Kitchen Pavilion (1)

~ High Heaven Palace's Kitchen ~

The Kitchen here was nothing short of impressive. It wasn't just a simple room within another pavilion or even a series of rooms for that matter. Rather, it was its own stand alone pavilion. Complete with a plaque and a master dedicated to keep it running. 

"I still can't get over how huge this place is." A disciple said, walking briskly. 

"It wasn't like this before the Young Palace Master appeared. It's great. Anyone can come and get a bite to snack on basically whenever." Another disciple to the right of the first disciple said, stretching nonchalantly as they kept pace with the other disciple. It was clear at a glance that he was the strongest of the total of three disciples. 

"It's like having an on demand restaurant that already knows what you'd want to order. And to top it off all disciples get a voucher to use once a month." The last disciple on the left exclaimed excitedly. 

"It really is! And the food has always been great. Much better than what we usually could manage to scrounge up. It's a great addition for us. A place to enjoy something sweet, savory or anything in between." The disciple in the middle said, reciprocating the excitement. 

"Ya know what this reminds me of? It sort of feels like that place in the city that Sir Temporal Thunder made appear." The nonchalant disciple said, yawning a little. 

"Huh? You actually went there?" The other two said, a little surprised. 

"Well, yeah. I had to check out what was going on didn't I? Remember that one mission I took on to help out some mortals with their fields? The new city was right there. So I figured I'd give it a look. It truly lived up to the reputation and then some. To think turning a piece of mundane metal and hot water appears, just like that. No cultivation required, is just amazing. That, and the food was just amazing. Made me feel all warm and cozy. In all I could totally see how a place like that could foster a great many relationships. And quite rapidly too. Ugh what was the name of that city again…" The nonchalant disciple explained, in a long winded breath. 

"You… You really enjoyed that place didn't you?" The disciple on the left said with a teasing grin. 

"Well, of course I did." The nonchalant disciple answered with a big smile. 

"So, did you find the woman to whom you are fated for there?" The Disciple in the middle asked. 

"No, I didn't have that kind of time. I feel like one would need at least a few weeks perhaps even a few months before any real sparks could ignite. But, aside from that, I'm not ready for something like starting a family. I'm actually eager for something else. I just hope the rumors are true. Anyways, do either of you know what the name of that city is? I can't seem to remember hearing it." The nonchalant disciple asked. Stopping at the food line. 

"That would be Night-Love City, right?" The disciple in the middle said, though they weren't completely sure about it either. 

"You are correct. That is indeed the name of the city I placed there that day." I said, appearing in the line. 

"AHH! Sir… Sir… Uh, Lord, uh… Lord Young Great Palace Temporal Master Thunder Sir… It is an honor sir!" The disciple on the left stammered, loudly. 

"Ahahaha, don't be nervous. Just relax, there's no need to be so tense around me." I laughed. "I'm just here to get a bite and make sure everything is running smoothly for the wedding." I smiled, still chuckling a little. 

"Yes, Sir Temporal Thunder. I will do my best." The disciple on the left said, still as stiff as a board. 

"Greetings Lord Temporal Thunder. It is an honor to meet you." The other two disciples said, cupping their hands. 

This turned into a much larger deal when the entire pavilion did the same. Many eyes had been drawn to where I stood and then I saw the tops of many heads as the disciples bowed. Some people were still chewing their food so the disciples' report was somewhat muffled. I didn't mind though, it was good to know that such a large project was working smoothly. 

"Yes, all of you may relax. Don't let your food go cold. Enjoy your meals and company. Take a load off. One must always maintain their wellbeing. Even if the consumption of food is no longer necessary for many of you, it is still an experience worth practicing." I said, showing a polite palm wave. 

The disciples were a little confused but then went back to their meals and discussions. Though they had a new topic of discussion. Some disciples merely pondered it on their own for a while, others talked with others about it and finally, there were a few who showed they had understood the insight behind my words. And one of them was the nonchalant disciple in front of me. 

"Lord Temporal Thunder Great Emperor, the rumors about you are true. But, are they all true?" The nonchalant disciple asked, now bowing again. 

"Hmm, that depends. It's difficult to say what kind of rumor could come up. Though, it seems you have a specific thing in mind." I answered, deliberately keeping my answer vague. 

"My Lord, there is a rumor that you'll soon be accepting disciples. I…" The Disciple started.

"Hold on, it may be true that I will be teaching. But as far as taking disciples. I am still a long way off from that." I said, cutting the disciple off, calmly. "However, I can see where one may get this confused. My class is not open to just any disciple. All who wish to take it must pass the trials I set for them. Any who don't will not be afforded entry to the class." I added, driving the point home. 

"Then I will just have to pass the trials then." The Disciple said in a comedically confident tone. 

"Hmm, if that's your mindset, remember these words; Lightning is the Ultimate Force of Nature. Go against it, you will fail. Learn from it, you will go far. Become it, then neither time nor space could hope to contain you." I said, with a straight face.