Supreme Elders In Shock (5)

In the space I opened up, one could see all of the energy flows. From this perspective it really opens up the chance of someone to understand the array. My current objective is just that. Because the alternative… Would be annoyingly slow moving. 

"This array, it's amazing. For such a thing not to be naturally occurring… Is simply beyond my expectation. You said this one was smaller than the other one you have, is that right?" The third Array Master Supreme Elder asked, flaunting her assets conspicuously. 

"It is indeed smaller. This was the first one I made. I used it to see what areas I could improve on. And like I said the efficiency of this one is able to support up to 99 years of operation with only the small amount of fuel that a single mortal generates throughout their lifetime." I smiled, purposely obstinate toward the Supreme Elders advances. 

"With what we saw outside, I'd estimate several million pills could be refined in a matter of a single day. And that's just here at one location. And it seems there are thousands of locations where ingredients are delivered, constantly." The Supreme Elder, making lustful eyes toward me, said as she seemed to quiver. 

This time, I joined in with the other Supreme Elders and gave her a blank stare. A stare that said; Could you be any more obvious? The quivering Supreme Elder sighed, licking her lips. "Fine, I'll control myself…" She said, in an incredibly unconvincing tone. She then leaned close and… "For now." She whispered softly into my ear, with a blow. 

"Achem…" Six Wood Divine Monarch cleared his throat. "Yang boy, how many of these pills actually get used right now? Like do any of them go to waste? Or are they all used up?" He asked. 

I remained silent as I was trying to figure out the right answer here for that. I was, after all, limited on many things for many different reasons. But I guess it seemed I was confused about the question. 

"I think what Senior Brother Six Wood means to ask is, hmm, how do I say this…" Luo Ting He started speaking then blushed slightly. "Are the people of your world clamoring for these pills? Or is there some resistance to their use?" She asked, thinking that clarified the question. 

"To put it plainly. I simply can't produce enough pills. By the time any pills are delivered, the wives and concubines flood the shops and take as many as they can. I had to induce a natural order into my world just to change the chaos into a fashion that was more orderly. I can't have people taking too many of the women's pills and not enough of the men's pills. Otherwise it ruins the balance. After all, no child can be conceived without a man, just as much as without a woman. To say otherwise is ludicrous." I started answering. "I have plenty of ingredients to fill the Array's so that isn't a problem. I'd like to make more Arrays, but I am limited on the number of capable cultivators to work them. I ran into this problem when I created the second Array. It still isn't at peak efficiency yet." I continued. 

"So it's that you don't have enough pills and workers. Which is why you want to draw out people from the other Universe Worlds to rapidly increase your world's population. And even with a production as high as you boasted you still can't keep up with the demand." Luo Ting He said, waving her hand around as she thought about it, putting the pieces together. "How do the women feel about this? Disappointed I bet. Well, at least the married ones are anyway." She asked, raising her brow.

"Well, everyone is different. However, the vast majority of people in this world seem to have an insatiable desire to procreate… I think it might be an effect of producing the pill. So the disappointment can be quite extensive." I explained, gently rubbing the back of my head and chuckling. 

"I see, so you need alchemists, or just cultivators?" Luo Ting He asked. 

"Any cultivator would do, provided they have reached the Transcendent realm. I can't have them not being able to control ingredients while flying. So saint realms would be far in a way better. Ideally those who will max out at Saint Realm." I answered. 

"Hmm, I can give you around a million Saint realms. But I'd expect…" Luo Ting He suggested. 

"If you give me a million Saint realms who are willing to follow my orders, for the remainder of their life and have at least 50 years of life left within them. I'll personally build one of these Arrays in the Small Universe of a non-combatant, non-peak 7th rank open Heaven of your choice." I said, then looked around at their faces. "And of course this offer will extend to each of your forces. However, if you ask me to do more than one, Understand that it will require an additional million." I continued. 

"Ahahaha! Good. Then we will send a messenger back to the force and have them select the right individuals." Luo Ting He smirked. "Your population is going to grow quite a bit now. 

"Not really, Only by a 100 million or so. And compared to what I have now, it's not much. However, the population I have been missing this whole time… Hehe, I won't be any longer." I chuckled. 

"But I wonder, why not give the array to an array master or alchemist at the 8th rank?" Mo Sha asked. 

"You know Mo Sha… I had a higher opinion of you up until you opened your mouth to ask that question just now. Are you really that stupid?" I scowled at Mo Sha, then sighed. "All 8th ranks have a duty to fight the Ink Clan regardless of their circumstances. And to be honest, a 7th ranks power is hardly worthy of notice in a fight between peak 8th ranks. So leaving a small number of them out of the fight entirely isn't going to cause any major power deficiencies. On the contrary, leaving an 8th rank out of the fight… Could be devastating." I begrudgingly answered the question.