Betrothal Gift

"Wow, I can say this, I wasn't expecting this outcome… At least not so fast anyway." Elder Hong chuckled, leaning his head back slightly to look at the ceiling. "I really did find the right man for her." He smiled as his laughter came down to a small giggle. 

Qing Ning, was not shy about reciprocating the kiss she just got. It was like everything had been built up behind a dam. And once she got the taste of it, the flood gates cracked. And just as she was practically begging for… More physical contact. She remembered where we were and stopped herself from going further. "I…" She said in a soft voice. 

"Well then, I think it's as good as confirmed. But there is one thing left to be unresolved…" Azure Land Divine Monarch said, noting the incredibly obvious. 

"Very well, personally, I've never been a fan of overly ornate presents. It always felt a bit… Fake to me. Like, why go so hard with decoration instead of the actual gift itself. To me, a betrothal gift is one that should reflect the meaning and depth of such a relationship. And if I start it off like that… Well I wouldn't be serious about it. So, for starters, open your small universe. You'll receive one of the greatest things I can do, first hand." I said, explaining my thoughts. 

"Son! You don't mean you're going to do that, do you?" Yang Kai exclaimed, slightly shocked. "Do you know what will happen when the others here find out? You'll have even more requests. By the dozens from all the forces." He continued, making sure I knew the stakes. 

"I understand all of that, but father. What we stand to gain is absolutely more important than any small matter like that. Besides, It's not like I can do it every day. It takes quite a bit of effort after all." I chuckled, rubbing the back of my wearing a smile. 

"Hmm, is it something you can only do while inside another's Small Universe?" Azure Land Divine Monarch asked. 

"Not really… But if not then we need to leave Star Boundary first. And even then I'd prefer as few people to know about it as possible. Once I get the full set of something… Then it will be as easy as tossing a token or something their way. Oh, of which I'll give you some of those to use as well." I answered. 

The Divine Monarch stared at me while he thought about it. He then let out a sigh and nodded. "Very well then, come on." He said, opening a gate to his small universe. 

~ Inside the Divine Monarch's Small Universe ~

I looked around, searching for the right spot. And then I found it. "This is exactly the spot I need to do this. Alright, be prepared, you're gonna feel a slight discomfort and then a massive relief." I said, seriously. 

"Alright, but first… How did you find the foundation of my Small Universe so fast?" Azure Land asked, using the ambiance of the environment to speak to me. 

"Pfft, it wasn't that hard to be completely honest. I'm very good when it comes to this sort of thing. You could consider it one of my many gifts." I chuckled. "Alright, ready for the gift?" I asked with a deep breath. 

"Yes, whenever you're ready. And I'll take you back out whenever you need." Azure Land confirmed his side.

"Excellent. Come Transparent Soaring Cloud!" I shouted, pulling out a small portion of the Transparent Soaring Cloud. "And now, hold this." I said shoving a bolt of my Chaos Lightning inside the cloud. 

What happened next was quite similar to the barrier around my Small Realm. The only difference was the anchor for this was the cloud, not myself. After several super massive thunderstorms had wreaked havoc generating the lightning. With each layer formed a sense of protection filled the Small Universe. 

Where the lightning had struck down on the ground, scaring the land, had rapidly been healing. And a sense of might one could only sense if they had the talent for it, or if this was their world. Azure Land let me out of his Small Universe after it was over. 

~ The Meeting Hall ~ 

"Hmm, you seem to be sweating something fierce. Good thing I limited the output then." I said, looking at the Supreme Elder with a sort of inquisitive look. "How do you feel now though? Invincible to the Ink Force of Territory Lords and below I'd imagine." I asked, laughing a bit. 

"Indeed, what you just gave me was nothing short of amazing. And you're right, this isn't something a pitiful box could contain." Azure Land chuckled, inspecting himself closely. "Which is why… I hesitate to say this but…" He continued after a moment. 

I raised my hand to stop him. "I already know. You should consider that part of it. After all, the Supreme Elder is the anchor of the force. If you are strong enough the force won't go down without one hell of a fight." I said, shaking my head to indicate that it was alright. "The rest of the gift will be presented in a manner you are more familiar with." I smirked. "And do consider this, your force made the effort to take the trip here… So a trip to deliver things there… Wouldn't be normal. But we will do one anyway, Sometime after I've fully refined the Earth Element. I'd like to do it sooner but… I'm on quite the time crunch with quite a lot riding on my ability. Wasting time isn't ideal." I said, rubbing my chin. "However, I will still present you with these." I continued, having several stacks of gifts that I'd been preparing for a while. When you have a father who can basically order you to marry two women of his choosing, it's best to be prepared. 

At this time I also pulled out a Jewelry box. Huo Lei and Xiu Che came walking up next to me. I opened the box to present the Jewelry that all of my wives wear. A pair of blue silver earrings, complete with a necklace of a matching design. Huo Lei and Xiu Che picked up an earring each, with a smile looking into Qing Ning's eyes.