Ink Battle (5)

The void grew temperate, then hot then scalding, blistering, then absolutely scorching. All this amidst the Chaotic Lightning arcing around, violently tearing through the Ink Clan forces. 

"What's this? What's going on now?" A Territory Lord looked at another in confusion. 

"Defend! RIGHT NOW!" The Territory Lord currently locked in single combat with me, ordered. 

Just as Smiles, Mo Sha and Six Wood appeared in the Great Territory, I unleashed this new ability. A giant Volcanic Eruption occurred, sending an explosive wave of heat throughout. Massive plumes of lava sprayed in all directions. Upon landing on the Ink Clan the lava blossomed into a Lotus… 

A lotus that burned with vengeful flames, searing the very soul of the target. And charred their flesh. Oddly enough it possessed a portion of my Lightning's Divine Ability to purify the Ink force into raw power, which only served to magnify the effect even further. 

The three new reinforcements witnessed such a power as the first thing they saw. Pausing for a moment in awe. Then Smiles ordered the movement to attack the Royal Lord. As I continued my all out display of power. 

"We need to get in the fight before that ability's power fades out! Leiji is not in any condition to fight this battle any longer…" Smiles said, with a grumble and noticed how damaged the Royal Lord was. 

""Right!"" Mo Sha Divine Monarch and Six Wood Divine Monarch replied without hesitation. 

"Though, I want to know why this Royal lord looks so damaged already… Did Leiji really do this?" Smiles murmured. 

"We can ask him once the battle has evened out. He has been fighting for at least the better part of a day by now. I doubt he has had a chance to heal any wounds. Let alone being able to protect every single world in this Territory." Six Wood suggested. 

"Stop talking! And attack already. I'm itching for a fight now. Never thought such a young man would get my old bone to act again." Mo Sha Divine Monarch said, with a palpable anticipation. 

"Ahahaha! Now you're calling him Young man instead of little brat. Seems your opinion of the boy has improved considerably." Six Wood Divine Monarch chuckled, as he charged his attack. 

"Oh shut it. I'm not stupid enough to ignore what we just witnessed. Let alone the damage done to a Royal Lord in the process." Mo Sha Divine Monarch grumbled, shaking a fist. 

"We're here. Attack together." Smiles said. 




In an instant around the Royal Lord appeared a brilliant Yin Yang Light twisting and turning upon each other, greatly damaging the Royal Lord.

"AHHH!" The Royal Lord Cried out in agony. "DID THAT BRAT ATTACK ME AGAIN! No…" He yelled, now finally noticing the difference. But his words were cut off by another pain. 

Just as that light disappeared, thousands of whips began striking the Royal Lord with great force, each leaving either a gash, scrap or bruise. 

"AHH FUCK! That's painful! CURSE THAT DAMN BRAT! NONE OF YOU WOULD GET AWAY FROM ME IF I COULD SEE YOU!" The Royal Lord Cursed. "Damn you all…" He tried to grumble through the stinging pain. 

Once the whips were out of the way, two giant purple palms appeared on either side of the Royal Lord, and then rapidly closed the gap between them repeatedly like someone clapping. 

"Fuck… You… I'll… Kill you… FOR THIS!" The Royal lord yelled in declaration, beyond pissed. Pressing his power to the limit to break free of the final attack. "Soldiers come here now!" He ordered. 

What remained of the Ink Clan Army flew directly to the Royal Lord. The Royal Lord, then destroyed their souls and assimilated their energy to heal his eyes. This inevitably thinned out the herd quite a bit. However, it didn't heal the Royal Lord to full. There wasn't nearly enough time nor Ink Force to do that. And for the first time, the Ink Clan were truly the ones fighting with limited resources. 

"Huh? There are new arrivals I see… And one of you is… Fuck. A 9th rank…" The Royal Lord grumbled in frustration. "This mission was a failure. But… It seems like that brat is finally on the ropes as the humans would say… Good…" He added, pointing a palm towards me, launching an attack that only Smiles would have been able to intercept. 

"HA! YOU THINK I'M DONE FOR HUH! YOU STUPID INK CLAN! All you've managed to damage is my human and phoenix forms. I have yet to really use my dragon form." I laughed, as I coughed up blood, and evaded the attack by a hair's breadth. Though one of my hairs did get snipped. 

"Stop talking big, You think we'd believe that? You've been fighting in this form for half a day. There's no way you're able to continue fighting much longer. Face it boy, you'll die here today." The Beaten and bruised, strongest Territory Lord said, gasping for breath. 

"Ha… HAHA… AHAHAHA! You said the same thing yesterday… Yet here I am… Alive. Now, I have only one clear order to give and fulfill…" I said, pausing with a bloody smirk on my face. "KILL THE ENEMY!" I yelled, with a Dragon's Roar coming out. 

And it was at this moment I took my Dragon form once again. Only this time… I was just over 1000 Zhang… Putting me solidly into the 7th rank equivalent territory of a… Great Dragon

"Ahahaha! I like this kid more and more. Kill the enemy!" Six Wood Divine Monarch laughed charging forward claiming two of the Territory Lords for himself. 

"Ha, only taking on two of them? I'll take these three!" Mo Sha laughed, taunting Six Wood. 

"I can't be too greedy now can I? Once that boy's father gets here, if he doesn't have a release… How will he relax? Let us not go overboard. And instead show constraint." Six Wood reasoned. 

"Ahahaha! If Yang Kai is truly coming here right now, Then let us just beat these fools senseless. Let Yang Kai get the satisfaction of watching the enemy's life fade from their eyes." Mo Sha laughed, punching a Territory Lord square in the face. 

Six Wood followed suit, with a punch as well… The two looked at their fists in shock. Then at each other. And let out a chuckle. 

""NOW THAT! THAT FELT GOOD!"" They laughed as they went into battle more fiercely.