Kitchen Pavilion (2)

Apparently, my words stopped all conversation once again. This was becoming a regular occurrence by this point. 

"Hmm, it seems you'll have more to talk about." I said, with a small smirk. 

"Ah, Sir Great Emperor. It is a pleasure to see you." A chef said, running out of the kitchen, cupping his hands in a salute whilst bowing deeply. 

"It's always good to see this place so full. After all, everyone can come together and share a meal. I'm pleased to see it used so much." I said, with a light chuckle. "Though, please, relax around me for now. You've had a difficult time these last weeks. Show me around and inform me of anything else you may be missing." I added with a smile. 

"Yes, right this way Young Palace Master." The chef said, in a rather excited and relieved tone as he motioned for me to continue moving. 

We went through the Storage rooms, getting a detailed understanding of everything that was available. Rather, things that were already set aside for the wedding ceremony. Then through the kitchen where everyone was working hard preparing food for hundreds of thousands of people. 

"And here, we were able to find some new disciples recently. And they are training by making some of the side dishes we put on today. All in all we gained 50 new disciples, all of them exceptional in their own way. But most of all their desire to help make the wedding go off without any issues is their best quality." The Head chef explained. 

"I see, excellent. How about the deliveries to our guests on the entertainment side of the wedding? I trust you've been properly sending meals over to them." I asked. 

The Head Chef nodded. "It's as you say, Young Palace Master. Though the delivery man gets back a little bit late every once in a while." He said, confirming.

"Hmm, so long as it's not an issue then don't worry about a little tardiness. Those dancers might be doing a myriad of different things. So, as long as it doesn't become a problem just let it be." I said with a smirk. 

"Ah, then I shall let it be just as Young Palace Master orders." The Head chef replied, clearly understanding what was likely happening. Then he became a little nervous as sweat started falling from his brow. "Young Palace Master, may I ask if we have prepared enough for the Royal Wedding? It is the first where we have so many big eaters appearing and I'm quite nervous as you can see." He asked, in a soft whisper. 

I smirked. "I see, well, it seems like there will be enough. But I am the kind of person that likes to prepare in advance. For as many unforeseen circumstances as possible. So, I'll ask you the same question. Do you feel that this is enough food?" I said, gently rubbing my chin. 

"Well sir, I made more than double the preparations from the previous ceremony we had. The one just before Lord Palace Master Sir Void went into seclusion several hundred years ago." The Head Chef explained. "Back then we only had a few Dragons. So I prepared enough for 6… Wait… That won't… be enough will it, Young Palace Master?" He continued, now becoming a little more worried. 

"Well, there's my father, my fifth mother, her family, and a couple of elders of the dragon clan might show up too. And then there is me, then three of my wives. Then my fathers foster son. And my Aunt who is currently… Well, she will need more than the average person as well. Closer to a dragon's appetite." I said, opting not to look at the chef's look of dismay. 

"I… I see, then we simply don't have enough then. Is there…" The Head chef started to ask and then paused, worried about what it might seem like if he were to bother the Young Palace Master. 

"Oh, don't worry, I've come here so as to make sure everything is in order. I know this place is relatively new and will obviously need some assistance in properly preparing for such a grand and lavish event. I only waited this long to see exactly how far this establishment had come. I am impressed to say the least." I said, calming the chef's nerves. "Though, the lack of insight as to the number of dragons in attendance isn't a great sign. Since we eat so much it is much easier to measure preparations by how many dragons it could feed. I'd say a 1000 people can eat about the same as a dragon. So if you prepare enough for say 75 Dragons, there won't be an issue. And even then there might be some things left unserved. I'm certain that it could be put to use in other dishes at other times." I further explained. 

"I see, then using those numbers. To get enough food to feed the party, then maybe we could get away with only 5 more dragon's appetite worth. Hmm, it seems we actually got quite a bit closer than I had imagined. It doesn't sound nearly as daunting now." The Head Chef said. 

"Good, now here take this and everything will be all set." I said, placing a space ring in the chef's hands. "You can keep the ring too, it should make collection and storage of ingredients far easier." I added with a smirk. 

"Young Palace Master," The Head Chef said, looking into the ring, a tear coming to his eye. "Is quite generous. Allow me to serve the palace with my all. Though it is a shame… If I were a woman, I'd love to have your babies." He said, going slightly too far. Though, it wasn't like the look on his face didn't scream it aloud already anyways. 

"Ahahaha! That's a great joke there. But you'd better make sure never to say such thoughts aloud. My wives are quite adamant about that matter. They don't care if it was a joke or not. Or if a man or woman were to have said it." I laughed. 

"Understood, Young Palace Master." The Head Chef bowed in reply. 

"Good, now then. I'll leave you to it. I'm sure the feast will be wonderful." I said, before once again vanishing as if I hadn't even been there.