Checking In On The Entertainers(3)

There was a small celebration among the dancers and drummers. Though not all of them were pleased with how it all happened. It wasn't anything to do with the baby out of wedlock or anything like that. It was actually more to do with how they had taken precious time away from a Great Emperor. Moreover, it was the Young Palace Master to add even more weight atop their thoughts. 

"You know, I came here to see how you were all doing. And aside from the issue from before, I'm eager to see how many faces your people will turn a bright red." I said, in a soothing tone. 

"Young Palace Master, please forgive my girls and I. We meant no disrespect-" The Lead Dancer said, struggling not to lick me with her eyes. 

"Haha, it's fine. The more the merrier. I hope one day you'll understand the gravity behind a life. One powerful cultivator of our day was born in a lower world. He grew to heights not even dreamed of by the people of that world. And now he stands as peerless in his own realm. That man is my father." I said plainly. "If I were to deny the choice of someone so young and considerably weak by comparison to myself just because I am stronger… It would deny the legacy of my own father. So don't blame yourself. Besides, I get the feeling that their child will be able to reach the Dao Source realm at the least. And the Emperor Realm if he or she minds a good Master." I added. 

"Thank you, you've saved one of my girls. There are many things I could do to thank you, but I wonder what it is that the Young Palace Master wants. Also, if you were so keen on saving that child… Why did you offer her the choice of abandoning it?" The Lead Dancer asked, curiously. 

"Because life has gravity, it can change the very world itself. For good, or for ill. However, more than that, every life must come from their mother. And thus affects their lives with the most gravity. A child can completely change the course of one's life. And it's not like the child is actually alive at the point she was at. It wouldn't have had any negative effect at all upon the world." I said. "Though, if I should explain it more simply. Just because a life has the potential to affect the world, doesn't mean that the mother should ever be forced to bear it. And that goes double for those who don't use the pill I developed. Without it, pregnancy is extremely deadly." I elaborated further. 

"I see, so you're a man that understands the effort put into such a thing. A man worthy of respect then. So, how do you want me to repay you?" The lead dancer asked. 

"I have a few ideas. But I'll only ask you to accomplish three of them. First, if you have any other girls here that have feelings for that young man, I ask that you allow them to be together with him as well. He has an impressive fertility rate. So much so I doubt he would ever need the aid of alchemy. And my goal is to expand our population as much as possible. You're all people of my Starboundary anyways so it doesn't hurt to tell you this. But even now, we still have yet to recover our population from before the Great Demon War nearly a thousand years ago. I'd at the very least like to recover to that point." I said. 

"Understood, Young Palace Master. Though I can not force them to do so. I will inform them of your grace. Though that young man might very well become a bit tired eventually. After all, fertility and endurance don't always go hand in hand." The Lead dancer said. 

"Indeed, now the second thing I want is the best performance you'll ever do. And I do mean, the best ever. My father and Mothers deserve that at the very least." I smiled a warm half smile. "And finally, I'd like to learn the motions of the dance. I caught a glimpse of it before, but… I ended up not having time to figure something out. In short though, it seemed like it would be quite helpful in dodging enemy attacks in unpredictable ways." I said. 

"Oh my? Young palace Master wants to learn the dance? Would you like to learn all about it here? Or would you prefer a more private lesson with me?" The Lead Dancer asked, leaning in close, making it abundantly obvious what she wanted to do. 

"Here is fine. I have 10 wives who would have something to say about that private lesson." I said. "You should ask them for their opinion." I chuckled.

"Alright, then at least allow us to dance once for you, Young Palace Master." The Lead Dancer said, and then stole a kiss before giggling to then turn around and clap her hands once. "Alright ladies, we are going to perform our best dance for the Young Palace Master. He wishes to learn the ins and outs of it. So let's give him the full show. Oh, we might need to find a replacement for our pregnant sister…" She explained to the dancers. 

"I can do it! I swear I can do it! Just once should be fine. Right, husband? He is the Young Palace Master after all." The pregnant dancer said, giving her new husband those begging eyes. 

"Ah, why do you need to ask me? Oh wait… Never mind, I remember. Darling, I love you for you and what you do. It doesn't matter to me regardless of who it is. Just so long as it is part of the routine." The young man said to his new wife. 

"Alright then, let's take it from the top ladies." The Lead Dancer smirked, looking at me with a bit of lustful intent in her eyes.

The drums started and then the dance. 

"Hmm, it really is just as I suspected. This dance actually covers their bodies from the view of others yet openly displays nearly everything to those they wish to see it. A dancer's choice from the audience so to speak. A way to reach the one they want while making it feel like the audience is the one making the choice." I muttered softly so as not to disturb the dance again.