Homeward Bound (2)

A 7th rank from Gold Antelope flew over to Daybreak, not boarding the ship since they had no real reason to. Instead they took a respectful posture and cupped their hands. 

"Response Team 3 captain, greets Supreme Elder." The 7th rank said, taking several quick glances around to find others to greet properly. "Greetings Old Ancestor…" She started.

"Just call me Smiles." Smiles said, waving off the title. "That feels too terrible." She added, with a small smile. 

"Uh…" The 7th rank murmured a little confused looking at their supreme Elder for confirmation. "Yes lady Smiles." She continued, after getting a nod.

"Good, if you need to take that old fart back with you go ahead." Smiles said, pointing towards Six Wood, casually. 

"Uhm, I actually needed to make a report. Is it alright?" The 7th rank asked. 

"Go on, what is this report?" Six Wood said, starting to stroke his beard with open ears.

"One of our Force's Disciples came through here panicking about a highly disturbing event in a nearby territory. The report included witnessing the entire Territory filling with lightning. It scared quite a number of people thinking that there might be a stampede of Thunder beasts coming." The 7th rank said. "We also experienced something quite similar to the report over here. But, even still two teams went to investigate. While the disciple is here with us." She added. 

"Ha, HAHA, AHAHAHA! Oh now that is funny. To think that those twins weren't lying about how far that aura of his spread." Six Wood Divine Monarch laughed. 

"Wait, who?" The 7th rank asked. 

"Yeah, that was my power raging in the time it wasn't controlled. Fortunately, the righteous ones wouldn't be hurt by such things." I chuckled. 

"Wait… You… YOU CAUSED THAT!" The 7th rank exclaimed in shock. "No way… It was already freaky enough surviving a run in with the Ink Clan's Royal Lord…" She muttered, with a pale face. 

"Yep, though, not all of that was originally mine. The twins helped me. But now, I'm all better." I chuckled. 

"Ahahaha! Well then, I think I should take my leave here. I'll send messengers to the other old fogies about what happened. May we meet again soon. We still need to discuss the procurement of resources and troops for the fight ahead of us." Six Wood said, moving to leave, stopping when a hand fell on his shoulder. 

"Hold it. I know you had that token but I'm not stupid enough to just let people leave after a run in with the Ink Clan." I said, with a deadly serious look. 

"But, the token worked? So there is no need, right?" Six Wood Divine Monarch said, slightly confused. 

"Oh, you see, this is only the second time an 8th rank has ever used the token. So there are many things we must go over. I trust you understand. But if you have business to attend to. I guess I'll make this as quick as possible." I said.

I took a step back and for the first time in a while I used hand signs. Feng Ying, Bai Yi and all other members of Dawn Squad instantly felt a chill go up their spines realizing what was happening. There have been precious few times I've ever used such things, as for me they aren't really required. 

My hair flew up, arcing with lightning. Each motion to each new sign released a thunderous rumble. My eyes lit up, radiating a heavenly power. A spherical wave released all around, me as the center. 

As the wave slowly passed over everyone, they all felt a soothing comfort. Those who knew the nature of my lightning prior, didn't react with shock, only a warm or pleasant smile. Those who were experiencing my power's influence for the first time, felt this comfort… Their eyes opened in a shock, looking at their hands and then at me. 

Oddly enough the two other teams hadn't even left the domain yet. I put a little extra into the energy they felt. Just some simple words describing the events of what caused the report of their Force's Disciple. A nervous chuckle could be heard by everyone on both of those ships. None of them knew who started the nervous chuckle, but… It didn't matter, they all felt the same way. Such freakish might yet it was coming from a Great Emperor. 

The comfortable feeling they all felt was my lightning removing all of the traces of Ink Force. Even the tiniest bits of it. Then returning to each of them a gift, a small portion of the energy I had refined to absolute purity from the Ink Clan's army. 

"And, that should be enough to cover the cost of deployment. Anyone willing to charge into combat against the Ink Clan will not have to succumb to the Ink Force. So long as I draw breath, this, will forever be the truth." I said, with my hair coming back down to its long flowy self. 

"It would still be good training for them to understand what it's like so future warriors can prepare to defend against it." Yang Kai smirked. 

"Well of course, but we will do those in batches of no less than a few thousand at a time. I made sure to leave the strands you collected untouched. After all, doing anything to void World is basically impossible for me." I said. 

"I know. Now that everything's taken care of, let us head home for real now." Yang Kai said. 

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting to have such a fight… I could use a little… Seclusion time to relax." I said, causing many people's faces to grow red. 

"Shameless!" The 7th rank floating outside the ship said, pointing her finger at me. Her face was completely red. 

"Ahahaha! I never said anything too specific. Pointing the finger like that only says more about you than it does I. Let me guess you heard the rumors about that pill right?" I laughed with a smirk. Yang Kai laughed with me. 

"What? I… I haven't heard about that rumor." The 7th rank said, completely flustered. 

"So you do know of it then. Good, don't worry too much. The day will come when its exclusivity becomes a thing of the past. The day is approaching. And should be here soon enough." I added, chuckling.

"Really! Wait No… I don't know what you're talking about." The 7th rank said and then flew away all beat red.