Checking In On The Entertainers(2)

"Ah, what?" The young woman gasped, panting for air. 

"Hmm, you shouldn't have tried to deny it. Some of your Meridians have been damaged as a result of your carelessness…" I said, as a tiniest wisp of my own qi flowed through her meridians, training her Qi to follow the flow while also repairing the damage to her meridians. However, I was the only one who could see what was going on. To others it must have looked like cultivation deviation. 

"You're hurting her. Stop it." One of her friends panicked. 

"Calm down, will you? This young woman here is with child, yet purposefully deviated her Qi flow to ignore it. If left untreated she along with the child will both die." I explained, quickly. 

"That's not possible! Lord Temporal Thunder Great Emperor's pill wouldn't cause this." Another one of the dancers complained. 

"That is correct. However, this woman here did not use the pill I developed. But it doesn't matter. With me here there won't be a problem. In fact I'm almost done." I said, all but giving away the fact I was that very same Great Emperor. 

"Wait… Sir… Sir… Sir Temporal Thunder!?" The Lead Dancer stammered.

"That's right, now then." I said, with a chuckle then turned to address the young pregnant woman. "You're quite fortunate I decided to arrive at this time. Otherwise your cultivation would have been lost. You should learn from this for the future. But, nature is not something to go against half-heartedly." I explained, still keeping my upbeat tone. 

"Thank you, my, my lord. I was foolish. I didn't realize I would become like this with that man. But, now… How do I tell him? What will happen to my life now?" The young pregnant woman asked, all but crying. 

"Hmm, it's this young man whom you had such relations with, correct?" I asked, holding an image of a young man using my Qi to form it.

"Yes, he's a really nice man but, we aren't…" The woman started crying. 

"Hmm, that is indeed a bit of a problem. In any case here, eat this pill. It's an extra one made by me personally. It will keep you stable for the duration of your pregnancy without fail." I said, giving her one of the pills I had set aside for experiments. Of course I removed the impurities for her. 

"Does this mean… I can keep it?" The young woman asked. 

"Of course you can. You just need to accept what is going to happen. Who cares if you're married yet or not? No one in this world aside from my parents can challenge my decision. So, I'll make that Young man come here and take responsibility. You'll be with him by the end of the next few minutes should you wish for it. If you don't wish for it… I can help you recover your natural state. Though… It certainly won't be a pleasant thing." I said, covering the pill in a barrier of sorts. "This barrier will be the test, if you can grab the pill or not, will be the choice you've made." I said. 

The Young woman gulped as she reached for the pill. Her hand came into contact with the barrier and was repelled gently. It was as if the barrier refused to let her hand pass through no matter what. She started to cry even more, then looked up at my face seeing that my expression hadn't changed from a warm smile. 

The young woman's eyes lit up as if she had learned something important. It wasn't that she had to grab the pill for herself, no, rather it was she had to make a proper request. Of course she'd never be able to get through a Great Emperor's barrier. She was only a Saint Realm after all. So she prostrated herself before me with her palms up. 

"My lord, Temporal Thunder Great Emperor, I beg of you, the savior of this foolish one, to grant another kindness. My desire…" The Young woman started speaking, when she suddenly stopped upon feeling a pill in her hands. "Thank… Thank you my lord!" She cried. 

"Ahahaha, not a problem. Apologies for the test. But I had to make sure you weren't just trying to steal a young man's future. Instead, you've opened your heart to give a future. This is admirable." I said with a warm smirk and then snapped my fingers. 

The very same young man had suddenly appeared in the area. He was a little confused because he had never heard of this ability before. But then he realized it would be in his best interest to kneel, no, prostrate himself the moment he saw me. 

"Good, you know what you should do. Do you know why you're here though?" I asked, curious as to what he would say. 

"My Lord, Is it something to do with how I spent more time with my deliveries?" The Young man said, after noticing who was around them. 

"Indeed, this young woman, whom you had relations with is now carrying your child. So you have to make a choice. What will it be?" I said, surging an incredible aura that only he could feel. 

"I, I'm going to have a child… I didn't use that pill so how? No, that doesn't matter. It seems fortune has both blessed and cursed me. To give me a child yet one out of wedlock…" The young man said, as sweat poured from his body onto the stone below. 

"Fortunately for you, I can resolve that issue. You only need to marry this woman right here right now. Are you willing? That is, are you willing to be the man a woman deserves?" I asked, now putting the pressure on even higher. 

The young man, under this pressure, noticed something about this pressure. While it was intense, it wasn't so much that someone of his realm wouldn't be able to stand under it. And following that logic he started to stand up, albeit slowly. 

"Yes, I will. It would be my honor." The young man said, with an exhausted yet determined expression, after he finally was standing straight up. 

"Ahahaha! Excellent. From this day forward may the world recognize your union." I laughed a little as I patted the young man's shoulder. "Now then, to right the wrong of having been out of wedlock." I said with a snap of my fingers, a gust of wind blew to signal there was a change of fate or something like that.