Thunderclap Hall Great Territory (2)

"Hmm..." I started looking around. "What 8th rank are you talking about? I'm not my father you know." I said, shocking the 5 disciples even more. 

"Great sir Yang, there is no mistake your power sent shivers down many spines. And we were dispatched to ask what was going on. A small team of Disciples they don't put in their eyes. No one would care if we disappeared. And if you were an enemy we would have gone to Gold Antelope Paradise for help." Lei Fan explained. 

"Oh, I suppose that old fart would be your best hope. But good luck trying to get those old bones to act. They are too scared to lift a figure at their age. Though it is a nice thing that they are close by." I said, nodding my head and then putting a hand on my chin to think. 

"Great Sir, the rules here aren't too bad, our Hall is only allowed to search for disciples from Universe Worlds that have developed at least 1 Great Emperor. But we do go around and search for these worlds regardless. In doing this we report back the findings." Lei Fan's sister said, enchanted by my form. 

"I see, that makes what I plan on doing a fair bit easier. And shouldn't affect your Hall in the slightest, at least in the interim anyways." I stated calmly. "It wasn't my original goal but considering how many worlds there actually are... I'd be foolish to pass this up." I added. 

"Wait, what do you plan on doing, if I may ask?" Lei Fan asked, nervously. Though he was more relaxed realizing he wasn't speaking with an 8th rank. 

"No harm in telling you, I guess. I plan on visiting quite a number of the worlds here and gather as many people willing to migrate to my world as possible. I have quite a lot of room and would really like to fill it. The sooner the better." I explained and then vanished from sight. 

"Ahh! What?! How did he just vanish? That was an incredible technique. I don't think the Hall Master or even our Supreme Elder could pull that off." The other brother shouted in shock. 

"Oh? So you think we can't pull that stunt off?" Thunderclap Hall's Supreme Elder said, appearing in the area, stroking his beard and chuckling. 

"Well, I would be upset if they weren't right about that. That young man is quite something. To think that even the tiniest moment his strength crossed over me made my spine tremble." Thunderclap Hall's Hall Master said. 

"Father, do you know a legendary figure by the surname of Yang?" Lei Fan asked, cupping his hands. 

"Hmm, there was that one who appeared not long ago. I believe it was... Yang Dai? Or maybe Yang Fan? Or was it Yang...?" Thunderclap Hall's Hall Master thought murmuring aloud.

"Seriously? You should spend more time loving that woman of yours. Maybe you'll screw enough to get your head back on straight. The man's name was Yang Kai. And I suspect that the young man we saw just now... To be his freakishly mighty son. Go and send a report to Gold Antelope Paradise and tell them about this." Thunderclap Hall's Supreme Elder said. 

"Father! I want to see that man again. You'll make it happen won't you?" The overly energetic young woman said, acting all cute and embarrassed.

"Ha, Hahaha, that will depend entirely on you my dear. A man, that freakishly strong, is bound to already have at least 4 wives. And then the freakish strength he kept hidden from us... I'd be shocked if he didn't have at least as many wives as he has digits on his hands." Thunderclap Hall's Hall Master sighed, explaining it simply. 

"So you're saying there is room for an 11th then?" The young woman said, with far more hope in her eyes than she should have had. 

"Lei Xue, if you manage to promote to the 6th rank directly then I might have some leverage. But unless that happens you should forget about being married to him. He is strong to the point I can't even comprehend it. How can I convince him to take you? Make yourself into a woman worthy of such a man." Thunderclap Hall's Hall Master said. 

"Understood father, this daughter will work hard to achieve a spot beside that absolutely handsome man." Lei Xue exclaimed. 

"Heh, women always have to make themselves worthy of the man." The other young woman murmured annoyed. 

"Stop it. Men have it harder than you think. They have to prove their strength through endless tests. Women doing the same is only right. It's just that we are more protective of our daughters than we are of our sons. This is because our sons will eventually do what we have done." Thunderclap Hall's Hall Master sighed, explaining to the objectively weakest of the five disciples there. 

"In any case, I'll tail him and see if anything interesting happens. Perhaps he is here to hopefully find that thing." Thunderclap Hall's Supreme Elder said, then flew off in search of me. 

~ Elsewhere In The Void ~

"It's a good thing I got out of there when I did... Dealing with entitled old folk is just the absolute worst." I thought in annoyance. 

"Don't worry Young Master, we will finish up our business quickly and then leave. Don't forget we have to stop by Big Brother Huang and Big Sister Lan's place." Fang Qing replied, reminding me of what I already knew. 

And thus began my task. I flee through the void at an absolutely blinding pace. Even a peak 8th rank would get tired before fully catching up to me. If they even managed to do so. Yet, the old foggy that was following me, he seemed quite experienced with thunder and lightning. If not for that, he would have been shaken off several hours ago. So I stopped and let him catch up. 

Thunderclap Hall's Supreme Elder finally caught up to me after a few moments. 

"You should be proud of yourself, old man. It's rare I see someone manage to at least follow my trail. You must be around level 5 in your Dao comprehension." I said, shocking the man. 

"Ah, I see, so you let me catch up then..." Thunderclap Hall's Supreme Elder said, wiping the sweat from his brow.