Checking in On The Entertainers(4)

While it was indeed quite the scene, seeing all those women dancing like that. It wasn't just that, they all had this thrilled, prideful look on their face. It made me chuckle a little to myself, imagining the looks on all of those masters coming by to give their regards. 

"Ah, this is quite the show isn't it, young man?" I turned my head to the side, with a smirk. 

"Ah, my lord, I uh… What is going on? I see so many…" The young man said, with a shaky finger and dizzy eyes. 

"Hahaha, they are saying they want you just the same as your new wife did. Do your best now ya here." I laughed. 

"But… But, my lord. I could barely keep up with my wife as it was. How am I supposed to handle 6 more than that?" The young man stammered.

"Hmm, I guess nympho dancers would have a hell of an endurance threshold… Here, take this. I made it for a similar problem someone else had. It should help boost your endurance long enough. And you should study this cultivation method as well." I said, handing the young man a scroll and medicine pouch. "The method is quite simple. But it will gradually increase your endurance. Good luck." I added, with a pat on the back.

"Un… Understood my lord." The Young man said, accepting his fate as he opened the scroll. Then his face brightened up rather quickly. "I understand my lord. Thank you so much. This is an honor I don't deserve." He added, flustered. 

"Then you should work hard to become deserving. Now go ahead and pay attention to these ladies. Their expending such effort, it is truly a wonderful thing. The last dance is going to be interesting for sure." I chuckled. 

The dance started to come to a close and the women wore a look like they were eager to hear what I thought of the show. The Lead dancer came up to me again dragging her finger down my chest. 

"So, how did sir like our dance? Was it to your liking, my lord?" The Lead Dancer said, nibbling and licking a finger on her other hand, insinuating something. 

"It was well done. You were all in sync and quite enticing. I'm sure any one of you could have your way with just about any man that you see at the wedding party. That is, aside from myself and my father of course. As well as a few others. So try to get a read on the attending members before the final dance." I answered calmly, my heart remaining steady. 

"Oh… What if we want to have fun with a woman instead?" The Lead Dancer asked. "Or a married couple for double the fun?" She added. 

"Ahahaha, that will all depend on how well you read people." I answered laughing. 

"And what would we have to do to have some fun with you that night, my lord? I'd love to get a good look at you." The Lead dancer asked again, squirming.

"If you find the answer to that, you'll naturally know. And, it's best if you stop asking me about it right there. No matter how many times you ask, I will not give any hints." I chuckled. "Now then, it's probably for the best if I take my leave. I don't wish to get in your way any longer." I added. 

"Leaving so soon, Young Palace Master." The Lead Dancer teased. "Thank you for checking in on us, my Lord. By the way, did my lord happen to learn what he wanted to?" She asked. 

"Hmm, it seems like I may have. I won't know for sure until I start to incorporate it into my already existing methods. Oh, before I go, make sure you tell those Ladies to take it easy on that young man. He isn't fully accustomed to such behavior and will need time to build up his stamina." I answered, waving as I disappeared from sight. 

"Ah, Big Sister, do you think it's possible to get some private experience with the Young Palace Master?" One of the Dancers asked, with beaming eyes. 

"I don't know. But we should try everything we can think of. He gives off that feeling. Like we won't be satisfied by anyone else, after we've had him." The Lead Dancer said. 

"I've heard rumors that my Palace's Young Master has 10 wives. Each of them are drop dead gorgeous beauties. Wars could be fought over them. Yet, they don't seem perturbed by the fact they have to share him. But what do I know about them? Compared to me they all might as well be worshiped like gods. No, not like a god…" The Young man said, clenching his interlocked fingers together. 

"You may see them all as Gods, however every single one of them started out as nothing more than a child born of a mother and father. This means that our children have just as much a chance too." The newly wed young woman said. 

"No, not him. The Young Palace Master is a Great Emperor. One that has yet to break past that realm and become Open Heaven. Yet he made a 7th rank open heaven look like an ant before him. That kind of power is not something just anyone could obtain. I'm worried for him. Such Power comes with responsibility not to mention it's dangerous… There must be something else going on…" The Young man said, starting to use his brain more. 

There was a moment of silence as the melancholy attitude fell over the young man. All until he fell backwards with a nose bleed seeing more than a couple of fully nude women in front of him. 

"We will make you feel better. And you can't complain either. The one whom you worship as a God, the Sir Great Emperor, said we should open up. So get ready to fill us full!" One of the women said, while the other dancers cheered. 

~ Elsewhere In The Palace ~

"Now then, the other entertainments seem to be doing just fine. What next…" I murmured to myself. 

Smiles noticed me and came over. "Come with me son. We want to see your reaction to our dresses. Sister Qing Luo's is extra beautiful too." She said, grabbing me by the collar then pulled me along.