Ink Battle (7)

"Woah! How did he get over there already?" Someone called out from aboard Daybreak. 

"Simple, my Husband is just… Absolutely Livid…" Su Yan answered as a killing aura erupted seeing the scene before her. 

"Still though, I could have sworn the Palace Master was standing right there. Even as I asked…" A relatively newly promoted 6th rank muttered rubbing his chin, in a fit of momentary confusion. 

Then a guest on board the ship ran to the railing and looked out, scanning the battlefield. "Everything has been protected…" He murmured… "Just how freakishly strong is that Young Man? He fought such terrifying evil all while preventing devastation from befalling the surroundings… He kept my Territory safe…" The man muttered, making a fist arcing with lightning. It was the Thunderclap Hall's Hall Master. 

"You know, you really didn't need to come along." Ning Qi Zhi Chuckled wrapping an arm around Hall Master Lei's shoulders in a friendly gesture. "Out here in this Territory, Even I can tell. Little Leiji wouldn't let a place like this fall to the Ink Clan. Not when it's filled with Thunder & Lightning." He chuckled. 

"That's right, attacking Leiji in such a place is basically begging for death. Though… It doesn't seem like he used any of the power this place could provide. If he did I doubt that the Royal Lord would still have subordinates remaining by the time we arrived." Shen Ao laughed. 

"Oh? So you think it's funny do you? MY BABY WAS ATTACKED HERE!" Su Yan yelled angrily. 

"No, Lady Su Yan, I'm saying that Leiji, had he needed to he likely could have even made a good showing against that Royal Lord. Instead, he felt it wasn't needed." Shen Ao explained calmly. 

"Even still that young man… I don't have any means to repay him… My home, the home I couldn't even help defend…" Hall Master Lei said in between fits of frustration and rage. 

It was here at this moment Thunderclap Hall's Hall Master looked directly into the eye of a hurricane I created at the beginning of the fight. He let out a gulp and then… His aura began to flare and crackle. 

"Get him a safe distance from the others." Feng Ying ordered quickly. 

Ning QI Zhi, having already been close enough, took action and took the Hall Master outside the ship and stood guard. Qi Tai Chu came to stand guard as well. Along with several others using the tokens just in case. 

"Seriously, breaking through here? What was it that set this in motion?" Feng Ying wondered, glancing at the other Thunderclap Hall disciple that managed to wake up in time. 

The Thunderclap hall Disciple couldn't hear Feng Ying's question as he stared at the same spot that his Hall Master had looked and then turned away, gasping for breath as if he had just climbed a vertical cliff. He was about to fall to his knees and then caught himself. 

"Such… Depth… That power… Just how did he learn of it… I, I can't handle it." The Disciple said, with raspy breath. 

"Hmm? Do you mean that storm right there?" Shen Ao asked, pointing towards the storm. The Disciple nodded. "What about it made you like this?" He asked, raising his brow.

"My Dao… It was damaged years ago in an arena match… It was supposed to be permanent… Yet I now feel… The wound is not just gone, but… My Dao… It's much deeper than it ever was before…" The Thunderclap Hall Disciple explained, recovering some of his breath. "I imagine Hall Master Lei had a similar experience just now. But I am only a 5th rank, so I can only guess." He continued. 

"I see… So that display of an albeit small portion of Leiji's power was enough to cause Thunderclap Hall's Hall Master to begin breaking through to the 7th rank." Feng Ying reasoned. Then threw her hands to the side and shook her head. "I'm not surprised in the slightest. He caused a 7th rank to see the light to the 8th rank way back before Leiji even became a Dao Source Realm. I watched it happen…" She giggled. 

"Oh look, it seems like Yang Kai has killed those two Territory Lords using some kind of means." Bai Yi noted changing the subject. 

~ In the Void ~

Two empty husks of Ink Clan Territory Lords floated in the void, lifeless. And a man with both his hands dripping in vile inky blood, shook them clean. Then looked at me, scanning my condition. 

"It must have been hard on you, son. Go take a rest now. I'll clean up these damned cowards." Yang Kai said, with a proud smile. 

"I can still fight, Father. I'm not completely done just yet." I said, and then spat up a bit of blood after having relaxed slightly from the relief of seeing the reinforcements. Though they numbered small it was more than enough to deal with the rest of the rabble. 

"No, I'm not going to risk losing my son. Not when I know his condition is so bad. Your phoenix source is heavily damaged, your Human form is battered and broken in four places while your Dragon body right now is starting to fall apart. Any further fighting would put you at too much risk. You've already done enough of the fighting. So for now take a break and rest up. I'm sure there isn't a soul in all the 3000 Worlds who would blame you." Yang Kai said, shaking his head. 

"I… I'll at least keep the protections up around the Universe Worlds here. They don't take much effort to keep up after all. And I need those people alive anyways." I said, cupping my dragon claws in a similar way to a hand salute. 

"Good, then I'll take care of the rest. I'm quite pissed and I see a few punching bags with my name on them. So go back and see your mother, she is… Well, I'm sure you can sense it too." Yang Kai said. 

"Yeah, do me a favor father…" I asked. 

"Hmm?" Yang Kai replied.

"Eat the fuck out of these damned detestable spineless cowards. I unfortunately didn't get to claim their lives myself, so I'll have to settle for you doing it." I said, swimming off towards Daybreak

Yang Kai let out a smirk and answered through our connection "You're the one doing me a favor by letting me kill them".