Ink Battle (8)

"Huh? Leiji is coming here? That's not good…" Bai Yi said. 

"Wait, why?" Shen Ao asked. "Didn't we come here to rescue him and kill the enemy? If he's coming here we've already accomplished one goal. And if he is bringing some enemies with him, hehe the second won't be too far behind." He chuckled, confidently. 

"He's drained and heavily injured. Don't you know how much Yang Kai has wanted to fight alongside his son? Yet he was ordered to return. Only severe injuries would be the reason." Bai Yi snapped back. 

"Shen Ao, follow me to go and escort him back to the ship safely. You four, prepare to help aid in healing Leiji's wounds." Feng Ying ordered. 


"Shall we go then?" Feng Ying asked. 

"Ahahaha! I'm gonna get there to help my nephew first!" Shen Ao laughed, having already left the ship. 

"You dumbass, don't get yourself killed in the process." Feng Ying yelled out with a vein bulging, as she flew after him to catch up to me. 

~ My Flight Path ~

"Ahaha! Not so tough now are ya you damned brat! HOW DARE YOU STAY ALIVE! DIE LIKE A GOOD LIVESTOCK!" A Feudal Lord yelled out, wearing a self satisfied smirk. "Oh the glory of having killed the brat that did so much damage to us… I can see it now." He continued. 

"Oh shut it. Damned coward, only knowing how to attack one man with an entire army." I growled in my dragon's voice. 

"Ahahaha! That's called insurance. And we are smart for having done it. But it seems we didn't bring enough." The Feudal Lord laughed, completely unbothered. 

"Will you shut up? Just attack the brat already. He can't even teleport away now, now that his energy is waning." Another Feudal Lord sighed annoyed. 

"Oh, my energy is waning is it? Then how about this. Bet you've never fought a Dragon like this." I said, with my eyes glowing and in my claws appeared either a Hammer or a Spear. 

""WHAT!? He… He… Can do that!"" The Feudal Lords panicked in unison. 

"Ahahaha! I may be utterly exhausted and brutally injured, but… You really shouldn't underestimate Dragons… Not, if you want to cling to life. We aren't livestock either, it is you who are parasites." I sneered. 

What ensued next was a battle between half a dozen Feudal Lords and a weapon wielding Dragon. A skilled weapon wielder at that. A swipe if the tail came with an additional threat of a Hammer to face, crotch or back. A chomp was accompanied by a spear through the chest. 

It was brutal, The Feudal Lords attacked all at once, usually landing 30% of their attacks. 

"AHG! Damn it." I roared in pain. "That one fucking hurt!" I roared into the face of a few Feudal Lords while my tail wrapped around the body of a Feudal Lord and then began to squeeze. 

"Ah! AHHHH! Help me!" The Feudal Lord cried out flailing as they were squeezed to death in a crushing wrap.

"Holy shit, he killed him, just like that…" A Feudal Lord muttered staring at the place where the gruesome death took place. 

"Now then, which of these cowards are next?" I said with a smirk, doing my best to hide the agony I was in. "If this goes on much longer I might have to risk using some of the power in this territory. Damn it." I thought. 

"Ahahah! We're almost there!" Shen Ao laughed, readying himself for battle. And then woosh. "Huh? What the hell was that?" He said, surprised by the wind. 

"Hmm it was too large to be an arrow from Bai Yi." Feng Ying mentioned. 

"So, these are the detestable creatures up close are they? Young Master Yang is right. Their mere presence is instinctually revolting. Mind if I jump in and give them a little pay back?" Thunderclap Hall's Hall Master Lei said cracking his knuckles and neck, after having appeared out of a bolt of lightning. 

"Hmm, not a bad showing. Can you handle a couple of them, I'll take the other three." I chuckled. 

"I'll take the right." Hall Master Lei said, charging into battle with his own version of lightning arcing around him. "Mine may not be nearly as destructive as Young Master Yang's… But… THIS IS MY TERRITORY AND I'LL BE DAMNED IF I DON'T AT LEAST HELP DEFEND IT!" He declared with diaphragm, bellowing it out for all around to hear, as his fists went into two Feudal Lords with an impact that made his fist almost visible from the back side of the Feudal Lords. 

"Wow, that's pretty damn good. Now then, time to wipe out the rest of these things." I said, putting away my weapons opting for a straightforward brutal beatdown. "Now then… Die you vile scum!" I roared, instantly moving to action tearing off the Feudal Lords' limbs one by one. 

"AHH! Why did I have to come here? I don't want to die not like this!" A Feudal Lord cried. "INK IS…" He started to chant. 

"Not on my watch you don't!" I said, after chomping their head off, turning it into swiss cheese in the process. "Man, these things are disgusting. Truly a revolting flavor." I groaned. 

"He's a monster! A MONSTER RUN AWAY!" The other two Feudal Lords yelled in a panic fleeing for their lives. 

And in that moment, both of the Fleeing Feudal Lords were killed, one by way of thousands of slices in quick succession all at a blinding speed. The sword seemed to be filled with quite a fair amount of rage. The other was torn apart revealing a bloody, inky mist. 

"Ahahaha! Not bad, Martial Nephew. But you look quite exhausted now." Shen Ao chuckled. 

"Son, are you… Holy shit, WHO BEAT YOU LIKE THIS!" Feng Ying yelled out quite angry. 

"Heh, The Ink Clan of course. Fighting 14 Territory Lords and a Royal Lord on my own is no easy task." I said, gently scratching my dragon cheek with my claw. 

"Can you transform back to Human form?" Feng Ying asked. 

"If I do that now… Well, I'd like to be able to lay down immediately after. My body is quite heavily injured." I said, nervously. 

"I can see that… Su Yan is going to be pissed when she sees how much damage has been done to you. Even I want to go in and charge the Royal Lord myself.