Powers Revealed

"Wait, what do you mean by transform?" Wu Kuang asked, less surprised by the appearance of a 9th rank open heaven. 

"Oh, I have an ability I developed that uses the Supremacy of Lightning to the fullest. Like you I can transform energy into whatever I wish it to become. Pure world force, done. Pure Saint Qi? Done. It doesn't matter the level nor the cultivator." I said, showing an example of the ability for Wu Kuang to see in utter amazement. "However, unlike your lesser method, I refine the impurities out of the energy long before it reaches myself or others. As a result, I can heal anyone and anything. If the timing is right, I can even return one to life. Though… That shit is a hell of a taxing endeavor to pull off. Right now… I could probably pull it off two or three times." I added. 


"You can revive the dead?!" Wu Kuang asked, beyond curious. 

"Ha, HAHA, AHAHAHA! OF COURSE I CAN! Lightning has always been a power that belongs above all. Others before were simply too small minded to notice the truly massive power this Dao has. Even the Dao of time or Dao of Space have no choice but to kneel before it." I laughed, confirming my words once again. "However, such power comes with similar responsibility. And it is why, until First Light's descendant recovers the full might of the ancestor, I alone have the ability to stand against Ink face to face." I explained. "So don't go getting your heads filled with lofty ideas. I highly doubt my power can be truly understood by another. But, that isn't going to stop me from trying, Ahahaha." I lagged again. 

"I… I see, then could you revive someone like Mu?" Wu Kuang asked. 

"Pfft… You overestimate me. As I am now, I do not have nearly enough power to handle such a task. But if it were a 6th rank or below, It wouldn't be difficult. 7th rank is a bit iffy. Well… That is, as I am now anyway." I said, rubbing my chin.

"I'm not positive my calculations are 100% correct, but… Once I reach the 9th rank… I could probably pull that off. Not exactly sure yet. So no promises alright. And one more thing… I can not resurrect myself either. But, someone would have to be a freakishly strong force of nature to kill me. Even now, the only ones capable of such a thing would be any 9th rank open heaven and then also my father." I explained. 

"Alright, I'll stay here, but you need to discuss the Dao with me a few times. If I can integrate some of your methods into this technique… I could potentially perfect it." Wu Kuang said. 

"Ahahaha, Senior and I think similarly on this. While your method is objectively lesser, as it requires the body to bear the burden of others evil, I sense it has some use for me." I said with a smirk. "Let's get my Martial Uncles involved and make it a large open discussion." I added. "But first, I have to go and deliver an address… Damn that bastard giving me unnecessary work like this. Dares to call himself a Divine Monarch. More like a Divine pain in the ass." I sighed. 

"Oh? Who's causing trouble for you this time?" Smiles asked. 

"Mo Sha, the Supreme Elder of Myriad Demons Cave Heaven. I swear it's like Myriad Demons has this thing where they can't help but hate my Star Boundary. First the Great Demon God. Now this bastard." I said, holding a light atop my finger and launching it towards Smiles. "That's everything that happened while Mother Smiles was away." I explained. 

Smiles, the usually carefree and light hearted woman… Now had a face contorted with anger. And then she grabbed the message from Yu Ru Meng. Smiles' frustration grew even more intense, very nearly rivaling a Dragon's.

"You want to resolve this on your own, don't you?" Smiles asked, clearly hoping I was going to say no. 

"Oh, take care of it? I'm about to tell my High Heaven Palace's People that they are now free to beat the living tar out of any and all Myriad Demons Cave Heaven Disciples. Not to kill them, Just so they experience severe pain. And I mean, absolute maximum pain possible. That idiot needs to learn this lesson the hard way." I explained with a smile, chuckling. 

"GOOD! GOOD! And what if he arrives here to force you to stop?" Smiles asked. 

"If it… No, once it comes to that, I'll beat the tar out of him, personally. I could use a mildly resilient punching bag. Of which there are few worthy and even fewer available, and 1 less than that, that I would actually dare to spar against. After all, one of them is someone I could never hit." I smiled. 

"Can you beat him?" Smiles asked, wanting confirmation. 

"A mere Divine Monarch? AHAHAHA! EASILY!" I answered, releasing a small portion of my power, shaking the great domain in an instant. 

Smiles looked on and analyzed my current strength. After a few breaths she nodded in approval. "You do indeed have what it takes. Just try not to kill him. He is still in 8th rank after all." She said, with a smile. "I also want to slap him a few times, daring to cause trouble while I'm away. Especially that damn Zhuo Bu Qun… How dare he try and harm a little girl like that. Let's see how he does on that battlefield." She added. 

"Now, it's time I go explain things to my mother. I want her there when I give this address. I may be in charge now, but… Having the queen there to help represent the prince is going to be helpful. Afterall, the king is currently absent." I said, stretching. 

"In that case, you might as well have the entire Royal family there to represent." Wu Kuang suggested. 

"Oh, now there's an idea. My currently 12 mothers, 10 wives, my Aunt and my senior martial sister and brothers. Good, good… Let us announce this and drive the point home. One shouldn't trifle where they shouldn't." I grinned. 

"Hmm, I like this plan. The disciples will get much needed combat experience. I have no issues with this plan. So long as the deaths are kept to a minimum of course." Smiles said.