Ink Battle (6)

"Wow? I knew the tokens were powerful… But to think a single punch was enough to leave a visible dent in a Territory Lord's face… Not bad, Not bad at all. I guess I really can leave the battle to them for now." Smiles said, half giggling. 

"And what are you so happy about? Once I kill you. I'm going to kill that brat. He dared to blind me. He must be punished with death." The Royal Lord said, in a low growl.

"Oh? You seem to have some misconceptions about your situation right now. You see, that boy, while not birthed of my very own loins, He is still my son… You dared lay your disgusting hands upon him… You'll learn today why women are fierce." Smiles taunted, narrowing her eyes. She then charged right towards the Royal Lord.

"WHAT!" The Royal lord shouted in a panic. Barely managing to block her attack. 

"Oh, you were able to block that? Hmm, I'm going to have fun killing you… A slow and painful death." Smiles smiled, as the battle between Royal Lord and 8th rank began to increase in pace. 

 The two of them flying through the void, exchanging blows rapidly. At speeds nearly blinding to the Territory Lords and 8th ranks. Though, it's not like we cared about that battle…

"What are you doing? Looking away from your opponent like that… Means death." I said, as I chomped a huge chunk out of a Territory Lord. "Even with my ability to purify your Ink Force, you still taste Vile." I mused, grabbing the now bleeding out Territory Lord's Head, forcing them to watch as I devoured their body like it was a meal. 

"You ruthless humans… No, you're not human, you're a monster." The Territory Lord coughed out just before they died. 

"Huh? You must have had a weak heart? To die so easily and just like that? A damn shame…" I said, annoyed I couldn't torture the evil bastard longer. 

I surged my strength turning the Territory Lord's remains into pure energy and stored it away. Opting not to use it right now. Didn't want to grow too much in my Dragon form. Too much too quickly will lead to numerous problems. 

"Damn, Ahahaha! Seems the new Young Master of High Heaven Palace knows how to bring the pain." Six Wood Divine Monarch laughed.

"Indeed, he does. It's like he has zero remorse for the enemy. Not a bad quality to have for this kind of enemy." Mo Sha Divine Monarch laughed as well. 

"HEY! It's not like I am completely ruthless. It's just these fools led an army to come kill me. Why should I respect such cowardice like that?" I retorted. 

"Ahahaha! You really are a lot like your father. It's an honor to see your prowess." Six Wood chuckled, as he also killed a Territory Lord. "These tokens? You came up with them? They are fantastic." He added, with a satisfied laugh. 

"Hahaha, I did. Being a dragon myself, I knew how horrible it would feel to not be allowed to leave that cramped space. And now… heh heh, I'd be willing to bet the Ink Clan has already suffered quite a bit of damage over there." I replied laughing, as I shrugged off attacks that kept coming my way. 

"Ahahaha! If those friends of mine over there have access to these I'm sure they have gone wild more than a few times indeed." Six Wood laughed. "Oh, by the way, brother Mo Sha, why haven't you killed a Territory Lord yet? Better hurry up before the two of us kill the rest of them." He chuckled. 

"Oh? So it's Mo Sha Divine Monarch… I suspected as much given the energy fluctuations. But since this is the case. I've gotta ask. Heh heh, how is it? Good enough for a brat that doesn't know anything, right?" I asked, chuckling as I tore through Feudal Lords like they were paper. 

"Heh, I wasn't expecting this much. I thought you were some snot nosed brat and that Smiles' Old Ancestor had beaten Zhuo Bu Qun to such a state. But this… It's better than a brat." Mo Sha said, half grumbling and half chuckling. "I'll have to come up with something to apologize for my mistake…" He added.

"Oh? Well you're in luck. You see I've got this problem… There are these damned vile creatures trying to take my life you see. Kill a few of them for me and get me a large meal filled with nothing but the finest meats… Oh and grill the meat to a tender juicy flavor right in front of me. And all will be forgiven." I said, chomping down on a Feudal Lord. 

"I see, is that all? Such a simple meal after all that? Are you sure?" Mo Sha asked. 

"Well you see, these damned things taste absolutely Vile. Having a decent palate cleanser after this would be more than helpful." I answered, swinging my tail around smacking a Feudal Lord into a Territory Lord. And then launched a dragon breath attack at the two of them. 

"See, the young man's even easy going. But, Brother Mo Sha, try to kill the Territory Lords. That token is far stronger than we initially thought. Why not fight at full power for a change huh?" Six Wood chuckled as he killed his second opponent. 

"Oh shut up will you." Mo Sha Divine Monarch grumbled, and then used an ability to kill all three Territory Lords at once. At least the ones he had been facing anyways. 

"FUCK! RUN! THEY ARE TOO STRONG! SIR ROYAL LORD HELP US!" The two Territory Lords I had previously injured quite heavily, said as they attempted to flee. 

"Heh, you think a Dragon is gonna let his prey just leave? Foolish." I said with a smirk as I all but teleported myself in front of them blocking their escape. 

"Out of the way you brat… Ugh! What?" One of the Two Territory Lords said, looking down to see there was a man in front of them, holding an inky colored heart in each hand. 

"So, you wanted to kill… But you weren't prepared to die yourselves… Congratulations, I've discovered a new level of anger and hatred that words can not define." The man said, staring back at the two with death in his eyes… Slowly making the hearts compress with spatial principles. His fury was palpable.