Returned To High Heaven

Mo Sha, having seen the prowess I displayed in Thunderclap Hall Great Territory, sighed. "Listen up. The young man here is right. All of you have improved. And should consider what happened, a gift, in disguise." He explained. "Oh, but if you feel you can't accept that. Feel free to challenge him yourself. If you can even land a blow on him... Well I'd be shocked." He further said. 

"Supreme Elder, forgive this disciple, but... I must request permission to challenge him right now. I don't believe a little Great Emperor can beat me. Let alone pull off these stunts. It must be something else." The Disciple said half grumbling, as he stood up. 

"Pfft, go ahead. But I warn you. A 5th rank has zero chance against High Heaven Palace's Young Master... His prowess is far beyond your imagination, let alone capabilities." Mo Sha chuckled. 

Even with the warning the Disciple stepped up in front and stared me down. 

"Very well, even though you are barking up the wrong tree and too blind to see it. I'll accept this challenge. I'll also give you the honor of choosing the contest. Fighting ability is something you are not remotely close to me in. So choose something else." I said with a pleasant smile. 

"A Great Emperor dares to look down on me! We will compete in a fight!" The Disciple yelled, shaking his fist at me. 

"Are you sure about this? I really am much stronger than you understand." I sighed, shrugging and shaking my head. 

"Don't look down on me!" The disciple yelled with anger releasing his full strength. 

This action would usually cause a Universe World to have many unstable negative effects. Like cracking apart. Which is why all Open Heaven Realms will suppress their energy down by a considerable degree. 

So such actions are highly frowned upon by others. And even more so when the Universe World is known as the cradle of the Open Heaven Realm. 

However, none of the negative effects happened. Not a single one. it would usually have been instant. But this time, something kept it from happening. 

"You do know you've just signed a permanent removal from this Universe World with an act like this." I said glaring deathly daggers at the Myriad Demons Disciple. 

"Hah, nothing happened because that Tree is right here. So what's the harm? Now eat my fist!" The disciple yelled. 

I pointed down to the ground. And the disciple fell prone on the ground. Barely conscious. 

"The reason nothing happened is because I stabilized the foreign energy myself." I stated coldly, just before the guy passed out. 

"I guess you want him out of here as well. Don't worry, I'll take him back too. He can accompany Zhuo Bu Qun on that Mission." Mo Sha said, knowing what my next words would have been. 

"Good. No one who would release their open Heaven Aura in Star Boundary shall be allowed to live here." I said, with a half sigh. "Troublemakers like that are not to be tolerated." I added. 

"Indeed. I'll take them away now. And I'll return with a new Elder to represent My Myriad Demons Cave Heaven." Mo Sha said, tossing the two troublemakers into his Small Universe. And then flew away opting not to listen to any more input. 

"Well then, now that that's all taken care of... I'll take my leave." I said. 

"Please wait. With our representative Elder gone. We need to decide on a temporary replacement for the meantime. Would you mind..." One of the two 6th ranks asked. 

"Oh that? Just send a 6th rank with the potential to be 7th rank in the future. Hmm, actually... this might be tough... You don't seem to have one yet. In that case. If you need something Make a request of the sister forces Elders." I said. "But there is a selection coming up soon. And my family is celebrating weddings for the next while... very well then the two of you shall represent your force for now." I added, before vanishing. 

"Well, this is going to be difficult. Without an Elder here how can our force dare to claim we're here to help protect the cradle..." A 6th rank sighed. 

"It's probably best to not worry about that. After all, the Palace Master Yang Kai has broken through to the 8th rank and he has even married Lady Smiles, a 9th rank." The other 6th rank said. 

"Yeah... And I suppose that the thing about needing to be 7th rank was due to that, thing." The first 6th rank sighed.

"Indeed, which means he already knows about it and has fought with them. And that alone shows his prowess." The other 6th rank suggested. 

"That also explains why his lightning feels so... different. Like it was tailored specifically to tear that enemy apart." The first 6th rank whispered to the other. 

"That settles it then... With him here it would be impossible to attack this place successfully. Let alone his father or 12th mother." The other 6th rank sighed, murmuring. 

"That and the new 7th rank sir Iron Blood Great Emperor. Combined With the explosion of couples conceiving children already." The first 6th rank said, pausing...

""This place is really the cradle of the human race."" Both 6th ranks said in unison. 

"Alright, everyone get back to cultivation. The hardship of the last several weeks has passed." The first 6th rank ordered, sending the disciples back to their practice. 

~ High Heaven Palace ~ 

Dong Su Zhu, my grandmother, was eagerly awaiting my arrival. She seemed more excited and worried at the same time. 

"Young Master, are you sure you want to arrive now? She might start hogging you to herself." Fang Qing asked. 

"Yeah, it's better to just get these things out of the way. She just cares deeply about her family. There's no point in pushing it off. And it's not fair to her either." I replied as I appeared right in the middle of the main courtyard. 

In that moment I was instantly beset upon by my grandmother. Smothering me with a heartfelt relief. 

"Don't go getting yourself hurt young man. My little darling grandson." Dong Su Zhu said, with a tight hug, practically burying my face. 

"I can promise that I won't go trying to find such trouble." I said, hugging her back.