Purpose x Power

"Well then, I guess we ought to figure out the best way to smother him when he gets back." Tao Ling Wan said, wearing a warm smile. 

"Huh? It really is the more quiet ones that have bolder ideas." Qu Hua Chang spoke in a half surprised giggle. 

At this time Zhao Ya and Zhao Ye Bai remembered where they were and subsequently grew rather embarrassed. Clearly surprised that they could act in such a way in front of so many people. Zhao Ya stood there and wondered what was going to happen next. But she didn't realize what Zhao Ye Bai was going to say…

"Wait? Where did junior brother Yang go?" Zhao Ye Bai asked, looking around. "I was going to ask him about something…" He continued. 

"Huh? Junior brother isn't here? Wasn't he on his throne over there… Huh? Where did he go? And how did he manage to leave such a terrifying presence even while absent?" Zhao Ya asked, confused as well. 

"Ahahaha, oh to be young. The two of you were so interested in each other that you forgot to pay attention to your surroundings. Hmm, it was indeed a good thing little Leiji took action." Yang Ying Feng laughed. "If you need something, ask. I'll help you as best as I can." He chuckled. 

"Martial Grandfather, would it be possible to enlighten me on what drives my junior brother? Why is he so strong? What is it in his mind?" Zhao Ye Bai asked. "It's the one thing I couldn't understand over the last few moments." He continued. 

"Hmm, I'm the last person who should answer that. How about you ask his mother or his wives?" Yang Ying Feng replied, stroking his beard. 

"My Husband, hmm, If one seeks power without purpose they are empty. If one has purpose but doesn't seek out power, they are foolish. He believes that only when both are brought together, does anything good ever happen." Huo Lei explained.

"My Husband has a profound purpose and it's one that only he could bother trying to pull off. Why? Because he has the power to do so. You fought him once didn't you?" Xiu Che added. 

"My Husband wouldn't be able to marry a single Phoenix if he wasn't powerful. Let alone myself and my sister wife. His power is quite exhilarating too. Oh how good it feels flowing through me. I bet it's even better for Sister Huo Lei and Sister Xiu Che." Chi Qiu explained, quivering at the mere simple memory of the feeling. 

"You've used the Dual Art with him all this time haven't you? That truly is the most pleasurable." Su Yan added. 

"Oh, Mother has also used this technique with father. So you understand the absolute bliss that comes with it. Oh how I wish we could stay like that for weeks on end again." Feng Qiang added, giggling as she spoke. 

"In any case, My Husband is not foolish, nor is he weak. His power has purpose. Something that a shockingly high number of cultivators seem to lack." Bing Xue added. 

"Furthermore, My Husband is a Dragon. We don't take any BS from anyone. Our fury will be wrought and the enemy will feel a pain only a Dragon could possibly dish out. Of which, there are many things. Though, I'm sure that Phoenix Clan members are capable of similar things as well." Bing Hua added. 

"Hmm, so that's why he was so upset with me. I'll have to do better as his senior brother then… Power without Purpose… What is my purpose?" Zhao Ye Bai said, before going into an introspective thought process. Some time went on and then he smiled. "It's the same advice he gave me before. My purpose is to live with friends and family. And to start a family with the woman I love. To do this, I must also protect it." He said, realizing what his purpose had been all along. 

Zhao Ye Bai, as if the Dao was waiting for him to get his priorities straight, his aura flared with strength. A strength he always had, just never knew how to use. It was now currently available to him. A hidden strength that made him shiver at the thought of his new, very real power. 

"And that is what happens when one realizes their purpose. Their power finally comes to the forefront. Congratulations Little Ye Bai." Dong Su Zhu cheered, only slightly shocked. 

"My Junior Brother has this kind of… Insane power at his disposal? No wonder we lost so pathetically to him before. Even if it was just this amount, on a normal Great Emperor… Let alone Junior Brother, they would easily be around peak 5th rank to new 6th rank. And that's without using any elements." Zhao Ye Bai said, nearly stammering before he relaxed and controlled his new found strength. 

"Well, it does come with admitting your purpose, once that becomes clear, very little else matters to someone." Huo Lei giggled, her tails moving side to side as she walked up to Zhao Ya. "Congratulations sister Zhao Ya. Once father comes out I'm sure you'll be quickly wed to your love. But what's with the embarrassed look?" She asked, hugging Zhao Ya. 

"I… I… Starting a family… uhm uh uhm… That requires some of that kind of stuff right?" Zhao Ya said. "I suddenly feel like I want ten already." She stammered, accidentally saying her thoughts out loud. 

"Don't worry, I'll teach you a few things that will be sure to have your man coming back for more and more. You might even get lucky enough to have more than 10." Huo Lei giggled. 

"I want this family too. I can't imagine it being with anyone else." Zhao Ya said, having a notable increase in her power. However, she controlled it as it increased. 

"I do hope you'll wait a little bit longer to start. I've made Leiji wait for so long already." Su Yan spoke up. "You'll have plenty more time than he does. So don't go making him jealous." She added with a smile, one that said; You had better listen and obey

""Of course, as Mistress wishes it."" Zhao Ya and Zhao Ye Bai both answered in unison knowing not to go against Su Yan in any way.