Someone Who Understood Her

"Ma, don't let her have her way. I don't know where she picked up this act of being picky with food," Elena pleaded to her mother.

Thinking about her daughter's eating habits, Elena was distressed. Most toddlers of Mia's age ate anything and everything given to them as long as it was food, but her daughter was very picky. And if care was not taken, she would end up not eating anything in a day.

'Where did she get this trait from?' Elena thought to herself as the scene from the restaurant played in her head, but right then, her daughter's voice pulled her back.

"Mummy, that's what I want to eat!" Mia whined. Her baby-fat face scrunched up in a frown. Unfortunately, her attempts to look annoyed, proved abortive as she looked nothing short of adorable.

"Honey, having fried chicken for breakfast is not healthy. Why don't you think of something else you would want to eat now? Oats are not bad by the way…" Elena suggested while trying to get the little girl to take her mind off her unhealthy choice for breakfast.

But who was Mia? She was a toddler who wanted what she asked for.

Seeing the little girl sitting on her thighs about to throw a big fit, Marie quickly placed her hand on her shoulder to comfort her before looking into the phone to meet Elena's gaze.

"Elena, I think we should indulge her for today. She hardly eats anything. Since she finally craves something she would love to eat, let her have it. I really pity my poor baby. She looks healthy, but no one knows she selects food."

Elena rolled her eyes tiredly. "I guess I should be grateful she looks healthy and have an appetite." She released a deep sigh before giving her permission for her little toddler to have whatever she wanted for breakfast.

Mia was very excited and thanked her while blowing kisses to her, prompting Marie to let out a hearty laughter. "I guess she learned this from you."

It was a difficult task to handle a toddler. Elena looked exhausted already from having just one conversation with her.

"Yes," She admitted. She could remember how she used to blow her mother kisses after getting her way. Her daughter was really smart enough to pick up favourable tactics.

After the matter about the breakfast had died down, Marie distracted the little girl by making her go to the bedroom to get something for her.

As soon as the little girl left, she turned her full attention to Elena. "It's time for Mia to start going to kindergarten. You are not here anymore and that means her home-schooling has stopped. Do you want me to look for a school here or…"

Elena quickly stopped her, "No, Ma. It's fine. I will take care of it." She had other plans.

"How?" Marie probed. She wanted to have a frank conversation with her daughter and know what her plans were for her toddler.

"When I finish getting settled here, I will start walking out plans for you and Mia to move. I want her to go to a good school here. She deserves the best."

Elena's tone was firm. She wanted her daughter to get the best of everything. While growing up, her father made sure she never lacked anything so, she was not about to let her daughter suffer. She would make sure everything works out at the end.

"Are you going to take up more jobs to make that happen?" Marie probed. She was well aware of her daughter's financial state. She was in no state to afford everything she just mentioned.

Was she going to steal or sell herself to make that work?

Elena was silent. She had the notion that her mother would never understand her no matter what she said, but she at least had to say something anyways otherwise she would look like she is not confident.

"Ma, I need you to believe in me. Give me some weeks to focus on what I'm working out, and I will get back to you on it. I promise you that I would never sell myself for money."

"I know you would never do something like that," Marie sighed. "I am only worried that you might be taking things too far on the quest to make us comfortable."

Hearing her mother's response, a small smile played on Elena's lips. She was relieved that she had someone that understood her.

"Don't worry, I am perfectly fine," she assured her.

"But don't you think it would be best if Mia and I continue to live here while you send in money for her upkeep and visit when you can?" Marie suggested, giving it a try in convincing her to not be burdened by responsibilities.

"No." Elena was adamant and refused to give way. She was insistent on giving her mother and her daughter the comfort they deserved.

Silence ensued, but it did not last for long as the cheerful toddler came running over with her grandmother's shawl.

Elena spoke to her daughter again and promised to call back later that evening before bidding them goodbye and blowing kisses at them.

"Mia, make sure you listen to grandma," she had reminded her daughter before disconnecting the call.

A deep sigh escaped Elena's lips as she covered her face with her hands. She was feeling all sorts of emotions after speaking with her beloved little family.

She was happy at the reminder that she wasn't alone in this world, and at the same time, she was burdened by the responsibility on her shoulders.

It was not easy being a single mother with a not-so-good-paying job, and things would have been worse for her if she didn't have her mother. Maybe, life would have been more difficult for her than she ever imagined it to be.

Elena felt a little relief wash over her as she moved her hands from her face. No matter what comes her way, she had to be happy that she still had a family to look back to.

Elena thinks that she really needs to seek Mark's help as soon as possible and she begins to look forward to his call.

Unbeknownst to her, he was aware she needed his help and was waiting for her to approach him by herself.