A Gift From Him

By the time Elena and Mark stepped out of the restaurant and got into the car, it was several minutes past 9 PM.

The drive back to Elena's neighbourhood was smooth sailing and quiet. If anything more, it was exciting.

Just sitting in a cool car listening to a piece of music that was soothing to the soul was more than enough for Elena to be excited. She enjoyed the peace and calm atmosphere Mark created for her.

Elena got to witness Mark's driving skills after watching him manoeuvre through traffic. Thankfully, he didn't make her feel the need to fear for her life.

Some minutes later, the sports car pulled over in front of the apartment building.

"Thank you," Elena said while unclasping the seatbelt.

"Hold on." Mark touched her arm, causing her movements to still. Then he quickly leaned towards the steering wheel and let his hands pat the space near his legs.

'Is he… looking for something?' Elena thought as her gaze carefully studied his position. But just when she was letting her imagination do all the work, she saw him straighten his back with a fancy bag sitting on his thigh.

The bag and the logo on it were familiar. It belonged to Deluxe Store.

"Here." Mark smiled while handing the fancy bag to her. Elena blinked her eyes repeatedly with surprise glittering in them. "Is this the same item I packaged for you at the store?" she inquired.

She recognized the fancy bag, the size and every detail on it. She was usually this much attentive, thus she was sure the item inside it was the Saint Laurent medium bag she helped him pick from the store earlier that day.

Could he have gotten it for her?

Elena's thoughts flashed back to the scene that played at the store when he picked her to be his shopping assistant.

~Flashback Starts~

Mark requested a limited-edition bag and Elena led him towards the shelf where the items were kept away.

When they got there, he stood beside her as she pointed at the few limited-edition designer bags lined up in the showcase glass.

"Which one do you prefer?" he had inquired without meeting her gaze.

Despite being confused about the reason he would want to know her preference over the bag he wanted to purchase, she went ahead to ask a few questions after he explained that he wanted her opinion as a woman.

She asked about the age of the giftee to which he replied that she was of the same age as her. Taking that information into account, Elena had ended up picking that Saint Laurent medium white college monogrammed chain bag.

"Girls my age will appreciate this chevron-quilted leather," she had said while handing the bag out for him to have a look at which he never reached out to take.

~Flashback Ends~

'Mark made her pick the bag he was gifting her?' Elena stared wide-eyed at him. Never in her wildest imagination did she think she would receive something from him the way he planned.

And she remembered him saying something like 'This should be fine as it is your recommendation' just before she led him to the cash counter.

While Elena was lost in her own little world, Mark pushed the thick paper bag into her hands. "Yes," he answered. "So, you have no reason to reject it since you carefully picked it out yourself."

"But…" She stumbled over her next words, giving Mark the opportunity to shut her up for good. "Elena, don't reject a gift from me."

Flashing her a smile, he added, "Thank you for allowing me to dine with you." He was calling it a night here.

It was then that Elena was reminded of the person she was with. Mark Wang. He was not just the man she had a one-night stand with.

"Thank you," she managed to say and handed him his suit jacket before pushing the door open. She got out along with her bag and the new item from him.

"Good night, Elena." Mark waved at her with pure unfiltered joy. "Good night," Elena nodded, then turned her back to him and walked towards the entrance of the building without turning to look behind.

Mark sat in his car and watched until she disappeared into the building before driving away. On the road, he put a call through to Eric.

As soon as the call connected, Mark heard the heavy sigh of relief that Eric let into the phone. "I have been waiting for your call." Knowing that he was still with Elena, he didn't call instead, he has been waiting for his.

"I just dropped Elena off," Mark explained with his eyes on the road.

"Oh wow! I believe you had fun," Eric teased. "Would you mind briefing me?"

Mark smiled and slowed down as the red light turned up on the traffic light plate. "I really do mind."

"Brother, don't forget that I run errands for you," Eric reminded with a tinge of annoyance mixed with impatience in his tone.

He was curious about how his date with Elena went.

Mark was silent for a moment before saying to him, "When we meet. But don't expect the full details."

"That's fine by me." Eric agreed as humour returned to his tone. "Don't forget that you have to get back to the old house today. Mum is beginning to probe. I just got off the phone with her. I told her we were at a party."

"Thanks. I'm glad you always know what to say."

"So, are you coming back to the old house?" Eric probed.

"Why not?" Mark put the car in drive as soon as the lights changed to green. "I'm on my way now." Eric quickly interjected, "Let's meet at the gate. We are supposed to drive in together, remember?"


10:09 PM.

Two exotic cars, a black Bugatti Chiron and a red Ferrari drove into the massive estate through big armoured gates.

The streetlights that were stationed within ten footsteps from each other on the grassland, lighted their paths in addition to the lights from their headlamps.

At a steady pace, the two cars drove into an underground parking lot and parked side by side amongst other expensive cars there.

"We should go out more often, this is fun," Eric smiled while locking his car door.

"You are saying that only because you like car racing," Mark stepped out of his car and smoothened his suit jacket. He could still smell Elena's perfume on the jacket, a soft sensual floral scent.

Eric went over to his side and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "You know me too well, brother." Then the two brothers climbed the small stairs to join a hallway that connected to the annexe of the huge building.