Ink Battle (4)

"Ha! Not so tough now huh punk brat!" The Royal Lord chuckled, grasping me in a strangled hold. "Now that I've got you, What do you plan to do huh? That neck of yours is looking awfully crushable peeking out of my hands." He taunted. 

I glared daggers at the Royal Lord with my phoenix eyes also keeping tabs on my surroundings. 

"Oh, maybe I'll make you my pet? Oh no, I got a better idea. I'll kill you, drink your blood, gnaw on your bones while I devour your meat…" The Royal Lord said with a huge smile on his face. 

I open my beak firing a close range blast of Lightning. The result was a small crape on the Royal Lord's face. And then I let a slightly smug look appear on my face. 

"Ugh, you're quite the annoying little brat. I wasn't finished with my speech yet. I'm going to then use your skin and stuff it full of fluff. So I can always crush you. Just to spite your existence. Consider it your punishment for killing my soldiers in such a gruesome way." The Royal Lord sneered. Ignoring the slight wound on his face. 

"Hmm, really now? Well, then… How are you going to do this without sight?" I asked, smugly as the grip tightened a bit. "Shit, A Royal Lord really is a different beast… My bones might crack under this pressure… Good thing I can really fuck with him sending him reeling in agony." I thought. 

"What? My eyes are perfectly fine. Perhaps yours aren't working properly then? As you can see they are right here." The Royal Lord laughed. 

"Oh really? Is that supposed to be your face? I thought you were speaking out your ass for a while there. I mean, with how smelly your breath was, there's no way that could be your mouth." I taunted, instantly receiving a bit more squeezing pressure from the grip. "GOOD! Now that is enough pressure for my escape to work. Time to send him reeling… heh, dumb Ink Clan…" I thought, as I coughed up blood from my beak and even bled out of a few cracks in my skin. 

"AHH! What the fuck is this! Something that can actually hurt me! FROM A BRAT!" The Royal Lord screamed in pain. 

"Sir Royal Lord! Allow us to assist you!" A Territory Lord called out, charging up an attack with the other Territory Lords. 


A giant ray of light flew out from my beak hitting the Royal Lord square in the face. Destroying both of his eyes and causing portions of his face to start deteriorating. His grip loosened considerably as he stumbled, reeling in the sheer agony of it all. 

"DAMN YOU! YOU BRAT! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU AGAIN!!! YOUR DEAD!!!!!!" The Royal Lord cried out with a mighty shout shaking the entire Great Territory as a display of might. 

My summoned soldiers weren't able to continue their assault under such pressure. They vanished from existence, managing to kill at least one more Ink Clan. Each not willing to go down without a fight. Though a few of them didn't get the chance and instead opted to bow reverently towards me in an effort to wish me good fortune in battle. In return I gave them all a nod of approval. Sending them off with no regrets. 

"Such… Power… He can injure Sir Royal Lord… No way." The strongest Territory Lord shuttered for a moment. Then he realized that the attack I just used was not simple and had a massive drawback… The amount of power it takes to pull something like that off. "While Sir Royal Lord Recovers, I'll engage the brat in combat, you all find a way to clip his wings! Or better… KILL HIM!" He added, hurtling straight for me. 

"Fuck, this time he's right… That attack earlier was not something I'd like to use. But it's fine… COME AT ME YOU UGLY FUCK!" I yelled with a smirk, transforming back to human form. My figure, clearly beaten, bruised and bloody. "I'm really in shitty shape after that damned Royal Lord attacked me. Fortunately I can sense her coming… This fight isn't over… I guess it's time to try out some other skills." I thought, sending Shandain and Fang Qing into a fit of laughter. 

I pulled out just my hammer this time and smiled a blood curdling smile. My aura filled with an untold level of bloodlust. My blood formed tiny spikes arcing with lightning, each ached to pierce an enemy. Quivering with anticipation. 

The Ink Clan Army froze for a moment in fear or shock. But they still froze nonetheless. Such a thick aura of killing intent made what they felt before feel like a warm summer's soothing breeze. However, only the Feudal Lord's and below gulped in terror. The Territory Lord's may not have gulped but they sure were sweaty. 

"Brat, you think a little false tampering would hide that you're severely weakened now? Don't try to fool me you stupid brat. You'll die here today, I'll make sure of that. FOR THE SUPREME MASTER! INK IS ETERNAL!" The strongest Territory roared, in an oddly courageous charge forwards. 

The two of us locked each other in combat. A fist came my way, I'd knock it off course with my hammer. And send a few blood spikes through the heads of the Feudal Lords. I'd strike the Territory Lord with my hammer, he would block it and get a solid hit on my gut, causing me to spit up more blood. 

This exchange went on for an incense stick's worth of time, growing more and more fierce as time went on. Ink Clan fell by the wayside dead, turning into pure energy and coming back to me. Allowing me to fight harder, for longer. Though at the end of the day… I was definitely starting to run dry. Protecting an entire Great Territories worth of Universe World's all at once while fighting a high stakes, high intensity battle is no easy feat. And then, I seemed to grasp the one thing I had been waiting for ever since I successfully refined my 2 fire elements. I seemed to fill with fiery power. And then…