Qing Ning's Boldness & Reward

"Father…" I started but stopped after seeing the look in his eyes and felt what his plan was through our link. "Very well then… I guess it's alright to discuss it. But I'd really like to wait a little longer. I've been quite busy as of late and my wives deserve to have some time with me. Perhaps, we can discuss things tomorrow?" I asked, with a smile. 

"Hmm, true, any agreement would have to be finalized that day anyway. And those girls have been talking about some things." Hua Qing Si suggested, looking at Su Yan. 

"I don't see a problem with that Leiji. We will need time to bring any hopeful young ladies up to speed anyway. And… It looks like there's only one young woman here." Su Yan said looking at the young woman from Azure Void Cave Heaven. "There are, after all, many intricacies to marrying my darling boy that I must make sure you understand. If you aren't comfortable with any of them then it's best you give up." She continued, this time addressing the young woman directly. 

The young woman was still in a trance as she stared at Huo Lei, Xiu Che and myself. Her cheeks were slightly flushed. And the expression she wore… Well it made what she was thinking about clear as day. A few moments went by and then she seemed to realize the room had been waiting for her to respond for a little while. 

"Qing Ning, are you alright?" Elder Hong asked, turning to his enthralled disciple. 

"Huh, Oh… Uh yes Master. I was just… I…" Qing Ning stammered, then made a decision at that moment. "Palace Mistress Su Yan, I'd love to have a long discussion. But, can I ask…" She said, addressing Su Yan, she knew her name from talks with her master before this. 

Su Yan smiled and giggled. "What is it? Don't be shy, just ask." She said giving permission to ask her directly. 

"Right, would it be possible for us to talk with Young Master Yang and Junior Sisters there? After seeing such a breathtaking display I want to hear more stories. Even if, in the event…" Qing Ning asked, explaining her reasoning as her body quivered ever so slightly. 

"Pfft, I don't think that would be a problem. But seeing as how time is short for now. Let us have the discussion tomorrow as my son wanted." Su Yan smiled. 

"Yes! Thank you so much for this. I wouldn't want a potential new woman to take time away from my husband and I when I'm married. I'd like it even less being that woman. So I completely understand and harbor no ills." Qing Ning replied bowing respectfully. Then she turned toward me. "However, I can't let everything be unsaid. I'll admit, when I heard that my prospective husband was a young great emperor there was a small part of me that was apprehensive about the idea. After seeing you, Young Master Yang, today… You are everything a woman like myself wishes for in their husband to be, to have." She continued placing a hand over her heart. 

The room was now quite excited about what was happening. It's rare for things like this to happen in the presence of so many important people. Smiles was still smiling and giggling. Su Yan was sizing Qing Ning up, with a pleased smile on her face. 

It was also at this time that our guests from Thunderclap Hall Great Territory had come in. More specifically it was the Hall Master and his daughter, Lei Xue. The son, Lei Fan, was behind them panting as if he had been trying to stop them, to no avail. All arriving just in time… Or rather… The wrong time.

"Young Master Yang Leiji, my heart has been beating faster ever since I first laid eyes upon you, but now it beats hotter. I Qing Ning, 3rd Disciple of Azure Void Cave Heaven's Elder Hong, declare I have fallen in love with you. No other man would do." Qing Ning declared, breathing steadily and her cheeks almost glowing a pale red.

"Oh my, Husband, you've made another woman fall for you. What are you going to say to her?" Xiu Che giggled, teasing me slightly. 

"It's only fair I respond. That was quite the declaration, I'm impressed. Not just any woman could so boldly declare their love for someone. And so, I'll say this. You've earned yourself some hope of fulfilling that new goal you've got." I said with a confident smile. 

Huo Lei and Xiu Che, having already known what the response would be for such a bold declaration, let go of me. Each of them eyeing Qing Ning with their thoughts completely in the gutter. Even going as far as to undress Qing Ning in their minds making estimates as to where she would stand as a sister wife. They had already accepted her as one by this point. 

I walked over to Qing Ning slowly to add to the effect. Qing Ning was quickly growing more flushed with every step I took. However, she seemed to still be of a stable mind. Or in other words, she could properly balance her emotions and actions. I had now reached the point where I stood right in front of her. I was a bit taller than her so I looked down into her glistening eyes. 

"With what you said just now, I know for certain that you'll find the discussion tomorrow to be nothing more than a formality. For in your heart you already know that nothing could stop you from loving me." I said, as I gently Stroked her hair back. 

"Hus… Yes. I want nothing more than to call you Husband." Qing Ning blushed, correcting herself. 

"Hmm. Tell you what… if you manage to call me by that title right here right now, I'll kiss you." I said, which shocked everyone aside from my wives, mothers and my father. Whom were all laughing at the shocked faces. 

Qing Ning's eyes widened with wonder and intrigue. "Then, that would mean… You'd consider me yours from now on?" She asked, I nodded. "Husband, I lov…" She said as I shut her up with a kiss just as promised. And not a simple peck on the lips, one that made her wrap her arms around my neck.