Finishing Up Preparations

~ In A Private Alchemy Room ~

The room was rather decorative. In my opinion it was a little too decorative. However, the decorations were at the very least nice and functional. Each on their own was practically useless. However, when used together, the fire energy that brimmed from them was nothing short of immense.

"Young Master, you really went all out with this room. To think even an alchemist with the lowest aptitude could refine pills with an 80% success rate for a full furnace…" Fang Qing communicated from within my Knowledge Sea, still in awe of this room. 

"Indeed, it is impressive. Moreover, that furnace there… Is the largest one I could get my hands on. And in it, can form up to 27 perfect pills. An 80% success rate for such a thing is truly nothing to sneeze at. And if all you really want to get is 18 perfect pills. Everyone would have a 100% success rate." I said, floating in the lotus position, preparing the ingredients. 

"It really is something else. We were going to use this as a special reward for those who do well right?" Fang Qing asked, this time appearing in the room in a phantom-like form. 

"I was thinking about it, yes. But, I'd like my second mother to take a look at it first. She should have a better understanding of the merits required to be exchanged for this. I'll make my decision from there. Oh, and I'm of course going to let my little martial sister, the one my second mother took as a disciple not too long ago, try it out. I can see that with her, experiencing the thrill of refining perfect pills, will only drive her to want to make even more, regardless of the environment." I said. "Oh, you should probably return to me. This room will become quite rough for a spiritual existence alone." I added. 

"Oh, that's right. I just wanted to see it through my own eyes again. Here, I come." Fang Qing said, re-entering my Knowledge Sea. "Ah, home at last… Hmm, I guess this place is more comfortable for me. I like it better here." She said, letting out a sigh. 

"If that's the case, you might as well travel my small realm. You'll feel just as much at home there, as you do in my Knowledge Sea. Perhaps you could even help to aid the inhabitants' direction." I said, activating the gargantuan array within the room. 

~ Much Later ~

"Ah, perfect. 27 Perfect pills and many others with mild imperfections. I wonder, what would happen if I reprocessed these imperfect ones? With the number of them, I might be able to get a whole nother set of pills… Even if it was just one less… The amount of resources needed to produce these pills would be greatly reduced." I murmured, as I inspected each pill. 

I reached out my hand to one side of the room, circulating my strength. And as if to answer the call, several perfectly crafted artifact plates flew towards me. Each of the plates connected to each other forming an ornate box. Following up, a padded cloth flew into the box's top and bottom, filling and fluffing the inside. Making a nice and cozy, comfortable and welcoming environment, each complete with two divots. 

I then produced a specialty bottle from my own personal stash. It was clear, and changed color as the light flickered. Representing the rainbow seen in the sky. And if the light hit just right, it looked like the amber color of the Sun rising. 

"Woah, Young Master, you're going all out for this aren't you. But, I understand why." Fang Qing exclaimed realizing just how much was going into each of these gifts.

"Indeed, it may be expensive as all hell. But, it is worth the effort." I smiled, as I gently placed the pills into their own specialized pill jar. 

"Agreed, this will definitely bring a bright smile to their faces. One that won't soon fade." Fang Qing giggled. "It's too late for me to have that experience…" She continued. 

"Well, it's not like having a family is for just anyone, let alone everyone. People are just weird like that. But it doesn't matter so long as everyone does what they must do." I said, corking the jar to gently place it in one of the two divots in a box.

Fang Qing remained quiet, clearly trying her best to fully comprehend the meaning behind my words. Of course she had Shandain constantly prying to play with her, seeking a little attention. Meanwhile, I continued preparing the elaborate gift boxes. Once I was done with the first furnace full, I set the 27 boxes aside and went back to refining more. Of course, I kept the pills with minor imperfections in a separate jar to use for experiments. 

I continued this process until I had completely finished all of the pills needed. In total there were 81 perfect women's pills and 81 perfect men's pills. Though, for now, only 73 of each would be required. The rest of them were tucked away in a safe place. 

"I hardly ever make these things now. So it's better to keep them in a safe place instead of the exchange." I said, as I stood up and stretched an arm up with another bracing it from behind my head. "But, now's not the time to worry about it. I have to finish these boxes to perfection." I added, yawning slightly. 

"Don't forget about the gift you'll need to give to your father…" Fang Qing said, reminding me like I had forgotten it. 

"No need to worry. That gift is ready. Though, I don't know exactly how much he will like it. It is certainly the most difficult one to prepare." I said, dress an adjustable band around the boxes. Sealing each of them with a token made of my very own scales. "And now, they are complete. Each is styled to match the personalities and tastes of all my mother's. And once my siblings are born they will each have their own life saving artifacts. One that will also inform me immediately upon use." I added, putting the boxes away in my small realm. Where not a soul could interfere with them. "Now then, let's go check on the festivities, entertainment and refreshments." I finished up, opening the door to leave.