Ink Battle (2)

~ Thunderclap Hall Great Territory Several Moments Earlier ~

The Ink Clan that watched the Feudal lord's fate, gulped. Some trembled in fear and wore an expression that resembled fear. The Territory Lords simply watched without worrying about it. 

"Hmph, just a fluke. Go and kill him quickly. Surely the hundred Feudal Lords here are enough to deal with a simple brat." A Territory Lord grumbled an order.

"Oh? You really have brought quite the entourage to come and claim my head… However, did you think I would just roll over? Just because I'm a Great Emperor?" I chuckled to myself reading my spear in one hand with the Hammer in the other.

"What can a Great Emperor do on their own? All these things you've used must have been the result of others' protections. Surely you're running on steam now." The Royal Lord boasted, with only a half sure tone. 

"HAHAHAHA! You hear that, troops? This brat has used all his trump cards! Let's kill him together." A Territory Lord laughed. 

"You all go and kill that brat. I'll eat up all the worlds here for our Supreme Master." The Royal Lord said, and was about to make a move. 

"Not on my watch, you don't! I AM TEMPORAL THUNDER GREAT EMPEROR! ALL YOU WORLDS, BE AT EASE! MY THUNDER SHALL WARD EVIL AND MY LIGHTNING WILL REND THEM ASUNDER!" I Shouted, as a mighty Dragon's Roar and Phoenix's Cry rang out rippling through the void. 

In the next moment all the Universe Worlds, large and small, were under a nearly perfect anti Ink barrier. My eyes glowed, radiating a suppressive power, sending shivers down the spines of the Ink Clan before me. I smirked. 

"It's just a puny trick. Do not fear him let alone his gaze." An oddly commander type Feudal Lord said, as he went to a Universe World to test it out. "See for yourself, it's just a trick." He said placing a hand on the barrier… "AHHH! RAG AHH! HELP ME!" He roared in agony as his body was shredded like a meat grinder. 

"AHAHAHA!!!" I laughed, as a battle craze smirk appeared on my face. "LET'S PARTY! Soldiers! Kill the enemy!" I ordered. 

My summoned soldiers began their advance. Each clearly targeting individual Ink Clan that seemed like a near match for them. I moved as well… Only my targets were the Feudal Lords. 

"What!? Where did he go?" A Feudal Lord panicked. 

My hammer fell into the Feudal Lord's skull, killing it instantly. Causing the Ink Force to radiate out. As if attempting to flee from me, knowing it would be destroyed. 

"Awe man, you couldn't even last one hit? Such a shame… I wonder if any other Feudal lords will have a better chance…" I said, vanishing again.

"Fuck! Where did he go this time!" A Feudal Lord asked, trembling in fear. 

"Oh? Are you looking for someone? I wonder where they could be?" I said, appearing from above, shoving my spear down through the top of the Feudal Lords collar bone on the left side. 

"Ack! What the fuck? This power, it hurts. Like I'm being dissolved at every level. Such an ability isn't fair!" The Feudal Lord yelled, making a swing for me. 

I swung around my spear and flipped the Feudal Lord up and over, sending it hurtling towards another Feudal Lord. With my spear hand out, my palm facing the two of them… I launched a concentrated beam of twisting lightning, dissolving them down to nothing but pure power that came right back to me. 

"Hmm, 3 down… many more to go… This is too slow though." I said, thinking about the situation. "Even if help does arrive. There are nearly 15 Territory Lords here. And 1 of them looks like they are on their way to becoming a Royal Lord. Even if it's just 1 Supreme elder from nearby… That won't change the situation much." I thought.

"Get in there and finish him off before anything too crazy happens. We can't lose anymore to such a young boy. One that isn't even in the Emperor Realm." The Royal Lord ordered. "That means all 14 of you go. Don't leave anything up to chance." He grumbled realizing this was truly going to be an uphill battle otherwise. 

"""As you wish Sir Royal lord.""" The Territory Lords acknowledged and began to take action. 

"Oh? Sending in some bigger weights now that you know you can't win otherwise. Interesting… I suppose I should bring out a few more stops myself." I smirked, taking in a deep breath.

"What is he doing now?" A Territory Lord wondered aloud. "BACK OFF NOW! SPREAD OUT!" They yelled quickly, sensing impending doom. 

The other Territory Lords listened without hesitation, knowing that the one who spoke, was the one closest to becoming a Royal Lord themselves. Naturally their senses were a bit better. So 13 of the 14 Territory Lords including the one who yelled the order, barely managed to dodge. However… 

An absolutely gargantuan Void Hurricane appeared in the void. And then another and another and another. In the end there were a dozen of these storms, each arcing out an anti-corruption lightning rapidly and without any order. The energy destroyed the Ink Force nearby, cleansing the void of its disgusting nature. 

Along with these storms came a brilliant flash of light. Concentrated upon a single Territory Lord. "AHHHH! URGH AH!!! IT HURTS! IT BURNS! IT'S TEARING ME APART!" He roared, as his body and power quickly disintegrated into nothing but a purified force. A realization came across his mind, one of warning. "AVOID THIS LIGHT AT ALL…" He yelled, being cut off before he could finish it. 

The Storms trembled with excitement, seemingly growing a little stronger as a result. And the Lightning began making the sounds reminiscent of a music foreign to this reality, Boss Music. Sending the entire Ink Army into a fit of fear, even the Royal Lord was flabbergasted. 

"It's… It's like staring into the heart of chaos…" A Feudal Lord, who had managed to move out of the way in time, albeit barely, said this while shivering with freight. 

"We must take turns matching this brat in close combat. Feudal Lords! 10 of you go and deal with those summoned creatures. The rest of you, focus your attacks on the brat. We must work together to kill this brat. He can not be allowed to grow any longer!" The Territory Lord, soon to be a Royal Lord ordered what remained of the troops brought with them.