Supreme Elders In Shock

"What, it's not all of us old fogies are like that!" The Supreme Elder from Primordial Cave Heaven shouted in an overly defendant tone. "Though, Brother from Free and Unfettered Paradise might do that my people are more well behaved." He added. 

"Ahahaha! You may say it like that but all of us here know exactly what your people are like. You're just as bad as my people." The Supreme Elder from Free and Unfettered Paradise laughed. 

I sighed inwardly at the display of childish behavior of these fools. "Fine, then in the case of you I'll assign men to be your caretakers for the duration of your stay here." I said. "Besides, don't get too far ahead of yourselves. I doubt you'll need to worry about any of that pent up energy. There are plenty of ways to relax here in my High Heaven Cave Heaven." I continued. 

The two Supreme Elders stopped bickering and sat back down. "Ahahaha, excellent. The Young Master here has quite some interesting ways of handling others." Primordial Cave Heaven's Supreme Elder laughed, albeit a little nervously. 

"Don't think trying to sweet talk me into things would be enough to change your caretakers. Best case I can have, more experienced maids serve you. But do keep in mind, each person is important." I said, with a truly plain glance at the two of them. "That said, I doubt I need to explain the importance of a person's life to Open Heaven Realms. If you didn't understand that much, you can forget about ever reaching the 7th Rank, let alone anything beyond it." I added. 

"Indeed, what young Yang says is true. Which is why I'm curious about something…" Luo Ting He said, casually speaking up as if it was her turn to speak. "I heard from the two fools there," She continued, pointing at Mo Sha and Six Wood. "That you have a specialty pill. One that allows any instance of love making, a guarantee to bear fruit… Is this actually true?" She asked, unbothered by the now grumbly stares she was receiving. 

I smirked as I looked around the room. It was evident that they were more interested in this matter than anything else. So I took a pair of the mass produced ones from inside my Small Realm, having them appear in my hand. 

"If you mean these, then yes." I said, floating them over to Luo Ting He. "Go ahead and inspect them. You'll naturally know their functions afterwards." I added. 

"Hmm…" Luo Ting He murmured, then her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. "These… These really are pills that would manage such a feat. Just how…" She continued. 

"Please, I can't very well go into a detailed explanation at the moment. Besides, it looks like someone else is more intrigued by the second." I chuckled. 

"Pfft… Of course he would be. Alchemy is those guys one true purpose in life. Living and breathing it. Honestly, they are high off their own fumes most of the time." Luo Ting He said, holding a hand to her lips to keep herself from laughing. 

"Hey! With a pill like this and my force behind it… We could easily make these by the millions. And over time it would only ever get faster and easier." The Divine Cauldron Heaven's Supreme Elder said with a slightly red tinge on his cheeks. 

"Ahahaha!" I laughed. "Only millions? Forgive me for saying so, but that is such a small effect you might as well never use the pill. Quite frankly it's a pathetic number." I chuckled. "Even I produce them by the trillions constantly. And with zero effort at that. It's just passively happening now." I added, holding my side from laughter. 

"Huh? What do you mean? I don't see a cauldron…" The Divine Cauldron Heaven's Supreme Elder asked, quite confused. 

"Hmm, shall I show you? That is, show you the extent of what is truly possible?" I smirked. 

"If you don't mind then please do." The Divine Cauldron Heaven's Supreme Elder eagerly replied. 

I stood up and sighed. "Very well then, do not resist. The moment you do I will kick you out. Understand?" I said, waiting for the nods. "Good, then come inside." I added with confidence. 

~ Inside my Small Realm ~ 

"As you can see this is a world inside my Origin Essence Crystal. I had some… Interestingly unique encounters and this was the result." I started to explain when the new head of the main village came running over to kneel. 

"My Lord, welcome back. Is there anything this humble servant can do for you? You only need ask it of me and it shall be done." The Village head asked, kneeling with reverence. 

"Young Yang, just what did you do to have people living here? And for that matter, for them to show such reverence… It's outstanding." Six Wood asked, now even more shocked than before. 

"Oh, there is a lot to unpack in a wordy explanation so I won't go into it now. So please just be satisfied with knowing that what you're seeing is a world of my own creation, one I made without the Open Heaven Method. Yet is still, just as much a part of me as a Small Universe would be." I smiled plainly, then turned to the Village Head. "You may go about your business. I am merely showing some important individuals a few things." I said, softly. 

"As you wish Master, I will not delay you any longer." The Village Head answered and then went off to get to work. 

The Supreme Elders I brought along with me were too confused and bewildered by what they saw and stared, scanning around the World. That's when they noticed something different. 

"Uh, Young man… Just what exactly is that filmy substance surrounding the world?" Another Supreme Elder asked, as she shivered upon looking at it. 

I smirked for a moment. "That is the protective barrier around this world. It is made up with layers upon layers of Lightning, constantly churning around. I didn't have one of the Universe Four Pillars nor a World Tree. So I had to get creative. I can't be putting the lives of all the people in this world of mine at risk while I fight the Ink Clan, now could I?" I explained.