Zhuo Bu Qun Gets Laughed At

~ Myriad Demons Training Yards Of Star Boundary ~

The Disciples of Myriad Demons Cave Heaven were all standing there, stunned as their wounds healed before their very eyes. 

"This… I didn't even take anything, yet my wounds are completely healed and I even feel a little bit stronger than I did before." A Disciple said, then looked over and saw someone jump up. 

"Ahahaha! I thought for sure it would take me years to recover, let alone to improve at all. Just what kind of ability is this?" The pumped up Disciple exclaimed, jumping around getting used to their newly healed body.

Someone was about to respond when they felt the immense urge to give their respects. The direction this came from was none other than where Mo Sha Divine Monarch had landed. He was clearly quite pissed, but… None of that anger was directed towards the disciples in the yard. 

The Disciples all bowed cupping their hands. "Disciple Greets Supreme Elder…" They all said in unison. Stopping the moment their eyes fell upon me. "Gre… Greetings… Lord Temporal…. Thunder…" They all said, though this time, with a front row seat to the immense pressure I was seemingly so casually emitting. 

"Zhuo Bu Qun… GET OUT HERE!" Mo Sha ordered, clearly directing his anger. Controlling it just enough so there wouldn't be any issues with Star Boundary.

A random gust of wind blew across the yard. Mo Sha looked at me and I smirked, with a shrug. 

"Couldn't help it. Erie silences like that are too much. It's best to get a little tension relief. What? Didn't like it?" I chuckled, casually.

"It was different, but… I doubt any of the disciples noticed that it was you who made that particular gust just now." Mo Sha sighed, looking around. Taking note of the absolutely horrified looks on his force's Disciple's faces. He let out a sigh and faced the door expecting Zhuo Bu Qun to come out. "Don't make me beat you half to death a second time! Come out now and receive your punishment." He grumbled, getting slightly pissed off.

Just after Mo Sha spoke, three people came walking out of the archway. On the left and right were clearly two petrified 6th ranks, struggling to stand, let alone walk under the pressure of an 8th ranks' angry gaze. 

In the center of the three figures was the bloodied, bruised and beaten Zhuo Bu Qun. He was in such bad shape that he needed help moving. Which was a bit confusing to say the very least. 

"Hmm, I thought you only beat him half to death?" Mo Sha wondered, tilting his head. Going from pissed, to curious real quick. 

"I did, it looks like he tried to fight someone while in that state. And given the type of injuries… It isn't any of my people." I said, curiously rubbing my chin. "Give me a moment…" I said, diving into the record of the Star Boundary to find out what happened. "Pfft… Bwahahaha! Oh now that sure is hilarious. Ahahaha!" I laughed. 

"Hmm? What happened?" Mo Sha asked, raising his brow. "It must be something quite humorous. I haven't seen you laugh like this until now." He added. 

"Aahaha! Oh, now that is funny. I think it's best if you have the idiot speak it for himself." I said, continuing to hold my side with laughter. 

"You! Ugh, fine." Mo Sha grumbled momentarily, calming down as he remembered what happened in recent time. "Zhuo Bu Qun, explain these injuries. AT ONCE!" He demanded. 

"Disciple… Greets Supreme Elder…. These wounds… After returning here, the other Elders came and took turns beating on me. They were vicious…" Zhuo Bu Qun said with a great deal of struggle.

"Pfft, this injured and you still have the balls to lie… Hahaha!!! Face it, they rightfully put you in your place. Your actions tarnished the reputation of not just yourself and your force. But it also harmed the others as well." I said, with a deathly glare. "If you can't accept that, then I can just kill you here. I have zero issue with that. Even though you'd be far more useful elsewhere." I sighed. 

"Hold on now, I've already decided on his punishment. Death here would be a mercy I'd rather not give him. I trust you understand." Mo Sha Divine Monarch said. 

"Hmm, I see. Well I guess you're right, it's only fitting he suffers for such actions. You can send a replacement for him later. So take his broken ass out of here. Or he might find himself on the bad side of the breeze." I sighed. 

"As long as my Forces Disciples have truly stopped being targeted then I will leave now. If not, I'd rather stay and just shove this idiot in my Small Universe while I wait." Mo Sha said.

"Hmm, I can't promise there won't be a few scuffles here and there." I said, crossing an arm across my chest with my other hand on my chin. "Though, I doubt there will be any major prejudice against them. At least, not any more than normal. After all, the whole point of my order was to force you to take action. Since you were being quite lazy about it." I said chuckling. 

"I see. Wait! You did what?" Mo Sha exclaimed. 

"Oh yeah, you were being lazy. Then I got that letter. And all the while I had waited… Quite a while for you to move." I said, then turned to address the others present. "Let this be a lesson to you. Family is important. And should be fought for. Now that your Force has proven they understand this at the very top, there is no longer any need to worry about fighting like that." I explained. 

"You mean.. We were beaten so hard just…" A disciple started to speak their thoughts. 

"Oh? And why shouldn't you?" I asked, waiting for an answer that would never come. "Moreover none of you have a right to be angry. I always planned on healing your injuries from the beginning. Hence the specific wording of the order I gave." I said, pointing at a few disciples. "And lastly, you've all improved your strength enough to say the pain was worth it. And you three improved so much that you advanced your own Daos a whole level. An admiral showing." I further elaborated.