Discussion With A View (2)

Bing Hua and Bing Xue were both understandably resisting my efforts to leave. Each tightening their grip. 

"Fine, so long as you don't go beyond the palace's rules you can do what you feel like to the culprit." I said, feeling the grip losing a little. 

"Really? That's… Wait, I mean. Fine, I'll take care to watch the punishment." Bing Hua said, turning away quickly. 

"Alright, now let me go. I'm going to make sure that my gift to my parents is utterly devoid of flaws." I said, rubbing their backs, softly. 

"Good, but remember that our day will come as well." Bing Xue said, kissing me just before I stood up. 

"Of course." I smiled. "I look forward to that day." I added, then went around and kissed each of my wives. 

"Hey hey! Big brother, what about me?" Xiu Ding Ai pouted. 

"For you, you can have this." I smiled, rubbing her head gently with a couple of pats. 

"You know that's not what I meant. Why are you so mean to me, big brother?" Xiu Ding Ai pouted, crossing her arms. 

"Ahahaha, you may think this way now. But you'll understand in the very near future." I laughed, patting her head a few more times. "Until then, feel free to blame me as much as you like. Though, if you want more than headpats… I can give you a hug or carry you on my back for a while." I added chuckling. 

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean? Big Brother, I know you know that Lap Naps is the best thing ever. I want those." Xiu Ding Ai complained, as her pout started smoothing out. 

"Well, perhaps another time. I can't have any distractions for at least several days." I said, lifting my hand away from her head. "And now I'll leave you to continue talking. Martial Aunt Flower Shadow please, take care of my sister-in-law. She seems to be a little down." I added with a respectful gesture. Then disappeared as if I had been made of air the entire time. 

"That boy, I swear. Well, I suppose I can't be upset with him. He did manage to pick up on why I brought little Ding Ai with me here." Flower Shadow sighed. "Just how does he do it?" She continued in another short sigh. 

"Well, my Husband, Leiji, is only looking out for her well being. He doesn't want her to make any decisions like that while she is so young." Huo Lei answered. 

"Hmm, I see. But would it not be better for her well being if she were to be betrothed sooner rather than later?" Flower Shadow asked. 

"Yes and no. Our ages don't line up very well. And with how many siblings he will soon have, a few of them are bound to be boys. They will be a little younger than my sister. But much closer in age." Xiu Che explained, as she nuzzled Ding Ai. 

"Hmm, still. It's not like it will be a problem with generational jumps." Flowed Shadow sighed again, as if summoning a moment of silence. "Well, I guess he has his own reasoning for such measures." She added. 

"It's not like there isn't a chance for Ding Ai to join us in the future. She just needs to be able to properly understand it herself… And be of age before anything like would even be a thought he entertains." Huo Lei explained further. 

"So he really doesn't care for that custom in the slightest. Very well I'll stop trying to push the issue. Instead I'll teach Ding Ai the ins and outs of what it means to be a wife. And then further elaboration I'm afraid I'll have to leave up to you. I haven't the first idea of what it's like to be a sister wife." Flower Shadow said, relentingly. 

"Oh? It's really not that different. But, we do get to have quite a bit of fun with ourselves whenever we want. So that's always a good time." Chi Qiu blushed. 

"Really? I think the best part is having so many mothers to talk to. We often talk about how to get the absolute most out of our man. Mother in law, Ru Meng and Qing Luo came up with some… Incredible ideas to try out." Feng Qiang blushed in a similar fashion to Chi Qiu. 

"Mother-in-law's also gave us a few techniques to master. Some have been waiting in reserve for the day we finally get to have our Husband's Child. But we can be certain they work." Xiu Che swooned. 

"Oh, how I want the day for our child to come." Huo Lei swooned as well, her tails beating the air vigorously. 

"Hmm? Seems like Little Huo Lei has it bad." Flower Shadow giggled. 

"First sister has been with Husband the longest." Xiu Che replied. 

"I see. Now, a serious question. Do you feel as though Leiji might…" Flower Shadow started asking. 

The looks on Huo Lei's and the other's faces turned quite angry. A face that screamed; "Don't you dare finish that sentence". Flower Shadow, gulped, pausing for a moment. She realized that what she had been about to ask was way too far out of line. 

"I… Forgive me, I wasn't thinking too hard about it. And thank you. You've answered my worries." Flower Shadow said, sipping her tea a little nervously. "Che'er, I have another question for you." She continued. Flower shadow then whispered a question directly to Xiu Che. 

"Oh? That won't be a problem. We will always love our sisters regardless of where they come from." Xiu Che said. "However, they must meet expectations. If they don't then there is no chance. Even if the 9 Heavens came down to force the issue. My Husband would beat them all down 3 times for each of us." She continued. 

"Hmm, interesting. It must be for some reason." Flower Shadow said, finishing her tea. 

"Why would Leiji willingly accept a woman who doesn't measure up to us? It would do nothing but insult us, his wives. And that is something he would never abide by. And to that end, us sisters here get the final say on that matter." Huo Lei said. 

"I see, well. I'll take my leave. Ding Ai and I have some important matters to attend to. Thank you for the tea, it was lovely, just as you are." Flower Shadow said. Then they took their leave.