Thunderclap Hall Great Territory

~ Elsewhere In The 3000 Worlds ~

"Hmm, so this is Thunderclap Hall's Great Domain…" I murmured, looking around. "It's not too impressive, though I do feel there is some interesting power hidden here." I continued. 

The Great Domain was filled with an uncountable number of universe worlds. Even still, most of them weren't worthy of notice. Some were hardly worth the effort to notice them… The rest were a meager few worlds. 

"Young Master, if all these people in the worlds were to start…" Fang Qing started mentioning something. 

"I know, but… I have better plans for these people. It's a good thing I decided to say up to 10 days." I replied, cutting off her train of thought, as I knew what it was. 

"As you wish. This plan might be better suited for them after all. A much happier life, that is for sure." Fang Qing said in a soft, pondering tone. 

"It may seem cruel to some people out there. However, I am giving these people a chance not just to survive, but… A way to do so while remaining ignorant of such a terrible enemy. I'd say that more than makes up for it." I sighed. 

"I don't think anyone in their right mind would complain about this, except for those who have an insatiable thirst for battle." Fang Qing mentioned. "Perhaps for those folk we can have them be the ones who come out to fight the Ink Clan? It would definitely help." She added. 

"For now, just start preparing my Small Realm to accept a huge number of migrants. I'll figure out a system for that other matter later. I need to find this Transparent Soaring Cloud. I've got a small read already, but… I have to do this fast to avoid any random conflict with the masters of this place." I said, returning focus to the task at hand. 

I floated there, in the void. Assuming the Lotus position and spreading out my Lightning sphere throughout the void. Making sure to control the intensity of my power so no one would feel threatened and even less would even notice it. 

"Something isn't right… It isn't bad, just something I wasn't expecting." I thought, as my power continued to spread. 

"It's almost like every world here is contained within another. But they aren't." Fang Qing replied. 

"I have a few ideas about what this could mean, but… I'd prefer to wait for some more confirmation first. This could be the secret to going past the 9th rank." I suggested. 

~ One Day Later ~

"I've covered so much of this Great Territory that it is basically done. Only a few minutes left and I'll have the whole place completely understood. If I'm not mistaken I now know what comes after the 9th rank." I thought with a small sigh. 

"Young Master, if this information is correct, you'll have to do it in some place outside the 3000 Worlds. Such things here would be dangerous for all the lifeforms in a territory." Fang Qing replied, a little worried but also excited. 

"I know, However, the Ink Battlefield and the Black Prison are both decent matches. It would be nice if a higher world existed that I could travel to, but… I doubt I'm going to even get that lucky. It's annoying but I won't be able to reach this 10th rank, before I must confront the enemy. Even with my freakish cultivation speed. It would still take me no less than 250 years." I thought, having already done some preliminary calculations.

"You're right, now then… What are going to do about those people who have basically been feeding off of your understanding of the Dao? They look like Thunderclap Hall Disciples." Fang Qing asked. 

"Well, since I've already found where the Transparent Soaring Cloud is located… And the fact that they are simply observing instead of trying to consume, I'll leave them alone for now." I said. 

~ A Few Moments Later ~

I opened my eyes and stretched, a relaxed look on my face. The several people who had rudely stayed put and used me as a means of learning, immediately panicked at this sudden change. 

You see, it's rather rude to interrupt someone's focus while they are cultivating. Though some ignore this and attack others, those are the type where one can only kill the attackers. Fortunately for these 5 people, they didn't try it. 

"So, how do you wish to atone for this?" I said nonchalantly and relaxed. 

"Uhm... May we ask the great sir's name? My name is Lei Fan, a disciple of Thunderclap Hall." The seemingly eldest disciple spoke up introducing himself first, gulping in the process. 

"Hmm, very well then. My surname is Yang. For now you may refer to me as such." I said with a simple hand motion. 

"Then Sir Yang, please forgive my brothers, sisters and I for disturbing your focus. And for attempting to look at the secrets your power holds." Lei Fan said, as he tried to think of something he could offer. "Is there anything the Great Sir needs from my Hall? I can promise to introduce you to my Master, he is a 5th rank Open Heaven and one of the Halls Elders. If there is something you need I'm sure he could get it for you." He continued, hoping for a response. 

"Hmm, you're putting your debts upon the Hall? Instead of bearing them yourself? If I was your master I'd cripple your cultivation and try again with a different disciple." I said with a disappointed look. 

"Forgive me, I do not mean to offend my Master nor do I wish to offend Great Sir Yang." Lei Fan said, joining his two brothers and 2 sisters in their trembling. 

"Hmm..." I started scanning the 5 of them and then came up with an idea. "You will answer my question, I am unfamiliar with your Thunderclap Hall. And honestly don't care about it too much. nevertheless I still must ask, what are your Thunderclap Hall's rules on the Universe Worlds here in this Territory?" I said, offering them a way out. 

"Brother Lei, can we even say something like that?" One of the brothers asked.

"Shut up, if such a powerful sir like the divine Monarch in front of us asks such a thing, can we really not obey it?" Lei Fan grumbled.