Adorning Qing Ning

"Sister Qing Ning, this set of jewelry will signify your marriage to Husband. As well as our sister wife. As Husband's second wife, I am acknowledging you as part of our family." Xiu Che said, putting the earring she had picked up on Qing Ning's left ear. Then gave Qing Ning a heartfelt kiss on the lips with a little bit of tongue. "And with that, you're my family." Xiu Che smiled. 

"Sister Qing Ning, I'm our husband's first wife, Huo Lei." Huo Lei started, her tails giving away her excitement, which seemed to ease Qing Ning's rattled mind. "This earring is made by Husband, from Husband. With it, you'll have him wherever you go, or he goes. Take it as a symbol of love from our Husband. And as a statement of joining our family, an acknowledgement of your status as my sister wife." Huo Lei explained, as she put the earring on Qing Ning's right ear. 

This time Qing Ning was prepared… Or so she thought, Huo Lei smiled as if waiting for something. Then Qing Ning realized, it must be the sister wives who initiate the kiss towards Huo Lei in this situation. So Qing Ning went for it. And the two kissed quite a bit, impassioned for a moment. Until it was over of course. 

"I'm glad you figured that out. Now here is your welcome kiss." Huo Lei giggled and went in for another kiss with damn near the same passion a man shows his woman. Her tails beating back and forth all the while. 

"Mhmm, it's an odd custom… But, I can't say I hate it… 1st Sister Lei, thank you for this. I truly love Husband. And I can feel his love coursing through me from these earrings. They are truly beautiful." Qing Ning said, gently touching them with a caressing touch. 

"Pfft, sister Ning, don't you worry, that's just a sample. Husband still has that to adorn you with." Huo Lei giggled with a happy smile. 

"Qing Ning, I'm the type of man to appreciate the bold declaration of affection. Such a trait is desirable. As it confirms one of the most important things a man could hope for in the woman to be his wife, but more than that, the woman to be mother of his children. It proves that my children would be lucky to have a mother like that." I explained, walking up close with the necklace in hand. Wrapping it around Qing Ning, adorning her chest with it. 

In that moment Qing Ning felt a surge of emotion. The overwhelming sense of love and protection that filled her was nothing short of amazing. A tear came to her eye when she realized just how accurate what Huo Lei had said about the earrings simply being a taste of what was to come. I wiped the tear away with the back of my knuckle. 

"Husband, this… You have this much love for me, even though I'm not the first or even second. It's so… I love you." Qing Ning said, holding any tears back. As she kissed me with a passion that made the sun look dim. 

"Of course I do. You're my wife all the same. It's only right A man should love his wife. An ideal I got from my father." I said, with a comforting embrace. "They say that men and women shouldn't be like this in public. I adamantly disagree with this. For if one can not openly show their affection for another, it could call into question if that love is real. Which is something I absolutely refuse to allow. No one should be able to question the love I have for any of my wives or the love between them." I explained. "Family is always what's most important. And I'm glad that you found me." I added. 

"So am I by the way." Huo Lei smiled, adding her point of view. "Having more sisters means more children. And we all swore to treat Husband's children as our own. Being a mother to them all regardless of who their birth mother is. Oh I can hardly wait." She continued. 

"Then… If you'd allow it, I'd like to help you as much as possible. I'm quite eager to see the little ones as well. With Husband's looks, all of them will be adorable." Qing Ning said, with a bright expression. 

"Pfft, sister Ning, you're going to fit right in. No trouble at all. We tease Husband about that quite often." Xiu Che giggled. 

"I imagine we will." Qing Ning replied, doing so with words that confirmed she felt like she belonged with us. 

Luo Ting He was changing position in her seat. It was as if she had finally come back to terms with herself and fully realized the depth of what she just saw. "A love so pure, strong and deep that he can make a woman fall for him just like that. Now they are married. Makes me wonder what our forces' main Daos are for then? If we have to cultivate such levels from a young age…" She mused. 

"Don't worry too much about that, my son is just exceptional. It's not the same as our cultivation techniques." Smiles began explaining. "The methods practiced in Yin-Yang Paradise are meant for anyone to grow to such an extent, even the hopeless could have a chance at love with those methods. It only makes sense that against something that is felt so deep in the soul the very moment one falls in love with him… That is his own special trait." She continued. 

Su Yan, pulling a page out of my book, basically teleported over to us. "So, my new daughter. Tomorrow, you'll all come by the main house. I want to get to know you better." Su Yan smiled, hugging Qing Ning. "If my son accepts you like this, then I have no worries. I'd just be a horrible mother if I wasn't there for my children." She explained. 

"Then, Mother, I look forward to getting to know you. And all the stories you can tell." Qing Ning smiled, hugging Su Yan back. The two in a Mother Daughter hold for a moment. 

"Alright, then you go now and greet your sisters. I'm sure they will be excited to meet you as well. After all, my Son will only marry a woman if he feels they will love being with him and each other." Su Yan explained, releasing Qing Ning.