. Leiji is the sole reason the Human Race has the capital to build up a super massive force. Not only that he is the one who embodies the bane of the Ink Clan. And on the battlefield he can even restore other peoples lost energy during the fight." Feng Ying said, appearing through the doorway. 

"Not just that, but the entire plan to retake the battlefields lands was made possible through his ability to get the Dragon and Phoenix Clans, indirectly involved in the fight. Casualties have dropped to nearly none now. And the ones who get turned into slaves for the other side have ceased completely." Bai Yi added, coming in as well. 

"So you three brats weren't lying to me. Yang Kai's brat really is that strong, huh." Wu Kuang walked in, guided by three, mildly injured 7th ranks.

"Ahahaha, fantastic! Everything can truly begin being set in motion. Welcome Senior Wu Kuang, or should I say Shi, one of the original 10 Open Heaven Ancestors." I laughed with a wild smirk. 

"WHAT! How…" Wu Kuang panicked. Then composed himself, clearing his throat. "I mean, erm… What do you mean?" He asked nervously. 

"Oh, I see. I guess without the complete memories it is difficult to piece everything together. That's fine, my plan was to take you to the place where you could recover your memories. However, I do need to wait until my father comes out." I said. 

"Wait, you know where they are?" Wu Kuang asked.

"Indeed, I do know. And I can send you there. However, right now. If I were to do this, I would be quite weakened, as the distance is rather… Well, far. And I need to get you and my father to agree on something anyway." I said, with a gentle motion of my hand, creating a visual representation. "We are here. This is this Spatial Territory. And this entire expanse is the Ink Battlefield. Then this spot right here is where I need to send you. There you'll be reunited with Cang. And I'll give you some materials to give him as well. I can't have either of you dying." I said. 

"I see, that seems about right. Wait… You can send someone that far away!!!" Wu Kuang asked in shock. 

"Of course I can. I'm not some simpleton that merely boasts about my Dao of Space. I have fine tuned it in the midst of life or death battles, and in tune with two other supreme Daos." I said, plainly. "However, this does come at a cost. One that not even I can defy. It will strip me of quite a large amount of power. And thus I will need to recover. Secondly, it is a one way trip." I added. 

"I see, then why did you call me here early then?" Wu Kuang asked. 

"Because I want you to be nearby so the moment I can send you there, it will happen. I'm not the type to rely on the whims of Fate. I'd much rather control them." I said with a grin. 

"Uh… I won't bother with that one… So, what is this agreement you wish to come to?" Wu Kuang asked. 

"I want to know what it would take to get your lotus. However, I won't give you nothing for it of course. I simply need to know the functions and processes of it. Once I have this I can start searching for a potential replacement." I answered. 

"That will be difficult. I'd need more than just an infinite supply of purification pills." Wu Kuang sighed slightly annoyed. 

"Indeed, which is why I intend to give you 1 piece of all the 12 Universe Columns. I have people searching for them as we speak. And I know where an infinite supply of 1 of them already is. And I'm willing to create something out of my own scales if the need arises." I explained. 

"Wait, scales?" Wu Kuang asked, confused.

"Indeed. You see, I'm a unique existence, I was born as three beings combined into one. I am a Dragon, a Phoenix and a Human. Simultaneously and none at once as well. I usually stay in human form. But I fight just as well in both my other forms. Actually, I think I may be best in dragon form. I did kill a high rank ink clan the moment I became an emperor. Hmm…" I answered as my wife giggled. 

"I see, then you could be more similar to those two freakish existences the Sun's Burning Shine and Moon's Nether Glimmer. Interesting." Wu Kuang said, rubbing his chin. 

"I do have one rule for you here and that is to not devour anything here. You will have plenty of time to practice that art of yours later. For now, temper your mental state and come to terms with your situation. The Human race is at war. And you will play a large role in the battle for survival." I said. 

"Then, you know about Ink? And how he is… Who is going to fight him? The open Heaven Realm can't beat him." Wu Kuang asked, suddenly remembering something. 

"Even if I can't kill the bastard. I doubt that my strength won't hurt him, but… Those are my thoughts based on my current situation and where I project myself to be by the time I am forced to confront him. Which… that day will definitely come." I said, making a clenched fist. 

"You're serious aren't you?" Wu Kuang asked, half stammering. 

"Of course he is. I'd be shocked if he didn't plow right on through the 8th rank open heaven realm after breaking through." Smiles said, appearing like a ghost. 

"I'm not certain how much power is left in that place… But once I breakthrough I can basically transform everything around me much faster." I smiled.