Thunderclap Hall Great Territory (3)

"Not to be rude or anything, but… Do you honestly think you could have caught me without me letting you catch up?" I asked, sighing in the process. 

"This… Hmm, I don't think so. Even with my Thunderous Eye Technique, I could only catch a glimpse of your trail. I was half hoping I wasn't being led away." Thunderclap Hall's Supreme Elder answered slouching and then stretched out of the slouch setting into a proper stature. "Now then, it's my turn to ask you something, Young Man." He said, clearing his throat. "Are you here about the rumors of the Transparent Soaring Cloud?" He asked. 

"Of course I am. Why else would I bother coming here? I am quite the busy man. Young, though I may be, I have more on my plate than all 2nd and 3rd class forces combined. If it wasn't for something like one of the 12 Columns I wouldn't come here." I answered.

"I see, and that means you didn't come here for women. I see." Thunderclap Hall's Supreme Elder murmured. "And since you've remained here that means you've found its location, but… What exactly are you doing with this spot? The Universe World here is far too weak for there to be any treasures above the Origin King Realm. Let alone something of the level of a Universe 12 Columns." He asked, expecting he was now going to be forced to answer another question or worse. 

"Oh, this? I am taking a portion of the world's inhabitants into my own world." I calmly stated. 

The Thunderclap Hall's Supreme Elder's face turned pale in an instant and sweat just fell like waterfalls. "Are you not worried about the fate of that world? Surely it will cause ramifications. Universe worlds must remain balanced! If you take without giving back they will crumble away!" He yelled in a terrified panicked voice. 

"Don't worry too much. I won't do anything that would bring harm. Rather I'm bringing these people enlightenment. And only taking those who wish to leave. Of course the more that I bring out, the more I must return to the world. But, consider this, these worlds don't need much in exchange for the lifeforms. But the higher level worlds need a whole lot for each of them. Doing this now, will only lead to a mutually beneficial outcome. Of course, I'm probably the only one who would pull it off on their own as of now." I explained crossing my arms. 

"Oh, I… I see, then would you mind if this old man may witness your methods? In exchange I'll give you free reign to do what it is you need to do here. I ask that you give me the right to teach this method of yours as well. Is this agreeable?" Thunderclap Hall's Supreme Elder asked, looking like an excited little kid.

"Hmm, I'm afraid I'll have to disagree. As I can tell that you are incapable of learning one of the methods I will use here today. Though, it's not as if you can't watch it, I suppose. You should call for more of your Hall to come witness it first. I'd prefer not to demonstrate it multiple times." I said. "In the meantime, I guess I'll go grab the Transparent Soaring Cloud. It's not easy to get but it is infinite and reproducible, so I only need a small bit of it." I said. 

"Then I shall meet you back here." Thunderclap Hall's Supreme Elder said, with a respectful gesture and then left. 

"Good, now that he is gone. It is time to go get that cloud. Oh boy is this gonna be fun. I sincerely hope that my initial thoughts are wrong. But I doubt it." I murmured. 

~ Thunderclap Hall ~

Thunderclap Hall's Supreme Elder spoke with the Hall Master for a few moments and then the pair of them appeared in the sky above their force. The Thunderclap Hall Disciples were instantly warry. Something like this hardly ever happens. And it is usually paired with either good & dangerous things, or Horrible & Dangerous things. 

"Disciples, when I call for you, fly up and assemble. We have a golden opportunity today to advance the Dao. Let us not rest upon our laurels. Let us learn as much as we can from the Young Master of High Heaven Palace, Young Master Yang Leiji! It was him that made our spines shiver with a meager fraction of his power." Thunderclap Hall's Hall Master said, then began calling out names. 

"Is it true that someone could be further along the Dao than even our Supreme Elder? Such a thing… And they weren't born in our Thunderclap Hall." One of the disciples that didn't feel the shiver, said quite confused about what was going on. 

"So what if they were not born among the Hall's people. What matters is that we do not miss this opportunity." Thunderclap Hall's Hall Master Lei said, glaring at the disciple who made such a remark. Then he turned to the Disciples that he had named earlier. "Young men, make sure you do your best to befriend that Young Master. So make sure to watch your words. Understood?" He ordered, expecting a response. 

"""Hall Master, this Disciple Understands!""" The young men cupped their hands in a single unified motion and bowed as they bellowed their response. 

"Good, Young women, the same shall go for you as well. But, if you can. Try to get in his good graces. Do your best to establish a union between our Hall and that new Cave Heaven, High Heaven Palace." Thunderclap Hall's Hall Master ordered.

"""Disciple Understands! Disciple will try her best to uphold the Hall Masters orders!""" The Young Women replied also in a single motion. 

After this, the Hall Master led his Hall's Disciples away to the location mentioned by the Supreme Elder. At the same time, Thunderclap Hall's first and second Mistresses departed on a journey with enough gifts in tow that one would need to be blind, not to understand what they were attempting to do. 

"Hey, isn't the man's family supposed to give the gifts?" One of the guards asked curiously. 

The two mistresses heard the guards comment, looked at each other, nodded and then slapped both sides of the man's face. A low thundering sound rumbled and the guard was stunned.