Ink Battle (3)

"Ha… HAHA… AHAHAHA! Is this all a Territory Lord can manage against me? Gang up en masse against me?" I laughed, making sure to keep an eye on what was going on. "Pathetic" I said with a sigh and narrowed eyes. "But I guess it can't be helped, you call my power unfair, yet all it really is… Well, I'm just doing to you, what you've done to my human Race for a million years. Consider this the start of some good old fashioned pay back." I added cracking my knuckles wearing a taunting smile. 

"Wait, something is off… Why did he put away his weapons?" A Territory Lord asked with a slight bit of freight in his voice but it was mostly confusion. 

"What's wrong? Don't you want to fight?" I said, appearing right in front of the Territory lord that just spoke. Slamming a Thunder charged fist deep into his face. "Hmm, I see, so you will be able to resist at least a little bit… That's good, I can take my time and use you as my grind stone." I said, with a smirk, as I began a flurry of more close combat skills. 

"Ugh! Ah! Just what are you? You Brat… This power feels Chaotic…" The Territory I had been punching said, as he finally managed to block an attack. 

"Wouldn't you like to know…" I chuckled as I continued to beat on Territory Lord. "Ya know, you really are quite resilient. Much better than those puny Feudal Lords. I wonder, though… How long will you last if I really got serious? It makes me curious." I added, with a significantly more powerful attack that blew apart the Territory Lord's hand into dust. "Hmm, not too long I suppose. But worthy enough to be called a grindstone. Very well, I shall use you all as a means to improve all my abilities. Get ready, cause… Here… I… Come…" I said, slowing my words for extra effect. 

At that moment another Territory Lord came in trying to hit me from behind. His strike missed me by a long shot. But it was enough to let the other Territory Lord escape to a safer distance. Not completely out of range, but… Far enough that it would be difficult to attack while another Territory lord is engaging me in close combat. 

"Listen to the plan! From earlier. I'll keep him busy for now! You start launching attacks whenever you can! Swap in once it gets dire here." The new Territory Lord yelled out as he and I locked into combat. 

"Understood! Everyone, prepare your attacks at once!" The strongest Territory Lord ordered, with a wave of his hand. Also charging up a beam type attack to go along with it. "If you can't see the opportunity, work with a Territory Lord nearby and match their rhythm! Remember, INK IS ETERNAL!" He added. 


"Hehe, seems like I really will need to get serious then." I chuckled. 

All of a sudden my punches, kicks and other close combat attacks became heavier and faster. Each carrying with it a purifying force. Upon impact the sound of lightning crackling and Thunder rumbling radiated through the void. Only adding base and treble to the already terrifying Boss Music that was playing. 

"What… The… Hell… Are… You!" The Territory Lord, currently getting beat on asked, intermittently as he struggled to bear each hit. 

"Your worst nightmare…" I smirked. 

"Fire!" The Strongest Territory Lord Ordered. 

Suddenly 12 Territory Lord level attacks flew towards me, along with nearly a hundred other Feudal Lords launching their own as well. The other random attacks were nothing more than farts in the wind. 

The Territory Lord in close combat with me took this chance to try and grapple me. As if to hold me in place ensuring I get hit by the attacks. "Not so tough now are ya?" He snickered, coughing up blood. "Ink is Eternal!" He said, as he attempted to blow himself up to take me with him.

"Ahahaha! Good, you're going to kill yourself just like that? Nice job saving me the effort. Perhaps I'll give you a good answer to what I am then…" I laughed, unbothered by the grapple hold. 

"What!?" The Territory Lord exclaimed in shock. 

"Tell me, do you think that dragon's roar is just for effect?" I smirked, and then assumed my Dragon form, instantly breaking out of the Territory Lord's hold. "A shame for you isn't it? Don't worry I won't let you die like that." I said, a smirk appearing on my face. 

And what the others watching this saw, was a dragon tearing apart its prey before it could end their own suffering. A truly gruesome display of might. However, the part that shocked them the most was, My 950 Zhang Dragon body… Grew by 30 Zhang after consuming the Territory Lord. 

"Now, then… Who's next? Ah, how about you?" I chuckled a dragon's chuckle, and then swam through the void like a fish in water. At least until I disappeared from sight in a spatial rift of my own creation. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS DAMN BRAT! TWO TERRITORY LORDS WERE KILLED BY A MERE GREAT EMPEROR BRAT!" The Royal Lord roared in anger. "ABOVE YOU! YOU FOOLS!" He yelled pointing out a spot in the void that seemed odd. However, there were twelve of them… Not even the Royal Lord knew which one I would come from. 

And then, above the territory Lord I had previously injured, I came hurtling out of the spatial rift, only this time I was in phoenix form. And even the Royal Lord decided to try and take action. Sending a beam type attack heading straight for me. Or so he thought. 

You see, my target wasn't the weakened Territory Lord, no, it was the Territory Lord nearby. The uninjured one. So the Royal Lord's attack missed me by a landslide and I hit my true intended target. Ripping out the nape of its neck so it's head began flopping around. Kinda like a bobble head doll, just with less support. 

"AHAHAHA! Even your Royal lord is just as stupid as the rest of you. AHAHAHA!" I laughed, taunting the enemy. "You can't touch me…" I said, then saw that the Royal Lord was now in my flight path. "Well shit…" I sighed.