Arrived Home

"That's good, you understand, but… I do hope you're going to replace that tea." Su Yan spoke up glaring deathly daggers at Mo Sha. 

In that moment Mo Sha learned of a whole new type of fear. The cold icy glare of someone completely unphased by the 8th rank. And so he cleared his throat.

"Of course. That won't be a problem. Forgive my rude behavior just now. I wasn't under the impression of just how horrible that was going to taste. And acted on instinct." Mo Sha said, with an embarrassed face.

"Out of curiosity, how bad did you think it was going to be?" I asked, purifying the last remnants of the strand of Ink Force. 

"Honestly I thought it would be somewhere in between moldy bread and a corpse's excrement. All stuff that can be cleansed by waving one's hand." Mo Sha sighed. "Never did I expect it to be so downright horribly Vile. I doubt there exists a worse taste." He added. "I wish I had some meat on me right now." He mused. 

"Ahahaha! Now you understand. Now that you know, just provide enough meat to sate the hunger of a Thunder of Dragons. My Father and I can really pack it away as it is. But, I want to ensure the best foods for another reason." I said with a smile. 

"Hmm? What might that be?" Mo Sha asked, in a more friendly tone. 

"You see, I'm soon going to have many brothers and sisters. It's only right I do everything I can to make their arrival less strenuous. And so, to that end, my mothers will all be looked after and given whatever foods they desire." I said, plainly. 

"Hmm, but. At this realm, such things aren't necessary, right?" Mo Sha asked, slightly bewildered. 

"Even if that is the case. And with the pill I developed in the mix, it doesn't matter. Mental state is just as important as physical health. And there is only one thing more satisfying than sinking one's teeth into some meat. And that is something they won't be doing." I chuckled. 

"Oh, I see. That makes sense. I wonder how much meat I can have procured?" Mo Sha said, putting a hand to his chin thinking about it. "First let me remove Zhuo Bu Qun from Star Boundary personally. His actions caused unnecessary fighting, it's for the best if he remains there no longer. Though I doubt you'd have a problem crushing him." He added. 

"Oh? Him? A little 7th rank isn't a problem for me. A million of them could come at me at once and it wouldn't matter. Of that I am confident." I said, downing the rest of my tea. "Becoming a Great Dragon and Great phoenix gave me quite the massive boost. As such I'm not sure if the same could be said if it was before the fight we just had." I explained. 

"That is quite the claim. Even a peak 8th rank would struggle with that, if they were able to pull out a win. Actually… I don't think a single 8th rank would be able to do it." Mo Sha said, looking at his hand, introspectively. 

"Indeed. This is just the nature of my power at work. No need to fret about it. I'm not normal by any means. So don't beat yourself up about it too much." I said, calmly. "Now then, with the arrangements settled let's start the ball rolling. I'd like to arrive back home more quickly myself." I said, tapping my finger on the table. 

"Huh?" Mo Sha said, shocked at the speed. 

My tap on the table turned what would be a month-long trip into one of a mere few more minutes. Moving so fast that other ships couldn't even sense our presence. It was mesmerizing for those who witnessed it on board the ship. 

"Son, can't you go faster?" Su Yan asked, wondering. 

"I could, but this is the limit if I want to keep the 5th ranks on board conscious. Any faster and they wouldn't be able to handle it." I smiled. 

"You made the ship move almost as fast as Yang Kai did? Wait? Is that why some people fainted when he was frantically jumping the ship towards the Chaotic Dead Territory? Interesting." Mo Sha commented. "I can feel that this speed is quite something. Definitely not a brat." He chuckled. 

"Ahahaha! I think surviving a run-in with a Royal Lord is more impressive than this little trick." I laughed. Stopping the ship. 

"Huh? We stopped?" Mo Sha said, puzzled. 

"Well yeah, this is Star Boundary. See that tree right there?" I said, with a nudge with my chin. 

"I see… Good. Then let us get this problem squared away." Mo Sha said, as an instinctual bead of sweat fell from his forehead. 

Mo Sha and I launched off of the ship. Su Yan took control after I left. When a great emperor returns to their home world, it reacts. So unless I bothered to purposely hide my presence, I'd be found out by at least the other Great Emperors. But this time it didn't matter. 

Instead, I made myself visible throughout all of Star Boundary, excluding my Aura. The same mighty and powerful presence from before. Only this time, it felt deeper and denser. Sparking everywhere. 

"As of this moment, all combat between disciples of my High Heaven Palace and Myriad Demons Cave Heaven will cease." I announced. "Their supreme elder has come to collect the foolish one who originated this conflict. Zhuo Bu Qun, a 7th rank elder who dared to attempt raising a hand to a little girl. Such actions are not to be tolerated. Strength must never be used to bully. Especially such a wide and deep chasm of power." I elaborated. "I will now heal the wounds you have all borne out of this conflict generated by one man's foolish choice." I continued, waving my hand. 

All across the Star Boundary, Myriad Demons Disciples and High Heaven's Disciples were instantly healed of all wounds. Regardless of what they might have been. Stunning Mo Sha even more, nearly speechless. 

"And now that everyone has learned just how precious one's family is, I trust such situations won't occur again. Even if I am absent. Healthy competition is fine though, none shall bully others." I ordered.