Supreme Elders In Shock (2)

The look on the Supreme Elder's faces were absolutely priceless. Some started trying to pick out their ears. Others started to see if they could hear each other correctly. And then they looked at me once again, this time with a bit of fear in their eyes. Almost like they were fish trapped in a barrel.

"Young Palace Master Yang Leiji, would you mind saying that again? Cause it sounded like you said that Barrier you formed is at least as strong as one of the four most legendary artifacts of the 3000 Worlds…" Luo Ting He asked, with a heavy gulp. 

"Huh?" I said, and looked up at the barrier. "I see, that's where you misunderstood." I said. 

"Phew, here I thought we were standing in front of a living…" Luo Ting He sighed a big sigh. 

"Oh? No, my barrier is far stronger than any of those things. But, calling it a barrier is sort of wrong in a way. Since it's more like an Ink grinder than anything. Oh, but do be careful Mo Sha and others with Demonic Qi. Cause you won't stand a chance of surviving if you hit that thing." I interrupted, casually. 


"Well, how else am I supposed to kill Ink if I can't even manage this? What you have fought up till now could be considered nothing more than newborn pups, at best. Or in other words, the big fish is still in the wide ocean." I retorted. 

"Say, is it possible for us to learn how to make one of these things for ourselves?" Six Wood Divine Monarch asked, timidly. 

"I can teach you the principle behind its construction. But, anything more than that…" I said waving my hand side to side in front of myself, indicating it's not possible. "You'll have to figure out how to make it yourself. It would be a different story if we practiced the same Dao. But, alas…" I continued. 

"You're a Titled Great Emperor. With the Name Temporal Thunder, correct?" A Supreme Elder who clearly had lightning vibes about him stepped up.

"Indeed, but I think you might be confusing my lightning for what you're used to. You can see for yourself." I said, handing the Supreme Elder a ball of lightning. 

The Supreme Elder took the ball of lightning and examined it closely. Beads of sweat dripping down his face as he realized just how wrong he was for assuming. "Would you mind if I kept this? I'd like to study it." He asked, with an oddly effeminate eagerness in his eyes. 

"Hey you can't just be taking things from our juniors like that." Luo Ting He spoke up, but also came closer, completely enthralled with the ball of lightning. 

"It's fine, what you see there is such a miniscule amount of power, I recovered it before I even made the ball. You may keep it. Just don't use it on anyone. While to me it is but a small amount, any 6th rank would be down for the count in an instant." I said, calmly. "Now then, let's head to the place I was talking about before. I'm sure… Well, if you thought that barrier was impressive, heh, I'm curious to see what you think about the place where I create the pills." I chuckled, innocently. 

I snapped my fingers and the scene around us changed in an instant. What was below us now… Well, it was a natural formation. Many cultivators and even mortals, were hauling ingredients towards the array. All in a perfect unison. As if everyone knew that what they were doing was important. No matter how small. 

The Cultivators would spread the ingredients into the natural array. A few noises sounded out. And then out popped pills. Where the pills were then given to porters for distribution. Creating a full supply chain. 

And that wasn't all there was to it. The natural array wasn't small by any means. Rather the sheer size of this array could produce millions of pills per second. And this was also, only one of the two major arrays that perform this function. 

"It's a bit on the small side, compared to the other one. But I'm sure you understand why I laughed before. This pill is so trivial to refine that, while the effects wouldn't be as great or likely, even a mortal could make it without any spiritual energy." I explained. "As you can see, I have employed the labor of all manner of different peoples from different walks of life here. Everyone does what they can and it works out." I added, pointing around a bit. "This gives the people a purpose higher than themselves, which in turn generates far more energy for my Small Realm than if I left them alone." I continued. 

"Wait, so you have two of these things. This is just… Impressive. You made an array that is so ingrained into the environment It's no different than a Naturally created array…" The Divine Cauldron Heaven's Supreme Elder stammered with an awestruck look on his face. 

However, he wasn't the only one. A few of the other Supreme Elders were Array experts. They each had different looks on their faces but all of them were slowly floating down towards the array. They were acting like moths to a flame. And then someone shot up from the array's base. 

"Halt, this array is restricted territory. Only those with clearance given by his majesty Temporal Thunder may pass." The Man said, with a nervous look all over his face. 

"Hmm, wow, you even thought of having people guard the area." One of the Supreme Elders said, rubbing his chin. 

"Indeed, it's always best to make sure such places are protected." I chuckled, and then turned to address the guard. "Stand down. These are people I brought with me. I am showing them the operation in hope they will learn a thing or two." I instructed. 

"My lord! Understood. I was nervous for a moment there. Are these guests on par with you my lord?" The Guard asked, with a slip of the tongue. 

"Ahahaha! If they all came at me at once, I doubt I'd win. But here they can't run amok either. So no need to worry about it." I laughed. "Since you showed some exceptional courage just now, how about you take some time off and focus on cultivating your strength. Once you reach the Dao Source Realm, I'll bestow you with a special art." I added.