Supreme Elders In Shock (3)

"I am undeserving of such a reward, your Majesty." The Guard said, bowing with cupped hands. "I simply did what my job demands of me. Nothing more and nothing less." He continued. 

"That's not how I see it. To me you couldn't see through the strength of these people yet you still did what you should have. Accept my generosity and go, become one of the few Dao Source Realms in my world. I'll have another come and guard this place in your absence. So no need to worry about that." I said, patting the guard on the shoulder. 

"Then, to help provide for the future. I shall go and leave my duties up to my brothers and sisters. Once I return, I will return as a pillar they can be proud of." The Guard said, tearfully. Then he flew away. 

"Now then, come down with me. I'll show you the place." I said, ushering the Supreme Elders to follow me. 

Landing near the array would usually cause quite a bit of panic. However, some… Well, you'd be hard pressed to find a place with more than a thousand people that didn't have a statue of me basically everywhere. Not that I wanted them to do this. It was just the side effect of having given them so much. So I didn't let it bother me. 

Though… As a result of all the statues. It was quite easy to recognize me at a glance. Which turned into numerous people prostrating on the spot. That got annoying, but no matter how many times I would say not to do it… The people couldn't help themselves. It was as if the fact they lived in my world compelled them to do so regardless of whether I wished for it or not. 

"This… Array. It's so elaborate! How! How did you make it?" One of the few Supreme Elders asked, with a red face. They were starting to breathe hot and heavy. "It's a secret right? Oh, I know. My Paradise has many exceptional young women. I'll choose one of them and come to present a marriage proposal to you and your parents. How's that? You'll tell me the secret now right?" The Supreme Elder continued. 

"No, my force has excellent young women, they would make for excellent wives and mothers. You have to tell me the secret instead!" Another Supreme Elder said, with a similar energy to the previous one. 

However, the third of the three was a bit… well, more forward… "Young Leiji, how about telling me the secret? As for the payment. How about this Martial Aunt teaches you a thing or too? I could even become…" She said, running her finger along my chest.

I let out a sigh. "You know, I was thinking of telling everyone the secret. After all, it does me no favors to keep it. But… With these kinds of offers… I'd rather just keep the secret to myself." I said, showing I wasn't even slightly flustered. "I already have far too many offers of marriage coming in. It got to the point I had the managers just start unilaterally refusing anyone that doesn't meet the standard my wives set. I think it's all the work one person does all day every day now." I continued chuckling. 

"Oh? I see then. Well, let us provide you with other things in exchange then? What do you want? If we can do it then we shall." The Supreme Elder who had been cozying up to me said, after she quickly moved off of me. 

"Well, there are a couple of things… Though I'm unsure as to the availability of these requests." I said, plainly, walking slowly towards the array's edge. "Even still I'll ask you for them, but if you feel they are impossible… Then I'll just accept that as it is. Alright?" I asked. 

"Ask away, something like this that can ensure a limited number of mighty people can birth more mighty warriors in the future… I don't know if we could afford the secret… But I know I'll try." Six Wood agreed, as if speaking for all of them. 

"Hmm, I see. So then. First thing that you could grant me is access to the Universe 12 Columns. I'll explain my reasoning another time, however, for now just understand that it is one of the most important parts to making an Ink Immune Army." I said, continuing to stare straight at the array. "The second thing… You surely won't like to hear, but know it has already been done once before and rather recently too. Back while I was in Thunderclap Hall Great Territory. That is, I wish for unrestricted access to any and all the universe worlds within all the Great Domains you have under your dominion." I added and turned my head slightly to get a full view of Supreme Elders. 

The look on their faces was absolutely priceless. It was one of significant confusion and straight up shock. It was quite funny to see over a hundred 8th ranks with such a look. The first one to change was Luo Ting He. 

"Pfft, Ahahaha! That's quite ambitious young man. Might I ask why you want something like that? And what you would limit it too. Because there are certain things that can't be left unrestricted." Luo Ting He laughed, wiping a tear from high and holding her waist. 

"Well, I won't be unreasonable. Things like restricted areas can remain as such. And it's not like I want unilateral control over everything. I am only one man after all, I can't handle all of that on my own. If I could, I'd have already obliterated Ink and his Clan." I replied. "I am simply saying the Universe Worlds that are of low worth. The ones that have yet to give rise to even a single Great Emperor. I wish to have the right to interfere with them as I please within your domains." I continued, elaborating a little bit more. 

"But isn't that against the heavenly way?" Mo Sha stammered out confused. 

"Oh? Not really. No. The only thing is that if one takes something, one must give something. That's all. And I have quite the advantage there. Tell me, what if I healed a billion people. Would it be unreasonable to be allowed to move say 10 or so of them to my world?" I explained with a simple example to make it easy for the old fogies.