Dao of Time Book

"Mother, it's such a sweet thing to call someone. Thank you for accepting my feelings." Qing Ning said, tearing up slightly but managing to hold them back for now. 

"Let's go now, I can't wait to show you the house! It's amazing and all our own." Huo Lei said, taking Qing Ning by the hand leading her away. 

"Wait, we have to leave properly." Qing Ning said, as she was tugged along. 

"Don't worry about it, go have fun Ning'er. Young man, I've entrusted her to your care. Be sure to treat her well." Elder Hong said, giving permission as Qing Ning and Huo Lei ran out of the hall. 

"Worrying about that with me… Hmm, you took good care of her." I said, cupping my hands respectfully. "Forgive me but, this is the best my position allows me in this Palace. Perhaps you can take this and enjoy a conversation or two with some friends. Talking all about your beloved disciple." I added placing a jug of my specialty in Elder Hong's hands. "With that, I hope you won't stay worried for long. After all, it would take a Royal Lord to kill me." I chuckled, then turned to bow to my father. "I'll have to trouble you with the rest, father." I said before vanishing once again as if I was never there to begin with, taking Xiu Che with me as well.

"That boy is something else. First he says he doesn't care for the overly ornate, then goes and gives this stack of valuables… Just how rich is he exactly? This is all from him, not from the family?" Azure Land asked, looking at Yang Kai, who has now taken his seat again with a sigh.

"Indeed, it's from him. I take it that he wants to be prepared if I ever force him to marry. He likes to be prepared like that. And my daughter in laws never mind adding another sister to their numbers." Yang Kai explained. "I will of course prepare you a gift as well. But please do wait for a little while. With my wedding going on, that is what the focus of this month should be." He added. 

"Oh, no need to worry about that. I was simply impressed that a lone young master could think this far ahead. There's enough resources here to ensure we can train several more disciples of varying strengths. But most of all that book there. It gives off a powerful time dao fluctuation. Is it perhaps written by your hand Junior Brother?" Azure Land said, pointing to the stack of gifts that filled the room. "And then to top that off, he gave me a gift that I highly doubt the ability of anyone else doing anything even remotely similar." He continued. "I couldn't possibly ask for anything else." He sighed, satisfied with the result. 

"Well, there may be a few young men in our Azure Void, that won't like it when Qing Ning's marriage is announced…" Elder Hong mentioned, taking a look at the book and just as he was about to touch it. Yang Xue and Yang Xiao came flying in to stop him from touching it. "Huh? Is there something wrong with the gift?" He asked, confused. 

"Big brother, this book! Did my little nephew actually write it?" Yang Xue asked, quickly and loudly. 

"I'd imagine so. Why? Is there something wrong with it? I doubt he'd make a mistake like that. And I don't sense anything off about it either." Yang Kai answered. 

"Uh, no there's nothing wrong with it. Just make sure no one below the 6th rank even touches that thing. The strength of the dao left in there was so high I came running out of seclusion." Yang Xue said. 

Then Xu Yi came in and casually picked up the book. "Apologies in advance. My senior brother can be a little careless when it comes to instructions on things like this. While I'm sure you could figure it out… Hmm." He said, reading the whole thing. "Yep, I was right. This book is meant for the ones who study those pillars. It should be safe for them to read with no issues. Regardless of their Realm. Isn't that right brother?" He explained, sensing the fluctuation of my return. 

"Indeed, apologies, I returned when I sensed my aunt moving at blinding speeds. The book is safe for anyone to handle. It reacts equally to the user. It may have a ton of power behind it. But it's safe enough for mortals to read." I explained with a nervous chuckle. 

"So what was the intent behind the book?" Elder Hong asked, straightforwardly. 

"Oh, well I figured if you gave that book to a disciple that showed great promise in regards to the small world creation method. It would allow them to have something to stay with them as they grew. Some small piece of those nostalgic times to carry with them forever, until it is eventually passed on to the next generation." I explained. 

"It was that simple…" Xu Yi stammered, placing the book back down. "Forgive me then, for assuming you would give them something dangerous." He said. 

"Oh no worries, it's only natural to be worried when you sense something off." I chuckled. "Perhaps, if Elder Hong took the book and put the Cave Heaven's seal on it so only the disciples of your force can sense it." I suggested, then started to vanish again. "Oh, congratulations on the baby aunty!" I smiled before completely disappearing. 

"Little sis…" Yang Kai started speaking in a stern tone. 

"Ah, uhm… Yes, big brother." Yang Xue said nervously, while Yang Xiao was sweating enough to refill the ocean two times over. 

Yang Kai gave them both a stern stare, then sighed. "I won't be helping you to explain this to mother and father. But, I will wish you good luck." He said after some awkward silence passed. "Xu Yi, where are the other two… Never mind. You may go unless you have something else." He finished, though he was in a bad mood now. 

"I have nothing else at the moment, master. Other than… Did I see this right? Did Junior Brother marry again?" He asked. 

"Indeed he did. You shouldn't compare yourself to him. I don't even do that." Yang Kai chuckled, feeling slightly less moody.