Breathtaking Audacity

Another heavy silence descended upon them, but it lasted shorter than the first.

Hearing that question, Elena felt like a breath got stuck in her throat. Regardless, she restrained her emotions as she came clean with her response.

"I used to cry almost every night for a year after that night. But now, I am fine. I don't regret it anymore."

There was a reason Elena finally collected herself, but that secret will forever remain with her for as long as possible.

Mark studied her facial expression in a bid to catch any conflicting emotions on her face. But when he found nothing but sincerity in her eyes, he sighed in relief as he thought her to be a woman of refreshing candour.

Mark reached for his cutlery while cutting his gaze between her and the silverware. "I really would have considered you to be lying if you had said you didn't regret what happened that night."

He cleaned them with the neatly wrapped napkin lying at his lefthand side and continued, "No woman would want to share her first-time experience with a stranger she wasn't sure of meeting again. At least, none that I know of."

Elena's attention was divided between his words and another thought that occupied her mind. 'Does he actually care about me?'

From his curiosity to the questions he asked and down to his reactions, she could fully attest to how genuine his concern was. But why would he do that?

She wanted to know his reasons but she couldn't ask.

Unaware of her thoughts, Mark finished, "Anyway, I am here to take responsibility for my actions. Five years is not really a long time, so I owe you something worthwhile. If you need anything, do not hesitate to tell me. You have my contact number, take advantage of it." Letting his gaze fall back on the table of dishes, he managed a smile. "Let's eat."

Following his lead, Elena picked up her cutlery. Unlike him, she didn't feel the need to wipe down on the silverware before plunging them into her food.

If not for anything, she was grateful he was feeding her before sending her back to her apartment. For her, that was the highlight of their meeting today.

A few minutes into munching their food, Mark tried to confirm if Elena was enjoying it. "Is the food to your taste?"

"Yes. I am giving a total of 5-star rating."

"I'm glad we agree on that. There is a reason this restaurant has two Michelin stars after all."

Elena's jaw dropped in shock. "What?" Did he just ask her to review a restaurant that had a whooping two Michelin stars?

Elena felt her confidence plumate and her brain freeze in shock as her heart went into cardiac arrest.

Right at this moment while staring at the man with a grin on his face, she felt that he left his sanity somewhere right outside their private room.

"Your audacity is breathtaking," she breathed, shook her head and refused to spare him another glance.

What did she expect from the billionaire bachelor from the 0.1 per cent of the 1 per cent wealthiest families in city H? Of course, he had to have that much audacity. And probably, that prank didn't mean anything to him but for her, that was like taking a huge leap of faith.

Who was she to review a top restaurant like that? As far as she was concerned, her opinion wasn't needed.

In regards to her response, Mark growled in satisfaction while puffing out his chest with pride. "Of course, my audacity is breathtaking." He laughed, his gaze flicking to his food.

He forked a piece of Masa Toro with caviar before sending it into his mouth. "Do you know how long I had to train for it?" he asked with amusement in his eyes.

"Your entire life?" she guessed while shooting him a glance. She thought that as he was born and brought up in a wealthy family, the rich-people confidence must have sunk into his bloodstream and bone marrow.

Even if he was to go broke now, that nature will remain abiding in him till everlasting. That was an actual fact.

"Bingo!" Mark pointed his fork to her and watched her shake her head before continuing with her food.

If there was one thing he was glad about, it was the fact that Elena was finally reacting and communicating with him. She was beginning to loosen up. That was a wide-margin progress worthy of clinking glasses.

As if to appreciate her tremendous effort in relating with him, he picked up his wine glass and held it in the air while motioning for her to do the same.

As soon as she lifted her glass, he said with a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, "To a wonderful reunion."

Without batting an eye, he drank from his wine glass while watching Elena like a hawk, waiting for her to drink from her glass as well. Seeing that she had no choice with that gaze attempting to penetrate her thoughts, Elena sipped her wine and placed the glass back on the table.

Mark nodded in satisfaction and went on with his food. He never disturbed her again until the waiters walked in to clear their leftovers, leaving the remaining bottle of wine and their glasses with them.

"Will you be driving?" Elena inquired while twirling her wine glass elegantly.

Mark caught her brief gaze on him while he was drinking from his glass. And understanding the direction of her thoughts, he felt the need to explain. "This wine doesn't contain alcohol."

Elena gave him a side glance as if in doubt.

"Fine." A deep sigh fell off his lips as he relented. "This wine is hundred percent grapefruit. Just a tiny bit was used for preservation. Apart from that, it's perfect."

Hearing his explanation, she finally averted her gaze. Now he was saying the truth.

"Don't worry, I won't drive after taking any alcohol. There is so much I still have left to accomplish." And Just when Elena was starting to take him seriously, he had to add, "And I'm not done having fun."

Mark Wang was indeed who he really thought himself to be.